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Posts posted by Thalzon

  1. They should add Marina from Mischief Makers


    I would like to see COSMOS from Xenosaga in the game...

    Yeah. She's cool.

    You mean KOS-MOS... and it's actually possible, given Xenosaga DS is coming out... whenever.

    But I just want Mike Jones... please, Nintendo, gimme some sweet, sweet Mike Jones love.... please?

  2. You must be seriously under-levelled then, or your strategy isn't working. Shiva should be enough to at least take Anima down to near-death.

    K, if you want a REALLY hard RPG boss, Yaksa Meganada from Digital Devil Saga 2 has had me levelling up and learning skills for the past 4 hours of gameplay, and I still can't beat him.

    He starts by being immune to physical attacks and using nothing but physical attacks. Then, after he's been dealt about 2000 damage, he's begin using a powerful, multi-hit move that can kill your entire party and is unblockable. At about 3000 or so, he'll change to his magic form, and get at least 4 turns every round. If he exploits a weakness, he'll get more. Oh, and he's now immune to all magic save electricity, which he absorbs.

    At about 4000 damage he'll use a lightning move that WILL kill the entire party unless blocked. He'll also use status magic, meaning if a certain character is in your party you're gonna get raped.

    By the way, he's got 9000 hit points. I basically need to find and learn Debilitate on the skill grid if I want to avoid getting slaughtered every time.

  3. I didn't read all 160+ pages but I saw lots of FF games. Did anyone post about FFX? The fight against that one tank thing on the ice lake and the fight with that one dude with blue hair and a girly voice. He was a bitch. I tried leveling up so much but he whooped me big time. I'm might get FFX again just to beat him. Any ideas?

    Seymour? Which version of him?

    And it sounds like you didn't even see any of the extra bosses in the Arena, and Nemesis.

    Yeah Seymour. The form with the strong summon. The undead dude that shoots crap out of his eye. I can get to the summon but then 2 two hits and I'm down for the count.

    Summoning Shiva (???? in Yuna's summon menu) should be enough to vanquish Seymour's summon. If not, summon another aeon.

  4. Megaman 1-6 - Dr. Wily. HE usually kicked my ass a bunch of times. But he was easy in 7 & 8.

    Wily was easy in 4 and 6. He was ass-rapingly HARD in number 7 (that goddamn light show he pulled before every attack always screwed me over...) In number 2, it depended on what difficulty you played. Can't speak for the rest, though.

  5. I saw a bunch of Ninja Gaiden posts but if you use the Vigoorian Flails and the Windmill shuriken, almost any boss is a breeze.

    Anyway, I think the hardest boss is the final boss from Arc the Ladd:Twilight of the Spirits... he was such a lameass

    I know. What a cheap little bitch he was, eh?

    Him: I'll spit out these little eyeball-thingies!

    Me: Alright! I attack you!

    Him: Ha ha! You can't hurt me until you kill five of the eyeball thingies!

    Me: Okay, I killed five! Now I hurt you!

    Him: Not so fast! I'll either drain back all the HP you took from me, or I'll do a super attack which not only will probably kill you, but also give me back my dark shield, which you must get rid of by destroying ANOTHER five eyeball-thingies!

    Me: Shit.

  6. NO

    you are all wrong.

    the hardest boss in videogame history is Alma from Ninja Gaiden for xbox.

    I cried, i swore, I cried some more, I stayed up into the wee hours of the night fighting her over and over again.

    My friend beat her on his third try.

  7. im goin through ff4 right now, and i cant help but notice, its a lot friggin harder than it was when i beat it at age 8....WTF...haha....even though ive HEARD that ff4 is suppose to be the hardest of the final fantasies....

    Actually... ff5 was the hardest.. in fact that was Square's official reason for not releasing it stateside.

    But, FF4 was dumbed down for the North American release on the SNES. Play the Playstation version to get a taste for the real game (which is very, very difficult. I haven't been able to beat it yet. For example, Odin may use Zantetsuken on his first turn. Blarg.)

    While FF5 was challenging, it's just not as insanely difficult as FF4('s rerelease).

  8. I would say Adel from FF8, but then i got pissed off because i wanted to kill Rinoa also, I used eden and he killed adel in one hit, WITHOUT calculating Rinoa's damage. Lil trick there, But anyway without Eden, HARDEST BOSS EVER!

    Why does everyone think Adel's so hard? She's a total pushover. Just use a Hi-Potion on Rino every now and then, and physically attack Adel into submission. Adel's one of the easier bosses in a game full of easy bosses.

    I used Eden, that one turn beat the boss, its a pushover if you know the trick.

    No, she's a pushover even without the trick.

  9. I would say Adel from FF8, but then i got pissed off because i wanted to kill Rinoa also, I used eden and he killed adel in one hit, WITHOUT calculating Rinoa's damage. Lil trick there, But anyway without Eden, HARDEST BOSS EVER!

    Why does everyone think Adel's so hard? She's a total pushover. Just use a Hi-Potion on Rino every now and then, and physically attack Adel into submission. Adel's one of the easier bosses in a game full of easy bosses.

  10. I prefer to take my time and enjoy the game.

    Suffice to say, I rarelly get good times at games.

    Amen to that. Haha. I had like...13 hours I think on Metroid Prime. Talk about taking your time to enjoy a game. Haha.

    That's long for you? I'm at almost 19 hours, and I'm not even at 90% completion yet.

  11. Well, first of all, the last boss in Beyond Good & Evil. OMFG. Sure, he's easy when he's throwing Pey'J and Double H clones at ya, but when the platform gets surrounded by water and the floating eye thing attacks you in person... you gotta do EVERY MOVE IN THE EXACT CORRECT ORDER or it's curtains. He appears at one side, you wait to long and he hits you. You hit him, he teleports to another side to attack. I figured out the pattern when he appeared where after a while of dying and retrying, but when he appeared above me I was stumped... until I remembered I could dodge. Then he reversed the controls on me (the " you're losing control of your spirit" cutscene will haunt me forever for unskippability) and he handed my ass to me even harder. And he just kept on spewing alien language and "surrender Shauni" lines at me. My God, that guy pissed me off. Why was he trying to kill me if he needed Jade to survive? I was so relieved when I finally witnessed Jade thrust her Dai'jo in that damn critter's eye. TAKE THAT YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!

    I was a little disappointed, actually. I thought he was easy. Took me about four tries.

    What about the boss at the end of the Abyss in Wild Arms 3? First, you beat him on floor 100, where he has 750,000 health. Then, you teleport to the first floor, and just as you're about to leave, you have to fight him AGAIN, and he has 1,000,000 HP, and uses all elemental attacks (instead of just fire like the first form). Keep in mind the last time you could have possibly saved was just outside the Abyss, which was about five hours ago.

  12. I still think Yunalesca is a bitch. she wasn't too hard.. But annoying as hell.

    Tried fighting Neslug? (monster arena) He'll do about 40000 with each attack, and when you've done enough damage, he hunkers down into his shell and starts healing between 10000 and 500000 (yes, five hundred thousand) health points for every turn a character acts. Basically you have to kill off two thirds of your party, cast auto-life on the remaining member, and 99999 his ass until the shell vanishes. TOTAL. PAIN.

  13. It may have been mentioned before, but.....

    FIRE LEO.....

    From Viewtiful Joe, he runs, he jumps, and he shoots giant rocks out of his head. Honestly, he's hard enough on Kids mode, and on Adult mode I'm getting raped by the stone Charles the 3rd.

    Anyway, Fire Leo also has a nasty spinning attack that's too fast for human reflexes (so you gotta slow down and use up precious VFX powers or dodge up a bit and spin-kick your heart out) and if you touch him, WHAM! Three hearts, all gone. I heard on Ultra-V mode, he does about 12 hearts of damage. Yeah, that's really fair.

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