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Everything posted by Jenga

  1. Oh no! Not 561612 times! That's what it felt like. In a slow movie like this, you'd notice when they keep playing the same fucking song over and over.
  2. One of the most boring movies I've ever seen. If it weren't for the Pyramid Head scenes I'd try to get my money back. Even more dissapointing is the music. It's as if they tried to cram as much music into it as possible. I swear they played Promise (Reprise) about three fucking times.
  3. Sorry to keep beating the horse and all, just wanted to clarify. Of course it's possible to do a scary game in a first or third person way, in a more shooter-type environment...But it's much more difficult to do that in the Silent Hill world, because there's so little action. It's all atmosphere, right? Those games you mentioned were great though (Though I never played System Shock 2 or AvP 2, regrettably) and definitely scary They just aren't scary the same way Silent Hill is, at least to me. It's all very subjective Just saying that, if you wanted to create a Half Life 2 mod that mimicked Silent Hill, it could be great - but it couldn't be a straight-up shooter. The pacing would have to be slower (Not literally, like with bullet-time, hehe), and there'd have to be a MAJOR focus on atmosphere. That's some difficult stuff to pin down right there, and Silent Hill itself does it so well, which is a big reason we all love it. Duplicating that in any other medium would be so painstakingly difficult On that note, strangely enough, I heard someone on the Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion forums the other day request Pyramid Head be modded into the game...which would be cool, even though there's no way he'd fit! Ohh...reminds me. There's actually a real review up on the movie now, at The Horror Channel. I don't think there's any spoilers in it, but it was actually a very good review, with 4 1\2 Mugs of Blood outta 5! Have a look! The Horror Channel Review: Silent Hill The Afraid of Monsters mod for HL1 matches the mood of Silent really well. It was inspired mostly by Silent Hill. Worth a playthrough. http://www.planethalflife.com/features/motw/aom.shtm
  4. If somebody could get some scans from the Fangoria article it'd be great.
  5. *BIG FUCKING Spoiler* Dunno about you guys, but I feel this proves its her. The before picture was taken from a Fangoria article. http://img66.imageshack.us/img66/4973/cybildies5jh.jpg
  6. Anyways, could we go into discussion whether it's really her or not? If its not her, it may be a fellow officer that went missing, and Cybil went to SH to find him/her. A sacrifice to Alessa maybe?
  7. You know... that could have been preceded by a possible Spoiler Warning. It was in a press release. I figured you people would've seen it by now.
  8. Then go hunt down the original picture. I'm sure some of the Silent Hill fansites out there must have it by now. Sefiros, what are you bitching about?
  9. http://img76.imageshack.us/my.php?image=cybil0xg.jpg Cybil? EDIT:May or may not be a spoiler warning. Since *spoiler* we're not sure if it's really her or not. Get the hell over it.
  10. The expression on Yamaoka's face made me laugh.
  11. Just finished SH3. All of it was awesome except for the ending. How anti-climatic.
  12. I remember a still coming out that had Sean Bean standing in front of a hospital...I wonder if KaufMann will make an appearance in 'Normal' Silent Hill.
  13. They look too big to be the children.And pyramid head has too many muscles. Your point?Just saying it might be a new group of monsters for the film.
  14. They look too big to be the children.
  15. I wouldn't be surprised if the characters turned out to be family members of James and Harry.
  16. Ifrit did you see the Pyramid Head stills from the trailer in SHResort? Looks neat.
  17. This might even be a good videogame movie. I have faith in this.
  18. Ugh...the Tears of Mankind covers would be excellent if it weren't for the singing.
  19. Me too. PM please.
  20. Check out Somethingawful. Lowtax wrote a decently funny article poking fun at Silent Hill.
  21. I've been waiting for a remix of one of the Zelda Oracle games for a long time. Neat.
  22. Well...you don't have Larry's huge knockers.
  23. I've been wanting a heavy metal remix of Magus for a loooong time. Nice Work.
  24. This is now my favorite track from djredlight. Excellent work.
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