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Posts posted by Flare4War

  1. I already posted this before but I'll do it again since it's appropriate for this thread.


    I believe it was late 2001 when I was introduced. My step brother to my right (blue muscle tee) knew that I liked video game soundtracks and somehow found this website and showed it to me. I didn't join till later on but I visited regularly for the music because I was blown away.

    My brothers don't really visit but they do often ask me, "Has OCR come out with any good remixes lately?" They all listen to them. They think Cryptic Marble by Distant J deserves its own national holiday.

  2. I've been playing as Chun Li a lot and I could use a tip or two.

    My question is, is there a way to effectively use her spinning bird kick against Guile? I think I'm pretty good at activating to the move and on other characters I seem to land it. Against him I can't get it to take. His uppercut just knocks her out of it with easy even if I combo it in.

    Calling all Chun Li users.

  3. Eh, this is okay. It's pretty boring, and not even by psytrance standards. Nevermind the fact that it's... not really psytrance. But that's just nitpicking. Otherwise, it's pretty straight forward. Some of the brickwall mastering sounds really out of place, and it overall just seems like sort of a mash-up of timbres that don't really seem to go together. Maybe too many ethnic instruments and not enough synthetic. Just seems contrived, really.

    It's not my favorite Zircon remix, but it is still really good. I love the vocal touch by pixie and I think it's a remix that I'll listen to again and again.

    Poor Zircon, he's set the bar to high for himself. Kinda like what Binster did with his Ghouls'N Ghosts Poltergeist remix.

    Anyways. I thought it was great and kudos again on the voice aspect combined with Zircon's more than adequate remixing.

  4. The list should have lots of Scorpions, and Def Leppar, some Boston, a little Whitesnake; Metallica obviously. Go with plenty of Bryan Adams everyone loves him. I've always loved Roxette although some of their albums were made in the early 90's. Duran Duran is really good.

    Those are probably already all covered. Looks like this thread has a lot of great suggestions.

    If you're looking for something more soft rockish Sandra, and Belinda Carlisle are pretty fun.

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