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Posts posted by kamoh

  1. Okay, then don't bitch at me about Bison or the game or my playstyle after my matches. And this comment is not pointed at any single person.

    + I lost to Kamoh in an anti-Bison rematch. My Sagat was raping for a while, though.

    And for whomever wanted to know what beat my Bison, it was Epic's Honda. He utilized the splash as a great pressure cooker and then kills me with low kick into tick throw over and over. Some might call this "cheap," I just think it's hard to escape/ punish.

    And ,dPaladin, Kamoh doesn't really know how to use CE Bison effectively, so thats probably why you beat him. (No offense to Kamoh)

    This match showed me everytihing I need to know about CE Bison/ this game

    I don't think that I used Bison in my match at all. I'm very lucky to have the 4-8 record that I've got...


  2. see, this is why we do semis and finals in the ag tournament

    And yes dpaladin, we at the ag tournament are about fighting games, but that is just for arcade games. We never touched snes, but since you guys here don't mind, let the assimilation of all fighting games for our tourny commense.

    o! the fgtry.

  3. ^ WTF, epic? haha.

    And I would like to announce that I'm no longer going to use Bison in my matches because it's pissed off everyone who I played against. (Except Epic, cause he's cool like that.)

    Consider it my Easter present to you all.

    I want rematch :o

    Actually I could care less just as long as you beat like everyone else.

    This game is just like you: BROKEN.

    EDIT: Proof = Keegan 3-1 kamoh

  4. After Drack posted his first message above, I launched an instant message campaign to appease him and to TRY and get the Mario Kart tournament rolling along. I would CERTAINLY rather finish that one up, have a legitimate champion, and select the next tournament based on real results, and I said all this to Drack multiple times. I was also going to post all of that in this thread as well, because I didn't want to leave Drack's post out there without a response.

    But instead I went and watched UFC with my cousin, followed by more dubious activities with the lady-friend.

    Not sure how this particularly comes full circle, but if you guys can finish the Mario Kart, have at it. I'll be here tonight waiting for Atmuh and Drack so that I can finally play them (and Atmuh, you're also culpable here because you refused my match requests so many times to "play the bracket in order" when in fact goldenkrnboi was solidly afk).

  5. Don't know how much I'll be able to do but go ahead and sign me up. I can just drop out if things don't work out, right?

    You don't even have to do that - just play what you can and have fun with it :)

    The bracket is only there to ensure that there's a recovery period for players that either come in late or can't play all their games, but still perform very well.

  6. Some keys:

    "Matches" are just one game.

    Use FIVE MINUTE quarters, SUNNY conditions, and a GRASS field.

    You may play ANYONE else in the tournament once, starting NOW.

    I know that I'm in it (i just can't make a table), dPaladin (cnidog) is definitely in too.


    Wins are the first criteria for qualification.

    Losses are the first tiebreaker.

    Ties would intersperse in there somewhere, as half a win and half a loss - TIES COUNT so don't keep playing or something like that.

    Results against tied opponents will LIKELY be the next tiebreaker - if not it will be points differential, then something else to do with points.

    In the playoffs, if a game remains tied after overtime, the higher seed wins (I don't wanna mess with replays or anything).

  7. blech...I'm not big into sports games. At least not professional sports games. NBA Street was cool though.

    TSB is actually very arcade-y. The strategy/skill/luck ratio is pretty even, and you have just about as good of a chance of winning as anyone else.

    I keep telling everyone this - the best sports game is a sports GAME, not a SIMULATION. Tecmo Super Bowl is undoubtedly a game first, and a very fun one at that, with a significant football element.

    Unless we played TSB1, where I would run up the gut on you every time and score 100-0.

  8. I'm up for Tecmo Super Bowl. GO ALL THE WAY 1993 COLTS! Honestly though, I will play anything. I "have" every game.

    If we do TSB, there's a question that has to be asked - which version?

    1) The 1991, NES version, with major incompleteness (but is the competition friendly version).

    2) The 1993, SNES version, which solves the issues from the above game.

    3) The 1995, SNES TSB3, which has the two-point conversion but the gameplay is changed significantly.

  9. Oh, shit. People know where I live now. I feel sort of naked and unprotected. Oh well, at least now I won't have to ask people which server to pick. They should be able to figure it out for themselves.

    Edit: You know, with everyone from different states and coutries, this does feel like a world warrior tournament. We just need some people from Russia or Japan or somewhere far as hell away.


    To lag the shit out of everyone :D

  10. So, is this thing dead?

    I dunno. dPaladin and I talked earlier and I wanted to figure out what game he would pick.

    The most aggravating thing is that we've had playoffs for a while now and just about nothing has actually gotten done - to the point that I'm considering canning the playoffs and telling Mew to make the next thread with whatever we decide to have.

    Drack wants Gundam Wing: Endless Duel

    I want either Mario All-Stars Battle, or a sports title (NHL 94, Super Rugby, or Tecmo Super Bowl).

    dPaladin hadn't really thought about it.

    I think that Atmuh's gone MIA.

    Do we need to make the "playoffs" smaller? Or maybe a pool instead of a bracket?

    All I know is...we were supposed to be doing the next tournament by now, and we're not. This weekend it WILL be posted, and if nobody decides on a game or that they'd like to win the tournament, it's gonna be something I pick.

  11. The peak climactic theme must be this.

    EDIT: To be honest, this might actually work best if you take a bunch of selected OCR tracks and put them to vocals - the concept of remixing a remix is old hat, but as long as the original artists are good with it, a MUSICAL ALBUM PROJECT might not be such a bad plan.

  12. sorry guys. i was way too busy today. therefore, i resign from the playoffs. meaning atmuh will advance to semis.

    (kamoh, you got really lucky. :P)

    I'm very displeased with this. I want to start the next tournament in 24-48 hours, and we've been in the "playoff" stage for a week and a half - furthermore, only one match has truly been played.


    Atmuh vs. kamoh

    dPaladin vs. drack

    winner vs. winner.

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