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Chris McGee

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  1. Hi folks. It's been a very long time since I've posted on this website. I've been poking away at this track for a couple weeks. I was hoping to eventually submit it to the site, and I could use some feedback on how it's shaping up. The average production quality on OCR is even higher than it was 15 years ago! Here's a Google Drive link to the WIP: Chris McGee - Southern Swamp Remix and here's the original. Majora's Mask - Southern Swamp (Koji Kondo) Thanks!
  2. I'm doing some serious revisions on my song, as I felt it was lame. So mine might take a little longer than I thought, but I promise the result will be infinately cooler.
  3. WIP Very sorry it's a week late, I've been ridiculously busy with Christmas-related things.
  4. I'm thinking Catfish's Maw - Belly of the Beast That's like the main reason I picked this song lol
  5. Mine's coming along. I might have a wip for this weekend. :/
  6. Just to let you know, I'm still working on my song.
  7. Hey, I'm still interested. Starky, you need to come by the channel more often. EDIT: I'm interested in Catfish's Maw, if it's still available that is.
  8. Uh... how big are the smalls?
  9. Despite my mixing mediocrity, I'll check out the soundtrack and see what I can do. I'd love to help this project in whatever way possible.
  10. That Dain interview was hilarious.
  11. Show tonight? FO REAL?!
  12. 1.5 inch? The snow drifts are 6-feet tall where I live. And don't even get me started on the hills created by snow plows.
  13. Excellent, I've been waiting for this to be posted. Great job working with an original I never thought could be remixed. Funky instruments and percussion. afk.
  14. Oh man, funky stuff... So the guitar is really well played in this. That's a given. The theme is pretty well developped, and the sound quality is top notch. My one gripe is that there's really not much instrumentation other than the guitar and bass. Maybe not zyko's crowning jewel, but a damn fine tune to jam out to nonetheless. 8/10
  15. This is a nice song, but it could really do with a little eq. That bass drum desperately needs to be quieted or at least changed to a better sample.
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