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  1. A 13-year bump. Impressive.
  2. Holy shit, lost these in a hard drive crash and never thought I'd be able to hear them again. Thanks for uploading.
  3. Looks pretty good
  4. Oh nice, I am 100% down for this.
  5. Oh yeah, Technomanga. That name brings back memories.
  6. It's interesting, isn't it? I think 10 to 20 years ago, it was definitely cool to be cruel online. It was probably because anonymity was the norm, and you didn't know who the other person was (and nobody knew who you were). But now that everybody puts their lives online, there's a push to be kinder to each other. I'm not a fan of the reduced anonymity, but it's nice to see everyone try to be a bit less of a jerk. Edit: Oh yeah, some of us grew up too I guess. I'm in my thirties now D:
  7. Today I learned that this is this is what happened to Ormgas
  8. I hope LJU is still around
  9. The Yoshi's Island track is pretty damn great. I need more musical facepunches.
  10. Saw this thread and immediately thought of Fusion. I played it at 15 and was completely unsettled whenever SA-X came around. It's one of the most tense gaming experiences I can remember.
  11. More like foreplay?
  12. It was a silly thing to say. Saying that Pixar movies are too G-rated would likely get you the same reaction. That's probably what you should have said in the first place, since it reflects your preferences more than what could have only been assumed to be a supposed failure on Nintendo's part.
  13. Yes, I would definitely play with something like Nethack + graphical tilesets. It sounds like a pretty awesome idea.
  14. Out-of-Print Archive might be interested. They scan gaming magazines before 2000.
  15. Nothing/Nothing. Good year.
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