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Posts posted by kamoh

  1. mmmm...Metzy,can we extend the final bracket to include two more active players to encourage em? It'll make it more competitve.

    We could then have a final elimination tourney with 8 players which could be easier. [ random double knockout?] - just a thought. Arghh, need sleep was awake whole night zzzzzzz #@!#@#$!

    - @JD 2900 calories today xD [burp!]

    Well the problem is that there are only about 10 players that are active, so just having six players in the second stage is quite a bit. I'm actually more considering scaling back stage 2 so that it goes a little faster (based on a rule change that takes into account total games played).

  2. i would love to join..as bad as i am at chess

    also someone needs to explain round robin to me (or just direct me to who i have to play against)

    We are currently in the "Open Phase," which is open to everyone. This phase, like all others, is a "Double Round Robin" where you may play everyone else in the phase twice (once as white, once as black). You are encouraged to play, since you get a hefty amount of points even if you lose to everyone, but short of any conspiracies or collusion, nobody will be docked points for not playing.

    Two games against the same opponent should, based on the 10/15 time control, take 30-60 minutes. Take this into account when sitting down to play with an opponent, as you may have to bail after game 1.

    Report points awarded in this thread so I can calculate them on the (soon to be posted) standings sheet.

    And you may start NOW.

  3. imagezp8.png


    OverClocked Remix Chess League

    "Back to School '07" Tournament

    SUIT UP!

    To join the tournament, simply make a new post indicating so in this thread, AS WELL AS posting your AIM screen name (we require AIM for easy matchmaking - no other IM service will be allowed).

    Let's play a little game I like to call...

    We were gone for a minute but now we're back, just as good as (if not better than) ever!...Okay that's not necessarily true, but we're back, and I think that a lot of us are itching for some chess action. Whether you're a veteran who wrecked the tables last time the OCRCL was around, a lovable loser (like myself), or a newb who just wants to have some fun, the chess league is open to anyone and everyone who wishes to play. So join in!

    It's going to be LE-GEN-DARY!

    The OCRCL rewards players for simply engaging in battle with others, unlike cut-and-dry chess tournaments (and a lot of other games for that matter). You receive 3 points for a win, 2 points for a draw, and 1 point for a loss, so even if you aren't that great of a player, you can still take away experience...AND POINTS...from every game you play.

    It's gonna be a thing!

    The tournament's "Open Phase" (a "double-round-robin") begins NOW and continues for four weeks (until September 30th @ 11:59pm EDT). Registration will close one week before that deadline. During the open phase you may play each other player in the tournament twice (once as white, once as black) in order to bolster your spot on the standings table.

    After the Open Phase, a number of players (determined by the number of registered players) will play a two-week double-round-robin, with the top 2 in THAT round facing off in the first-to-four-points final series. The winner is crowned OCRCL champion and will be allowed to determine the fate of the OCRCL...more on that later.

    ...the only weak part of my game, Bob...

    Use Yahoo! Chess for league games, with 10/15 clocks and no "undo turns."

    Please post all results HERE in this thread.

    I update the standings with a visual table pretty regularly - it is always posted near the end of the thread.



  4. I agree that there should be a SHORT mention that many submissions do not follow the submission guidelines and are DJP rejected or No Overrided.

    The revised rules are still 1,200 words. That's almost five term paper pages, without paragraphing (~250 words/page). It'd be nice to try and limit that a LOT so that people can both understand the quality necessary, but also not be daunted by the guidelines size.

    That's what I'm about to do right now (gimme some time).

  5. counter productive


    Is there any way we can keep it so that new competition threads are first created in General then later moved here? Like, have a new compo in general for about two weeks to give it some views by those that don't visit the other sub forums, then move it here to finish it. Having this sub be the new place is worse than have this being a subforum of general.

    Well I'm under the impression that competitions will stay in Community until they end.

    Larry, btw, competitions really need the casual visitor a LOT more than the ReMixing boards do - we have no other rallying point as a community.

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