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Everything posted by Jenga

  1. by the way, there is some legit catching-up I'd like to do: did Arek the Red (I think that was his name) ever pass away? Announcing his death was a common thing, didn't know if he was ill IRL for real or not. and was it mitaro who passed away? there was a teenager who died of meningitis in '04 or '05, I still think of him from time to time. RIP.
  2. unmod? never heard of it.
  3. dragon age 2 is shit
  4. man i hope people give me money so i can fuck off to south america one day too
  5. completely unrelated but do you actually look like the dude in your sig
  6. Ever since the new TF2 update my framerate has gone screwy.
  7. Jesus Christ, aural orgasm going on here
  8. come back to me mods (slot reservessss)
  9. you say that like you're a good spy
  10. dear zircon could you not ban me in the middle of sudden death k thx
  11. Here is my list of admins: Jenga Jenga Jenga Jenga
  12. I don't even recall making half those threads.
  13. Well, I dunno about you guys but my battery on my Gold/Silver copies have been dead for years now. I might pick it up depending on how it looks.
  14. Big Meh. This just made me wish Disco Dan was around.
  15. Fuck Ryu. Dan Hibiki is where it's at. I mean he'd be perfect for this game with his humor and all.
  17. Wario Ware is already confirmed to be at E3. So at least a few Super Smash Brothers screenshots is guaranteed.
  18. Yes, they do. It's based on a video game. Oh. I thought it was because of the lazy writing, plot, acting, and pacing. It's just me I guess.
  19. Ditto! I was trying to read that as well and got off with exact same info! I thought that was pretty cool, but I was half expecting to see like the GameFAQs page for the game to be on the screen, lol. About PH being in the movie though I don't think its totally out of place and useless. If you really think about it PH is supposed to be an executioner of sorts in the general sense of the way in the game(hence the "executioner" type mask thing on his head) so it would be plausible to have him in the movie as Alessa's executioner of revenge. I don't think I'm too far off as this was a pretty large point in the game itself if I'm correct. My sentiments exactly. Most critics also have no or close to no knowledge of the source material.And? Even if they did, I doubt they'd like it. Why do you have to have knowledge of the source to enjoy this? Do you have to be a fanboy to enjoy this? Because honestly, SH fanboys seem to be the only people that enjoyed the movie.
  20. Ditto! I was trying to read that as well and got off with exact same info! I thought that was pretty cool, but I was half expecting to see like the GameFAQs page for the game to be on the screen, lol. About PH being in the movie though I don't think its totally out of place and useless. If you really think about it PH is supposed to be an executioner of sorts in the general sense of the way in the game(hence the "executioner" type mask thing on his head) so it would be plausible to have him in the movie as Alessa's executioner of revenge. I don't think I'm too far off as this was a pretty large point in the game itself if I'm correct. My sentiments exactly. If it was apart of Alessa's revenge then why did Dahlia have control over him?
  21. I'm sorry for the few fans who somehow came away thinking this was a good movie. (Most critics hate it for a reason you know)
  22. Oh no! Not THREE times! No fucking shit. Do you complain when you hear the same piece of music in the game more than twice? **SPOILERS** For those who are nitpicking, like I said earlier, you have to take these things as a 'take' on the series and not as a literal direct transltation of it. I think that the reason you don't quite feel the same horror watching this is the fact that it's a movie and not a game. When you're playing the game, you are the main character, and the game focuses on what you would feel in a certain situation, being why the main character rarely emotes. But, this is a movie and you can't do that, so it must focus on what the main character feels, and it did just that. The first time Rose goes to the other world, she laid down and bawled her eyes out. But it doensn't show that in the game because that takes the focus off of your emotions and transfers them to the character on the screen. Games don't translate to movies well because you have to take the interactivity out of it. If you wanted to watch a videogame, then you should have done that instead of going to a movie based on a videogame. I do agree with the comments about characters saying stupid lines, and bad acting, and plots that go nowhere. I'm sorry, I can be a harsh movie critic but nitpicking stupid points about the ages of characters isn't exactly like the game just is dumb. **END SPOILERS** And your main reasoning behind this is because it used too much good music and didn't have enough bullshit action. Where did I say that? The plot is awful. The acting is awful. The dialogue is awful. This movie is beautiful...but that's all it has going for it.So... do you like Silent Hill at all? That's what the series is about.What the fuck are you talking about? This movie sucks. It's nothing about transition between movies and games. The fact is, this movie is a piece of polished turd. Where did I mention anything about the ages of the characters? And even if I did, is there anything wrong with worrying about continuity? As for the music...are you deaf? I can just imagine Gans telling Jeff Danna to stuff as much music in it as possible. You do realize this is what makes a good movie? At least Silent Hill (The Game) had a reason for the wooden acting...the japanese voice director asked the voiceactors to talk slower and clearer because he couldn't understand them as well when they talked fast and emotionally. Don't tell me Gans told the actors to act shitty on purpose. The writing for this movie is atrocious. Don't even begin to compare this boring shitfest to the games. ...Whatever. Stop trying to tell me why I hate this movie.
  23. I was thinking the same thing. I half-expected for them to try to weigh Cybil against a duck.
  24. And your main reasoning behind this is because it used too much good music and didn't have enough bullshit action. Where did I say that? The plot is awful. The acting is awful. The dialogue is awful. This movie is beautiful...but that's all it has going for it.
  25. k Still dosen't excuse this movie for being a piece of shit.
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