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Posts posted by Flare4War

  1. It seems that OCR just up and does some things without letting the rest of their homies know. I was there and was present for much of the madness, but I got pissed when I found out about all the business and outings that happened which I wasn't aware of.

    Dig in and include yourself. Feeling bad about it won't make a difference because it's likely no one knew how you were feeling. Plus making the effort to be included a little is how you make friends.

    I would be all over that shit if I wasn't on the other side of the country.

  2. Not this slow.

    And it's not just the holiday season.

    We should have a forum within ocr that is accessible only by invitation. And only, uh... say The Coop... can invite and assign other inviters. And no-one can be banned (only ostracized/flamed out of existence). The only exception is that being a mod results in an insta-ban. That is, unless they eschew their mod powers and pass The Trial.

    Something about furries.

    That's the worst/best idea ever.

    Just curious though; what makes you think you or I would ever be invited?

  3. I already told mine in the Gen Disc thread. Ehh, what the hell.

    Last years resolution was to read more and be more kind to my siblings. I think I have met both of those goals.

    This year I would like to reinstate my goal to read more and add to it that I would like to do some writing of some sort. Still brain storming, though. So I'm not exactly sure what kind of writing it will be.

  4. I know we're not suppose to say such things but you are and always have been my favorite remixer. So even though you're stepping down from the judges panel I hope you'll continue to make remixes for us.

    Also, I played Street Fighter IV on X Box live once with Andy. He was very chill and a lot of fun to talk to.

    Give Pixie a kiss for me.. Ok, maybe not for ME.

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