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Everything posted by HalcyonSpirit

  1. I know c10t is supposed to work pretty well. AlphaVespucci supposedly does as well. Try those and see what you can get.
  2. So who has access to the server now? Someone who does should start taking the files and, every once in a while, making an overview map of the region for people to look at. It'd make finding others and planning bigger projects much easier. EDIT: Depends on how you power the minecarts. If you're using boosters, yeah, going up isn't too much of a problem. If you're going to try to be legit and only use powered minecarts, though, then it's a bit harder. A single powered minecart pushing a player-occupied minecart can't handle anything steeper than a 1/3 slope (1 vertical for every 3 horizontal). If you use two powered minecarts, you can go up a 1/2 slope (and a 1/1 slope, albeit very slowly).
  3. Server full. Dammit. I was hoping to finally get back to the game tonight.
  4. I just want to remind everyone that the submission period for this month's poetry competition is, and has been for a week, underway!
  5. Just for the record, I've seen up to 10-11 people on at once a couple of times. Not nearly as often as I've seen 7-8 people, but I have seen it.
  6. SPOILERS: The finals will be BoxeR vs NesTea. SlayerSBoxeR got trounced by NesTea 0-4. I was really hoping for a BoxeR vs SlayerSBoxeR final. Damn.
  7. When he had to take down the server, Fire said that the backup plan he had would work, but it'd be about month before that could happen because he has to finish something first. Something about a website or something. Anyway, if the Minecraft server is going to be up again soon, it's probably not going to be using that plan.
  8. The Minecraft multiplayer server/client/whatever you call it is in an even more Alpha state than singleplayer, which is saying something. Technically, multiplayer isn't even "officially" supported yet by the creator; it was released simply because so many people were asking for it, apparently, and up until now he's only gone in to fix very serious, game-breaking bugs with it. As such, it's still very, very buggy and has a number of memory leaks, infinite loops and other such things eating resources. It should be much better when the game goes into Beta, which is defined as when multiplayer is fixed, and Notch has said that multiplayer is his main focus right now. So we'll see if we get any big fixes in the near future.
  9. Ha, yeah. And thanks. I kinda wish I had built it a bit bigger, more in line with the size of it before the server reset, or at least moved it forward a bit. Oh well. Maybe I'll just move that wall section back a little instead.
  10. The first images of my fortress city in progress. This is what you first see upon entering the city. Actually, if you're approaching it head-on, you'll see it long before you enter. It's not finished yet, but that's the main structure. From the top of the structure, you can see the wall surrounding the city. This shot shows the wall extending to the east, into the desert areas. To the west, not shown, is rainforest area (which was halfway burnt down earlier). The wall extends south on both ends to the coast. Any successful fortress requires a source of food, and so here's the wheat farm! It will likely be expanded or another farm placed elsewhere. This is sufficient for now, though. Now I have to start building buildings. Including my own home!
  11. Yes. The SD stream is free to watch live, the HQ stream requires tickets, and the sets after the first are available when they're posted to ticket holders.
  12. I'd recommend paying for the tickets, but if you aren't going to do that, you can usually find them by putting the matchup name into Google; you'll usually have something within the first few results. When I watched it live, I did so on Justin.tv on a stream for a user named Carefoot. You might want to check there to see if he recorded the stream as well.
  13. The tight packs of trees is part of the biomes implemented. As for the resources, that's been around for a while with multi; I imagine it's for balancing the needs of multiple people in what could be a small area (if no one travels very far from spawn). Torches don't cause fires. If they did, my whole base would've been up in flames a long time ago.
  14. Plus, highways set the framework for a rail system once the minecarts are made functional.
  15. SlayerSBoxeR vs NaDa Holy Check! First two games are finished as of this writing, but let me say: this is how TvT is supposed to be played! EDIT (SPOILERS): The Emperor defeats NaDa! After the first two games, he just seemed to have NaDa figured out, and NaDa just made one or two more mistakes that cost him the series. But man, that series was awesome.
  16. Holy shit! Awesome series between BoxeR and KyrixZenith, and an even more awesome final game between them! That was so damn tense. Wow...
  17. No it wasn't, and no you didn't. If, of course, you're referring to the other forest burning somewhere closer to spawn. I actually haven't seen that one myself, yet, as I've been spending all my time at my base. There's no way you could've seen my forest burn unless you were on around 10:30PM EST last night when it was happening and also near me (I'm a long ways from spawn).
  18. Oops... A clearing operation gone wrong because of one solitary flammable block not being destroyed. I only barely was able to contain it, but not before it extended beyond the render distance in two directions. I almost had my entire mountain base go up in flames. These pics are from the middle of the now burning forest.
  19. Oooh, nice. My fortress town looked pretty cool for as far as I got. Shame you can't see my underwater base in either of the screenshots...
  20. Also, Notch says that, currently, portals in SMP don't work, but he's going to try to fix this tonight and roll out that update as soon as possible. EDIT: NINJA'd and corrected. Looks like they probably won't work for a while.
  21. What's a "mumble"? EDIT: Also, I can't seem to log in to the server. Something going on with it?
  22. OK, no offense, but if you feel that way, why not just play Creative mode? Survival Multiplayer is supposed to be about just that: survival. Without health working, SMP is just Creative mode where you have to gather your blocks before placing them. In any case, looks like we're rebooting anyway. I shall be on later to start rigging my bases to explode.
  23. Health fix for SMP has been confirmed to NOT be in this update. EDIT: I'm tempted to say that we should hold off the server reset until whenever Notch implements a Health fix.
  24. THE RESULTS ARE IN! The winners of the September 2010 Short Story Competition are: 1st Place: Love by SoulinEther Runner-Up: Silence by Bakuri Here's the point distribution: Love by SoulinEther - 7 Silence... by Bakuri - 5 Throw-down in Snowtown! by Contricity - 4 Congrats to SoulinEther for winning, and thanks to those who participated, especially those who made the effort to actually vote. The submission period for the Poetry round begins on November 1st, so get ready! I'll hopefully have critiques of the submissions up by Sunday night. Also, I've been thinking about two changes to the rules. The first is a change to the word limit for short stories. I just realized that Freeform has a 3000-word limit while Short Story only has a 2500-word limit. I haven't been able to reason why this is the case, so I'm considering bumping up the Short Story limit to 3000. The second change is a modification to the voting rules. I want to encourage voting participation, particularly with previous entrants. To this end, I'm thinking about changing the rules so that anyone who has submitted in the past has 6 points to distribute instead of just 3. I don't see any reason why we should limit previous entrants like we do non-entrants, and letting them have more points to influence a decision might help encourage them to vote more often. Let me know what you guys think.
  25. So is the big explod-a-mania still going to happen?
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