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Posts posted by Flare4War

  1. Mine's been planting, sometimes stacking, as many remote mines as possible in one spot, trigger a wave of enemies to come through it and make it explode. I also liked to go invisible, plant as many mines as I can through out the snowbound facilities and imagine all those guards flying into the air as I set them off.

    lastly I'd often tried to play entire maps using only shotguns on both arms while trying to complete the missions.

    And lets not forget how fun it was on the snow level to sit somewhere and snipe of the enemy soldiers as they would come at you indefinitely.

  2. This is why the opposition will never be successful with their attempts to get videogames banned. They never dig deep enough to sound like they have a compelling argument. It's all "there's violence and sex in this game! Ban it!" without looking at the actual product or the context.

    I agree.

    They don't even consider the fact that the game isn't being designed for 12 year old kids, it's being designed for 18 year old adults. Still, underage people get into R rated movies all the time. It's not the end of Camelot and they really ought to shut up about it.

  3. Well idk about all the dialog and writing, but Mass Effect is a first class game. And it's a little bit funny to me that the problem people have with is lesbianism, because as Wacky says there are so many other morally FUCKED UP issues. Genocide, being bad for the good purpose? WTF? And I'm all for kicking ass and taking names, but I've played through Mass Effect 2.5 times and I've seen less than you can see on Disney Channel. So what really is the problem? I mean, Do you ever see a pair of tits?, Is there any throbbing? OK. So what? The game makes reference to intimacy. It's psychology. The gameplay is a series of questions. What do you say when someone says this? And what you say matters! So who doesn't that apply too? It's life, and for Bioware to write that into a game is KUDOS for them. In conclusion, turning that game into a problem is fucking retarded, it's another game and very masterfully done if I might say so.

    Well said.

  4. I remember R-Type and Final Fight being very fun.

    I would recommend Killer Instinct but you said you you don't like fighting games.

    Since you said you like RPG's I have to recommend Mystic Quest. Fun game and a really, really good soundtrack.

    Brainlord was/is one of my favorite games ever released on the SNES.

  5. But, since it was multi-platform, they were limited to the space of a DVD :(

    lmao. I was wondering when this would happen.

    Cry me a river and get the fuck over it. The load times on the XBox were fine.

    I promise I won't say anymore about this.

    Otherwise, I agree with you. I have way too much invested into this gen console to see it go so soon. I'd rather spend time playing the fuck out of it than wasting time thinking about how I'm going to embrace/afford the next generation.

    Ouch, my head hurts!

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