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Posts posted by kamoh

  1. imagemt0.png

    Since we really don't have a set "championship" going on, I have no problems altering the league format starting next week.

    The goal for me is to make things a little simpler and more hands-off. The control I have in scheduling matches is too much to make a fair decision, so I will be doing something similar to - but not the same as - the round-robin tournament ideas that are running around nowadays.

  2. I got a flukey win in a realatively short halfmatch game where Nemo had the upper hand until the last three moves, and a breakdown on my end went my way. I got my rook to uncover a target spot behind the kingside castle and he just didn't see it in time.

    Great game Nemo :)

  3. 1 game = 5 points?

    bypass rule?

    explain please. Unfortunately, I don't have time to search through old threads to find the answer.

    I've moved the scoring to 5-3-1 for two reasons:

    1) Losing every game OR winning only halfgames will only get you 20% of your maximum score.

    2) 3-2-1 is a little too loss-heavy of a system - I think this is just a little tweak that helps out quite a bit.


    If you cannot find your own scheduled opponent, you may play their OTHER opponent, bypassing them completely (you can also bypass those players until you violate some other rule). Those games will only be validated at the end of the week.

  4. Kamoh and I just played a possible semifinal, and it was very close. We had two draws on the final round. In the end, he beat me 5-4 after I panicked and threw bombs like crazy.

    Imagine the longest round 9 ever.

    OMG crazy.

    Btw he had a 4-2 lead on me, so it took me 6 rounds to comeback :P

  5. Epic can't read this, but the other reason I want 8-man playoffs: I would have gotten a second chance.

    Arek 3-2 kamoh in a VERY VERY tight match that went down to the wire - we even replayed the last round because there was a lag issue when we had 10% health left each.


  6. I won't be taking any more signups past tonight @ 11:59 Eastern Time. This means that Gollgagh, you're in, but you need to show up on AIM to get any points. The round-robin phase ends on May 4th, regardless of whether or not you play. There will be six finalists, and I am suspending the rule that keeps dP from winning for now.

  7. Alright alright fun kids :)

    Play your assigned opponents twice (once as white, once as black).

    Use 10/15 clocks.

    You may play one game unscheduled (called a halfmatch). Decide on a color with your opponent.

    Wins = 5 points, Draws = 3 points, Losses = 1 point.

    Losses will only account for up to 20% of the maximum score.

    Halfmatches will only account for up to 20% of the maximum score.


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