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Posts posted by Thalzon

  1. Super Luigi U might be too hard for me. I made it up to Iggy's castle and feel simultaneously agitated and exhausted. The levels would be a challenge enough on their own, but then you have the frickity-frack 99-second timer. And these are nintendo seconds, not real seconds. So it's really more like 60 seconds to finish a level. Fun but not for the faint of heart.

  2. The Pikmin level looks like it takes place near a sewer or swamp... It might be one of the new areas in Pikmin 3, since I don't remember any area quite like that in 1 or 2.

    Also did Olimar always have that built-in whistle in his helmet? I never noticed it before. It also looks like he's not using rock or pink pikmin.

  3. i'll be getting a wii u when mario kart and smash bros are on it, and i'll consider it money well spent even if i just played those games.

    Of course, i'm an epic baller and money means nothing to me, but not everyone else can be as awesome. :P

    True dat, brother. *hives fives* *speeds away in Ferrari to my private jet*

  4. I've started the cafe project. There's so little room in my town anymore, between the fruit farm, forest campsite, and the river zigzagging just so a lot of space is unusable for much else. But I feel something I never felt with the GameCube game: that I've been able to make this town my own.

    Also, only 17 fish and about 18 bugs left to get for the museum!

  5. Here's some more:

    Little King's Story

    Rune Factory Frontier

    Arc Rise Fantasia

    Fragile Dreams

    House of the Dead: Overkill (though the ps3 rerelease might be better, I dunno)

    A Boy & His Blob

    de Blob (and de Blob 2, but that was on all systems)

    Lost in Shadow

    Cursed Mountain

    Endless Ocean: Blue World (and the original, but the sequel is so, so much more)

    Not all the above games are super high-quality, but they are all fun and unique in their own way. Plus you can probably find them super cheap these days (though if you can find some of them at all, consider yourself fortunate). I especially recommend Little King's Story. It was just so lively and pure.

  6. Spoilers in response to zircon's spoilers.

    One thing that kinda bothered me was Mr. Drippy's involvement in Alicia's past and how the story never really addressed it. In reality, there was no way he COULDN'T have known Ally was Alicia. To him, the last thing he can clearly recall consciously is Shadar turning him into a doll. This had to have happened during Shadar and Alicia's final battle.

    So then, if Mr. Drippy knows all that, plus what his fairy allies have been telling him for over ten years, PLUS when he returns to normal in another world entirely (and knows where the magic book is stored)... Why doesn't he connect the dots and realize the truth well before it's explicitly stated? I posit Mr. Drippy knew the entire time, but kept up a lie so Oliver would do what he wanted. He then pretended to act shocked and surprised with each new "revelation" about Alicia (he is an actor, after all), to throw off suspicion.

    Also in the original DS game, Shadar was indeed the final boss, which explains why the fake ending after his defeat is so more developed.

  7. They make new IPs all the time, which are promptly forgotten because it turns out nobody ACTUALLY cares about new Nintendo IPs, or they're digital only so they don't count, or they're casual, or what people actually mean is they want one of Nintendo's old or less-used IPs to be remade instead.

    I'm not saying wanting new IPs is wrong, but Nintendo hasn't exactly been resting on its laurels either. Games like Harmoknight, Pushmo, and Dillon's Western are all quality download titles and new IPs, Nintendo published games like Pandora's Tower and The Last Story, and even takes some risks by branching out their existing franchises into odd genres.

  8. So who downloaded Super Luigi U? It follows the same routes and stuff as NSMBU, but the levels are way intense. You get 99 seconds, and star coins often involve split-second decision making and reflexes, or else you won't have enough time left on the clock to make it to the end.

    Sadly the bosses are the exact same. Ah well, can't have everything.

  9. Any company is in the business of making money. If they will make more money by pleasing their customer, then it is within their interest (e.g. Sony).

    Sony has had a very hard time making money at all these last few years.

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