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Posts posted by Flare4War

  1. I so, so badly wish I could attend this.

    Just a note: You guys crossing into Mex be very careful. Stay in groups and don't let people wander off as individuals even for short periods of time, and all the regular precautions. It's extremely dangerous there right now, even at tourist spots. And don't take a bunch of US dollars across with you. A lot of stores etc. won't accept them anymore. Just find an ATM and get the pesos you'll need and spend them all before you cross back.

  2. Thanks for the support!

    Song reviews, I did one already and I made my requests thread.

    Since I have no good musical background, I feel ill equipped to do good reviews and I tend to be very crititcal. I hesistate to be negative when people pour lots of time and effort into something that I dont have the ability to do but that I still think sucks :)


    If you don't like being negative then just review the remixes that you really enjoy. Simple as that.

    I was going to post a picture of me in a speedo just to make you change your mind. But nawwwww, that'd be really wrong of me.

    Dood! Just post it.

  3. I've said it before and I'll say it again.

    Indeed, the music from this place has gotten me through many, many slow dull workdays.

    As far as the forums and community goes, well I've tried other places. None compare to here.

  4. Dismiss everything you ever knew about anime and watch Monster. Things will never be the same again. It's such an amazing story.

    That's basically what every fan says about his/her favorite anime series. I think that's what got me so intrigued with the genre.

    I used to think it was basically rubbish. Now I want to watch it all. I'm not sure why I liked the Full Metal Panic series so much. Something about the main character just caught me.

  5. I didn't really think anime was something I would enjoy but I recently watched the Full Metal Panic series and I loved it. I was sad when it had to end. I also watched Devil May Cry which was fun, but not as good.

    What I'm looking for is something slightly on the mature side but not too extreme. By comparison to the above two, I watched some Full Metal Alchemist and I didn't like it.

    Recommend me something with really well done voice overs and un-cheesy main characters. A decent amount of martial arts would be nice. I don't mind some R rated material but please not something that is too Quentin Tarantino-esque.

    I'm new to the genre, so a little help would be great.

    Edit: Oh, I forgot. Definitely needs to be in English.

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