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Everything posted by entropicdecay

  1. I am the mother of the most fucked-up final boss in history also hey refelos :3
  2. Giygascyst grew on my left ovary and blew up four days after I turned 18. What a fun birthday that was! I did get to spend a week lying on the couch in a drug-induced haze watching Miami Vice and Spongebob. I could kill for some good eggplant now. The last time I had it, it was bitter (though it could have been the mint) and disappointing. I wanted some good eggplant curry, dammit.
  3. Congrats you guyses! My finals are THAT WEEK plus the consultation to get my wisdoms out... come down to SF and we'll have a PARTY.
  4. I would give my left ovary to be back in Hungary or the Czech Republic right now, chowing down on some awesome food thurr. My next-door neighbor sounds as if she's hacking up a lung and I really don't want to be working on this paper now. well, the left one is the one that had the Giygascyst... maybe that would be a bad idea to give that one as an offering.
  5. Mother - the final battle. Giegue is possibly the only final boss I've ever felt a little bad for. Earthbound - "Pokey Means Business" is some serious music. You go in, thinking it's going to be all awesome and fucking metal, and then he turns off the Devil's Machine. When you see SPOILER "the darkness absorbed Paula's call", it makes you wonder if you're doing it right. Mother 3 - Events in the prologue and the final battle. I read somewhere that Itoi worked really hard to get the pacing of the lines in the final battle just right. I'd say it definitely worked. The 7th Guest - You go through ALL THAT for an ending like THIS?
  6. Dear god, it's all coming back to me now. goddammit guys, I gotta wonder how I spent six years with you guyses.
  7. Hope it gets worked out for sure! My song sucked too much to make it onto OLR D:
  8. Mono mono mono I totally saw your doppelganger and Prot's doppelganger on BART today!
  9. Happy birthday! I'm still finishing off the jelly beans I bought when we were at the factory.
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