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Everything posted by HalcyonSpirit

  1. The only Eva stuff I've had exposure to was the original anime. Would it be worth my while to go find any of the other installments of the manga/anime/whatever? I did enjoy the original anime, for the most part.
  2. To get out of bronze, keep a few things in mind as you play. First, pylons and probes. Or the racial equivalent. Essentially, don't get supply blocked and don't stop producing workers. You saturate a mineral line with three workers per mineral patch, but you want to build more so you can transfer workers when you expand and still have close to saturation at the original base. Second, if your mineral count is steadily building and you're constantly building units out of all your structures, build more unit-producing structures and build out of them. Third, pressure your opponent. That doesn't mean always attacking. Setting yourself outside their base is also pressure; forcing them to build more military to defend against a possible attack rather than build his economy while you continue to build your econ will hurt them in the long run. Fourth, just go over there and kill your opponent. Below Platinum level, almost all games are decided by who has more units. If you've followed the previous advice, you likely have more units than your opponent. ATTAAAAAAACK!
  3. Yeah, Notch says he knew from the get-go that this update would break many things, so he's been sticking around for a while for the express purpose of making quick fixes as bug reports come in.
  4. ... Wow. Unfinished, but already deserving of a . Complete with a Nice Pizza. You, sir, continue to raise the OCR-tan bar.
  5. http://notch.tumblr.com/post/1659195746/gah-the-update-is-coming-tomorrow-because-im-silly INCOMING UPDATE WITH WORKING SMP HEALTH! Fortify your bases!
  6. Make the room larger! You can make any shape with cubes given enough space!
  7. That's pretty good looking. I'll check it out once I am able to get back to the game.
  8. If anyone's interested in the Extra Credits call-in, it is scheduled for Sunday night at 10PM EST, 7PM PST. In other news, the latest auction item was a signed copy of Yahtzee's book Mog World with a limerick written by Yahtzee on the inside cover (or first blank page, something like that). The book normally goes for $12. In a show of just how generous the viewers can be, a bidding war ensued that started at $24 and went for about 7 minutes. The final, winning bid was $1,100.
  9. I just re-logged in after getting kicked (I guess for a backup), and my inventory got reset to before the backup or whatever it was, but none of the changes to chest inventories or work done in the world were rolled back. As a result I lost some of my resources... What happened?
  10. Here's my stadium as it currently stands. You can also see my lighthouse in the first pic.
  11. It's November and Thanksgiving is just around the corner, so it's time for the 4th Annual Desert Bus for Hope charity event! Desert Bus for Hope is a internet donation drive gaming marathon (the very first, which spawned other similar drives such as Super Mario Marathon) run by the crew of Loading Ready Run, an internet comedy group. Its purpose is to gather donations for the hugely successful Child's Play Charity, which donates money and toys to children's hospitals around the world and is run by Jerry Holkins and Mike Krahulik of Penny Arcade. If you're unfamiliar with Child's Play, go check it out and consider donating to it directly or through Desert Bus for Hope. Desert Bus for Hope, like other donation drive gaming marathons it has spawned, runs on the basis of "the more you donate, the longer they have to play." This is particularly interesting for DBfH, however, as the LRR crew is playing what is widely accepted as the most boring game on the face of the planet: Desert Bus. Various incentives are given to encourage donations, including having the LRR crew perform whatever you ask them to, within reason. Dances, songs and acting are common, and torturing one member by forcing him to go watch the latest Twilight movie repeatedly has been a staple of the event. Prizes donated by comic book companies, game companies, artists and the like are auctioned off throughout the event. Last year, Oni Press contributed a Scott Pilgrim prize pack, and Ken Steacy auctioned off many rare items as well as custom sketches of anything the donor wished (the results shown here), drawn live on camera. Celebrity guests also make appearances. Penn and Teller phone in their support each year. Jonathon Coulton, Wil Wheaton and Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw also phoned in for interviews during the event. This year, they have many people from The Escapist calling in during the event, including Yahtzee and the cast of Extra Credits! Between the general donations, donations for performances, and donations in auctions, Desert Bus for Hope has contributed over $230,000 to Child's Play Charity over the past 3 years, with last year's total topping $140,000. They are hoping to top that mark again this year. Don't miss the event! The bus leaves Tuscon for Las Vegas today at 6PM PST (9PM EST)! Donate to make them suffer even longer. For the children!
  12. You could use my stadium. It's already built and pretty much ready for use. I'll get a picture up at some point tonight.
  13. New server project if we ever plan on starting a new map.
  14. The mod seems to have made it so that you can't use the left mouse button to work doors anymore. You must use the right mouse button now. I figure the left button working was a glitch anyway, since right has always been the command button. So yeah, everyone, remember that you MUST use the right mouse button from now on to work switches and doors. Crops are indeed broken (they don't drop wheat). Reeds work fine. So since wheat is only for looks right now, that's not really an issue. Lag isn't an issue right now, but there's only two of us on the server right now, so we'll see if higher numbers cause issues. And right now we can't make use of the Minecart mod, so don't bother just yet. EDIT: Interesting side effect of the mod: every block of leaves now drops a sapling. Every single one. So if you're short on saplings, now's the time to punch some leaves!
  15. I thought I saw a purple admin message before getting kicked, but I didn't get to read it. Why did we get kicked off?
  16. Correction: Only about 2 hours of reset work. Still sucks, though.
  17. First off, when's the next map update? Secondly, concerning minecarts... Earlier, we were talking about whether we should use boosters or not. Well, I just looked around and saw that boosters are apparently very CPU intensive; used on an SMP server with many people using them, they can cause serious lag and can crash it altogether. However, I bring to you an alternative. And I have just one thing to say about it: WHOA. Presenting the Minecart Mania! mod. It won't be useful on SMP until some of the major bugs with minecarts are fixed (like the motion lag and not loading chunks when riding in them), but... damn. Want.
  18. I'm on right now, so obviously we aren't down... Double check that the IP address you're using is correct.
  19. That would be me. It's not finished, not by a long shot, but it's all I need for the moment. Here's my current home atop a mountain: And here's what I've been working on tonight: PAGODA!
  20. It seems to be associated with it. If a furnace eats my resources, it ALWAYS is facing a different direction from what it was before. Now, this could just be an effect of the bug, but it seems that eliminating any need for the furnace to auto-rotate also prevents the bug from occurring. At least for me.
  21. I have yet to lose anything to furnaces since I put together my furnace room. If you want to avoid losing things to furnaces, set them up so that there is only ONE way they can possibly face. That way the auto-rotate bug doesn't kick in. I can't show a picture right now because Minecraft.net is down, but just have the furnaces surrounded on all sides except one by any other block, including other furnaces. The furnaces will auto-rotate to face the one open side, and they will stay that way, thus preventing them from eating resources.
  22. Other than a few rendering hiccups, it looks good. For those of you looking at the picture, looking at the full size version will give a good view of everything. The scaled down version you can see directly on the page makes everything a little bit too small to see things clearly. If anyone's looking for my place, it's on the right side of the map, a little bit down from the top. Look for the large enclosed area by one of the larger bodies of water. Not too hard to find. Incidentally, remember that fire I had to put out not too long ago? That's to the right of my main wall, the empty area of grass. You can clearly see how far it could have spread if I had not halted its progress in time.
  23. There seems to be some significant new bugs introduced with this patch. Many with minecarts, as to be expected (including crashing the server if you ride a minecart into lava), but also problems with blocks reappearing when mining (and it's not due to lag, either). Might want to wait until another patch comes out to fix some of these... but I'm not sure how long that'll be.
  24. Minecarts shouldn't despawn, since they're handled by the server, not the client. The reason boats despawned before was because they were handled by the individual clients, but that's been changed with this update, it seems. And I vote no on boosters. I prefer not relying on physics glitches that are likely to be fixed in the future. Plus, boosters look ugly. Powered minecarts are just as viable, they just require a little more work in laying down the tracks.
  25. New update is out. As soon as the server is updated, we can see about getting a minecart transport system working.
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