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Posts posted by kamoh

  1. Come on Kamoh. I'd think by now you'd realize I'm pretty much automatically in all of these.


    (Even though I'm not sure which sf this is. Is it Turbo?)

    1) I have you in the table at the bottom, ready to copy and paste. I just haven't actually copy and pasted you.

    2) It's the anniversary edition "Hyper Street Fighter 2" that came out in 2004.

  2. So speed 2? Speed 3 is tournament standard, but that's cool I guess.

    I think that Arek and EasyP want to keep things default as much as possible to avoid a lot of confusion on the part of participants. I mean, up until last night, some people didn't even know they could access the test menu.

    Slower speed encourages more strategy over twitch movements. The more practiced players on high-speed will just play and do everything fairly automatically, but when you crank the speed down you have to think a little bit more, and that levels the playing field some between the experts and the noobs. APEX and EVO really aren't trying to level the playing field at all - they want the best of the best, and the learning curve for high-speed is a lot higher than it is on low.

    But we have other issues. We're not pros. We're not even in the same room. Lag will end up dictating a lot of things, and this is really what bugs me - YOU can't control how well you connect to your opponent. I mean, I have ping of 5 on fragbox. FIVE lousy milliseconds.

    I wouldn't mind playing on slowest speed (you guys heard my shit about slow low-damage 3/5s in Alpha3), but the default settings really end up being the best. Besides, EasyP and Arek want to have their own Vacaville cock-fest playing the Alpha 3 final, and they can't really do that if they have to ask Scandia for the keys to the cabinet.

  3. You did the website, I know you told me on AIM

    Yeah, some people really need to be unbanned as well (Kamoh, he's running a lot of tournies for god sake, Maco70 he's been around for a while and I don't think anything he said is ban worthy)

    someone set me up the ban!

  4. Sologamer and I played a final-match simulation. That means that if we both win through to the final, this match counts.

    It was odd. It was strange. And on my side terrible.

    Mario Circuit 1: Win for me, handily.

    Mario Circuit 3: Win for me by a longshot.

    Koopa Beach 1: Got him by avoiding two red shells and a late star.

    Bowser Castle 1: Thorough outclassing, 1/2 lap victoly.

    This is where things get hairy.

    Ghost Valley 2: I go in thinking "hey, it's in the bag, I'm good at ghost valley."


    I got summarily destroyed by both myself and Solo. And again. And again. And again. Every track I chose, I failed. Some close, some miserably. I always led early and dropped back late, or a quick skirt gets me here or there.

    Major props to Solo for picking up the win.


    Also, goldenkrnboi defeats me in a back and forth 5-3 decision. My future is in the hands of Atmuh now.

    GLHF134340 to all!

  5. Thesampsons18 (09:00:40 pm): PUT ME BACK AT 2nd

    Thesampsons18 (09:00:43 pm): brb playing easyp

    metzgerism (09:01:09 pm): fuck you I'm playing bingo

    I accepted the Arek/EasyP match for standings since he told me about it before 9pm (on my clock here - the compy clock le-sucks).

    EasyP 2-0 Arek

    Assuming nothing crazy when I make it official when I get home tonight:

    (1) EasyP - 137

    (2) Arek the Absolute - 125

    (3) Hemophiliac - 107

    (4) Broken - 105

    (5) kamoh - 074

    (6) Epic Poster - 064

    Atmuh picked the number 3. 3 means that we go with the "evens-odds" seeding system. Finals are as follows:


    (3) Hemophiliac vs. (5) kamoh

    (4) Broken vs. (6) Epic Poster


    (1) EasyP vs. (3/5) Hemophiliac/kamoh

    (2) Arek the Absolute vs. (4/6) Broken/Epic Poster


    (1/3/5) Finalist 1 vs. (2/4/6) Finalist 2

  6. Broken (A-ryu) vs. Oddlama (a-chun/a-ken)


    Fun matches, guy. Hopw your roomates wake up sooner or later.

    Broken (A-ryu) vs. Keegan (a-akuma)


    (pretty close both times Keegan. I didn't expect you to play so aggressively. Not to sound condescending, but you suprised me in a good way.)

    EasyP = 127

    Hemo = 107


    Broken = 105

    Arek = 104

    kamoh = 74

    Epic = 64


    It's totally the fight for second now. Only 100 minutes left, too :)

  7. Whoo, 14th out of... 17... And that's only because a few didn't even play... Well, I did as well as was reasonably possible, so yeah, go me.

    Someone damn well better pick an SNK game next time, 6-button Capcom fighters are too hard to play on a normal keyboard.

    Last night I suddenly had a love affair with Samurai Shodown, I think that'd be a fun one to do.

    Does anyone have this rom?

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