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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. The only way they could have done better was doing what Microsoft did with their new 360: give everyone in the audience one right there and then. But with no games for it out yet, I guess that would be kind of pointless. Hopefully it will be out either this holiday (like everything else they showed today) or early next spring.
  2. Playable Skyward Sword demos, as well.
  3. Playable demo units on the floorshow. Girls with 3DSs on stage, walking around. Fuck. I wish I was there.
  4. The 3DS ate Sawata and Miyamoto! It's evil! EVIL, I TELLS YA! No, Regi! Stay away! It will get you too!
  5. OK, it's obvious that the 3DS is the thing Nintendo is going to concentrate on. Thy got more stuff for it than they do for Wii, and they have all those developers talking about how awesome it is. Yeah, 3DS is the new Wii.
  6. RIIIIDGE RAAAACER! It's Ridge Racer!
  7. When he announced (very subtly, I might add) NintenDogs + Cats, you could hear some in the audience moan. Batman game for the Wii? Metal Gear Solid and even Ridge Racer (tentative title)? It's Ridge Racer! Riiiiiidge Raaacer!
  8. Uhm... I may have to break my promise to myself about not buying a 3DS right away. First iteration of hardware and all that. Must... not... rub against pants. Must... not fondle... analog wheel with tongue. Damn it, I'm buying one now, aren't I?
  9. Holy shit! Retro-fest or not, this is a good showing of titles people have been asking for for years! This is just great.
  10. Project Sora? Never heard of it. It's a game made specifically for the 3DS. KID ICARUS? KID ICARUS!
  11. PLAYS 3D MOVIES! Confirmed! Dreamworks, Disney, Warner Bros, etc. Actual movies, not just game stuff or clips. Actual movies in actual 3D, portable.
  12. Looks like it has two very small cameras on the back of the top half. Might be a tracking system? So, graphics are confirmed as "improved", so... yeah. OK. Motion sensor and analog pad confirmed. Show us some games? Maybe? Please? Two cameras n back confirmed. It's a 3d camera, so you can take 3D pics.
  13. There it is... Looks like a slightly different DSi so far. Slightly wider top screen. Big round circle above d-pad.
  14. SHOW THE FUCKING 3DS ALREADY, DAMN IT! I will kill you, Regi. I will.
  15. Wait. Everything is coming out this holiday, or late early fall. This might be the biggest string of releases so far.
  16. New Donkey Kong game from Retro Studios. Christ, is the stream I'm watching slightly delayed or something? Everyone keeps posting the same thing I do, but like, a minute earlier.
  17. Hardly. I may have beaten the campaigns on Expert, but I still had to work at it. I've seen guys blast through Realism Expert pretty much on solo. Those guys are the ones that you should talk to. Crazy jive turkeys, every one of them.
  18. Wait a minute... Link gets a whip. Now Kirby gets a whip. Samus has a whip of a sort for a long time, but forget that. Castlevania references galore! NEW CASTLEVANIA GAME (pretty much) CONFIRMED!
  19. Kirby Wii! Yay! Kirby's Epic Yarn, a sewing and knitting simulator from Nintendo, this fall.
  20. Golden Eye! FUCKING GOLDEN EYE! This November!
  21. Golden Sun footage! Dark Darkness or something. Who cares. GOLDEN SUN! This winter is the release date.
  22. Yeah, another mini-game pack. Awesome. Yes, I was being sarcastic. WHERE'S THE FUCKING 3DS? METROID?
  23. Links are for commies and fags.
  24. Curse you, Schwaltzvald. I was editing the first post and watching everything while you added that in. Also, curse you, Nintendo, for playing the Zelda video first and distracting me. Linklevania?
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