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Everything posted by kamoh

  1. I hate triple posting but this thing needs to get front-paged whenever possible. It sure looks like we're going to have a contests forum pretty soon, which means major changes to how we do business - at least to a certain degree. Aside from all this, we're still going to have the league restart as planned in about 10 hours. I've got a schedule put together but I may change it in interests of fairness - some players face stiff competition currently. Anyways, bring your friends, la la la. OCRCL restarts tomorrow.
  2. I've got a mod in action to help me out here, but it's aggravating to run a contest or league and need the help of a mod to run everything just the right way.
  3. I can't change the topic, as I had feared. This is a big issue, especially for contest-runners. I can't post deadlines, highlights, results, stuff like that. Is there any way to fix this? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
  4. I'm speeding things up. Reports have been assessed, and I've given Rainman losses cause of Gator Bowl commitments (I assume he's in Florida). Most games have been advanced a fair way, and JD will play salaxzar for the probable title - unless they don't play, and my reports all go through...which they probably will...and I'd win Jessica is also sitting out there with a long way advanced, and will play the winner of Keegan/Bahamut, if that match gets finished. EDIT: BTW you all have 10 hrs, 8 mins to finish the tournament.
  5. -Go balls-out in rugby and aussie rules this season, including getting fit and eating better (I've already cut fast food - now for more). -Less time working on OCRCL. -Give my dingle more tingle...me slow want fast.
  6. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=5669 I threadbrokeded myself. You may want to put the k'bosh on this one. BTW I didn't break the rules... ...at least not literally.
  7. Round 1 (15) damathacus (damathacus) 2, (18) Fionn (tehchoirboy) 0. (16) Grayfox9996 (grayfox9996) 0, (17) Fire (cnidog) 2. Round 2 (1) John Derrilll (johnderrilll) 2, (16) Fire (cnidog) 0. (2) kamoh (metzgerism) 0, (15) damathacus (damathacus) 2. (3) Keegan The Fox (glitchykeegan) 1½, (14) Nemitor_Atimen (linuxwillwin) ½. (4) eppy (darkstar316741) 0, (13) Setz (setzermason) 2. (5) Arek The Absolute (thesampsons18) 0, (12) uranus_4444 (atulkaranth) 2. (6) Rainman DX (rainmandx2) 1½, (11) Bahamut (ilovepsi) ½. (7) ~Jessica~ (jessica290590) 2, (10) Falchion39 (eatinramennaruto) 0. ( Nineko (nineko84) 2, (9) Loning (xloning) 0. Round 3 (15) kamoh (metzgerism) 1½, (17) Grayfox9996 (grayfox9996) ½. (16) Fire (cnidog) 2, (18) Fionn (tehchoirboy) 0. Round 4 (1) John Derrilll (johnderrilll) 2, ( Nineko (nineko84) 0. (2) damathacus (damathacus) 0, (7) ~Jessica~ (jessica290590) 2. (3) Keegan The Fox (glitchykeegan) vs. (6) Bahamut (kingbahamutx). (4) Setz 0, (5) uranus_4444 (atulkaranth) 2 (9) Loning (xloning) vs. (16) Fire (cnidog). (10) Falchion39 (eatinramennaruto) 0, (15) kamoh (metzgerism) 2. (11) Rainman DX (rainmandx2) 0, (14) Nemitor_Atimen (linuxwillwin). (12) Arek the Absolute (thesampsons18) vs. (13) eppy (darkstar316741). Round 5 (5) Setz (setzermason) vs. (11) Nemitor_Atimen (linuxwillwin). (6) vs. (12). (7) damathacus (damathacus) vs. (9). ( Nineko (nineko84) 0, (10) kamoh (metzgerism) 2. Round 6 (1) John Derrilll (johnderrilll) vs. (4) uranus_4444 (atulkaranth). (2) ~Jessica~ (jessica290590) vs. (3). (5) vs. ( kamoh (metzgerism). (6) vs. (7). Round 7 (3) vs. (5). (4) vs. (6). Round 8 (1) vs. (2). (3) vs. (4). Round 9 (2) vs. (3). Round 10 (1) vs. (2). 3-game match - #1 wins if match ends tied.
  8. This is splendid - except that the Dark logo is clouding up my reply screen
  9. It doesn't take a genius to tell me that this doesn't look too hot.
  10. I report these people: Nemitor_Atimen Rainman DX Bahamut Eppy Setz salaxzar
  11. [/obvious Harry Potter jokes] WRONG
  12. 2-0 vs. nineko, schedule updated
  13. Uranus 2-0 Arek. kamoh 2-0 Falchion. Round 1 (15) damathacus (damathacus) 2, (18) Fionn (tehchoirboy) 0. (16) Grayfox9996 (grayfox9996) 0, (17) Fire (cnidog) 2. Round 2 (1) John Derrilll (johnderrilll) 2, (16) Fire (cnidog) 0. (2) kamoh (metzgerism) 0, (15) damathacus (damathacus) 2. (3) Keegan The Fox (glitchykeegan) 1½, (14) Nemitor_Atimen (linuxwillwin) ½. (4) eppy (darkstar316741) vs. (13) Setz (setzermason). (5) Arek The Absolute (thesampsons18) 0, (12) uranus_4444 (atulkaranth) 2. (6) Rainman DX (rainmandx2) ½, (11) Bahamut (ilovepsi) ½. (7) ~Jessica~ (jessica290590) 2, (10) Falchion39 (eatinramennaruto) 0. ( Nineko (nineko84) 2, (9) Loning (xloning) 0. Round 3 (15) kamoh (metzgerism) 1½, (17) Grayfox9996 (grayfox9996) ½. (16) Fire (cnidog) 2, (18) Fionn (tehchoirboy) 0. Round 4 (1) John Derrilll (johnderrilll) 2, ( Nineko (nineko84) 0. (2) damathacus (damathacus) 0, (7) ~Jessica~ (jessica290590) 2. (3) Keegan The Fox (glitchykeegan) vs. (6). (4) vs. (5) uranus_4444 (atulkaranth). uranus_4444 2, Setz 0. (9) Loning (xloning) vs. (16) Fire (cnidog). (10) Falchion39 (eatinramennaruto) 0, (15) kamoh (metzgerism) 2. (11) vs. (14) Nemitor_Atimen (linuxwillwin). (12) vs. (13) Arek the Absolute (thesampsons18). Round 5 (5) vs. (11). (6) vs. (12). (7) damathacus (damathacus) vs. (9). ( Nineko (nineko84) 0, (10) kamoh (metzgerism) 2. Round 6 (1) John Derrilll (johnderrilll) vs. (4). (2) ~Jessica~ (jessica290590) vs. (3). (5) vs. ( kamoh (metzgerism). (6) vs. (7). Round 7 (3) vs. (5). (4) vs. (6). Round 8 (1) vs. (2). (3) vs. (4). Round 9 (2) vs. (3). Round 10 (1) vs. (2). 3-game match - #1 wins if match ends tied.
  14. The Tri-Series thing won't happen for a little while, and it'll be a side-tournament. In the meantime, we return to regularly scheduled league play on Monday. Right now, I'm not sure exactly how I want the format to be - I've considered levels/experience (and even have the dynamic set up). I think that we'll have a permanent record on the docket, retroactive to week 1 in October, using 3-2-1-0 scoring. Anyways.
  15. Same goes for me. Ask yourself... Who are you NOT Reporting?
  16. This one is about to end (deadline was a week and a half ago), but the CHESS LEAGUE starts up again on Monday. Join up and you don't have to register anymore. P.S. You also need an AIM account.
  17. kamoh def. grayfox 1-1-0. Round 1 (15) damathacus (damathacus) 2, (18) Fionn (tehchoirboy) 0. (16) Grayfox9996 (grayfox9996) 0, (17) Fire (cnidog) 2. Round 2 (1) John Derrilll (johnderrilll) 2, (16) Fire (cnidog) 0. (2) kamoh (metzgerism) 0, (15) damathacus (damathacus) 2. (3) Keegan The Fox (glitchykeegan) 1½, (14) Nemitor_Atimen (linuxwillwin) ½. (4) eppy (darkstar316741) vs. (13) Setz (setzermason). (5) Arek The Absolute (thesampsons18) vs. (12) uranus_4444 (atulkaranth). (6) Rainman DX (rainmandx2) ½, (11) Bahamut (ilovepsi) ½. (7) ~Jessica~ (jessica290590) 2, (10) Falchion39 (eatinramennaruto) 0. ( Nineko (nineko84) 2, (9) Loning (xloning) 0. Round 3 (15) kamoh (metzgerism) 1½, (17) Grayfox9996 (grayfox9996) ½. (16) Fire (cnidog) 2, (18) Fionn (tehchoirboy) 0. Round 4 (1) John Derrilll (johnderrilll) 2, ( Nineko (nineko84) 0. (2) damathacus (damathacus) vs. (7) ~Jessica~ (jessica290590). (3) Keegan The Fox (glitchykeegan) vs. (6). (4) vs. (5). (9) Loning (xloning) vs. (16) Fire (cnidog). (10) Falchion39 (eatinramennaruto) vs. (15) kamoh (metzgerism). (11) vs. (14) Nemitor_Atimen (linuxwillwin). (12) vs. (13). Round 5 (5) vs. (11). (6) vs. (12). (7) vs. (9). ( Nineko (nineko84) vs. (10). Round 6 (1) John Derrilll (johnderrilll) vs. (4). (2) vs. (3). (5) vs. (. (6) vs. (7). Round 7 (3) vs. (5). (4) vs. (6). Round 8 (1) vs. (2). (3) vs. (4). Round 9 (2) vs. (3). Round 10 (1) vs. (2). 3-game match - #1 wins if match ends tied.
  18. I'm still keeping your icon as something fire-themed. By the way, everyone, if you want to use a different icon than your avatar (when the league starts up again), that's fine with me. Bahamut, Rainman, and I are currently being represented with our school logos.
  19. And all of you PAY ATTENTION TO THIS. Good for me, bad for you, especially bad for Bahamut.
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