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Posts posted by Thalzon

  1. Final Fantasy Tactics and Disgaea 1 I put 300 hours into each. And yes, 120 hours or so for DQ7, and 150 hours for Xenoblade. I've also got over 50 hours in Rainbow Moon now (a psn download title. If you like turn-based strategy rpgs, check it out maybe), and 22 hours on Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2. And that doesn't even take into account Last Story, which I've put on hold because my Wii can't read the disc for more than one hour, but I was about 15 hours into that one too.

    I'm addicted to grinding.

  2. Are we still discussing graphics? What is this, 2003? Games these days, for the most part, look great. And more polygons cost more. If gaming stays on the bleeding edge then it becomes ridiculously risky and unaffordable for devs to contribute. What the hell do people even want out of graphics nowadays anyway? To see each blade of grass, pore on skin, and scratch on rock? Christ, it's like the trolls of 4chan got out of their cage.

    So, yeah. I'm fine with graphics staying in stasis for the next five or even ten years, because the graphics of today are perfectly capable of doing what they're meant to do.

  3. At the time I had played the game, I was already used to using pointing devices for different types of presentations in school, so it didn't take me long to acclimate to Okami on the Wii. Since I'm a lefty, I can't even imagine the hell it would have been to play it on the PS2. Playing it on the Wii was probably the best thing I could do.

    I'm a lefty and had no issue on the ps2.

    Well lah dee dah, super genius! Aren't you special.

    My mom says I'm cool.

    Anyway, pre-order'd. We'll see if it shows up on release day. I have my doubts since The Source seems to be absolute shit at getting things out on time.

  4. I gotta agree with Derrit on that one. I don't know if it was my remote or what, but drawing a straight line was extremely difficult. I gave up in frustration before I found any other powers...

    That said, Okamiden had the touch screen and was absolutely perfect. I'd like to see Okami 3 instead of another port.

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