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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Really? Have you not looked at the sales of DS Lite, DSi and DSiXL? People will buy the new version regardless of when it comes out. Hell, look at iPod and iPhone; they do this all the time, people know it happens, and yet the same people will happily buy the slightly improved version on top of the one(s) they already have. In fact the people that complain about the number of revisions Nintendo puts out should go look up the number of revisions that Apple puts out.
  2. My mom likes Snoopy. I think she might like this. HARDCORE MARKET GET! Seriously, though, it looks kind of fun. I would have to try it myself before, of course. But light-hearted air combat is a rare thing, so hopefully, it will work out.
  3. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=23896&page=3 Just saying.
  4. Yeah, too many discounts. I have to ignore Steam for the next while. Also, even though I have Steam setup to open on the "My Games" page, it always opens on the "Store", and they have all these sales going on. Not very subtle, Valve.
  5. Do I want to ask? Oh fuck it, it can't be worse than any of the other mentally-scarring stuff I've been exposed to. Where did you see it?
  6. Well, here's the thing about that. The size reduction from the DS to the DS Lite (and also the DSi, but not the DSiXL my god, so many pointless letters...) was the biggest change. It dropped a fuckload of bulk and slimmed it down to something not only pocketable, but comfy. The 3DS is the same size as the Lite, so what can they really do? They can't alter the screens anymore because they already have those set. They aren't going to add another analog pad, as that would alter the current control scheme. They also already have camera and tilt sensors and all that other stuff. It will also have DSware and media management like the DSi already has. What can they really do for a revision? Make it slightly smaller? They could make it bigger, but goddamn, why would you want a bigger portable? Even then, they'll just do the same thing as the XL, making it bigger without changing any of the specs. So really, what can they do in two years time?
  7. Actually, the guy that made that game is a furrie. Just look up his name, and he has a page about him on... WikiFur? They have their own wiki now? Jesus christ, wikis have spread too far. Also, his band is called "Furries In A Blender". And he's got a giant furry pic for everything he uses. Furries, guys. FURRIES.
  8. I actually wish I could unwatch that. I really do.
  9. It seems no one has picked up the rights for Canada yet, so expect some delay. You ever notice how it can take months, or even years, for a show to get picked up here? Stargate Atlantis was almost three seasons behind the US airing when it finally starting showing. Hopefully, someone will grab Futurama quickly.
  10. Yeah, every game listed so far is in development, and not close to a release date yet. I'd rather wait the extra couple months and have all the games ready, so when I do go buy on, I will have a selection of twenty plus games, not a half dozen or so. The more selection, the better.
  11. The Reginator has confirmed world-wide release in March next year. So, you have nine months to save up the money and decide what color, games and accessories you want. Nine months. Man, that's just not enough time, is it? My poor DS Lite... it's going to be a bitter-sweet year for us, isn't it?
  12. According to a (rather smug Doctor Who fan) friend, they blew up the universe like, three times always, so no big worry.
  13. I think we can help him with that.
  14. Agreed. One Friend Code for everything is far better than one Friend Code for each game. It would make tracking and arranging games with other people (like, from here) a lot easier. X-Box Live and PSN do it, and that works pretty good.
  15. Guys. Bleck just tried to re-rail this thread. That should tell you something. As for "installed games", I've read that wa not true. I can not for the life of me find the article, but I recall reading an interview with Iwata where he said that this was not a feature he was aware of. If I (or someone else here) can find it, it should clear things up. As for online, maybe this will be of interest.
  16. Hmmm, Hum4n's opinions are questionable at best, and his facts are wrong. I do believe that we have to point at him and laugh now. Hey, don't blame me: it's in The Book.
  17. FACT: Up had an airship. FACT: Airships are cool. FACT: Airships can add coolness to other things, regardless of how cool they were before the addition of airships. It can even be just a percent of how cool the original thing is, but it's still adding to the overall coolness. FACT: Up was already a pretty good movie to begin with. SUMMERY: Up is good. By way of airship inclusion, it is better. OK, time for Toy Story 3 comments. It was good. I'd put it around Toy Story 2. The use of 3D was very limited. In fact, unless my eyes are slowly shutting down or something, I think there were points in the movie where there was no 3D. It was just... muted. I think that means that seeng it in 2D or 3D makes no real difference. Hell, the Disney logos had more 3D than the movie did. Buy Day and Night was an awesome concept that they pulled off very well.
  18. I suspect he means anyone from here. No. New York is actually a giant tourist spot. Everyone there is a tourist. EVERYONE. The people at the airport? Tourists. The cabbies? Tourists. The store workers, the tradesmen, the hotel staff, the guy that serves you a hot dog froma cart on the street? Tourist. It's all part of an elaborate scheme New York has to trick tourists into thinking they're acting like New Yorkers by taking on their roles. Thin of it as really deep role-playing. Why do they do this? Simple. New York is right next to New Jersey. No one wants to live next to New Jersey. All the real New Yorkers left years ago, and the city needed some way to keep the economy going.
  19. No, it's different. It looks different, it plays different (even though the vast majority of us haven't actually played it) and it's too kiddy, too Nintendo, and not enough like _____ for the _____. It obviously sucks, and you all suck for even thinking of liking it.
  20. Don't worry, Sony will announce the PSP2 sometime next year to try and steal all the attention away from the 3DS. It too will have 3D display, motion sensing, and maybe they will get around to that second analog stick everyone has been asking for since it came out. "Oh yeah, well our PSP2 has TWO analog sticks, so YEAH!" The next step, I think, will be to make large screens on very small systems. Imagine if the entire top half of the 3DS was the screen. All of it. The speakers are located on the hinge or bottom half. There you have it. Small form factor, maximum screen size.
  21. I miss the animal friends. There was something about getting Kine, the fish, and then grabbing the electric power... heh, fish-bulb. A few years after the game came out, the episode of The Simpsons where Homer finds that Japanese soap box with his likeness on it aired, and ever since then, when I would get Kine and the electric power, I'd go around shooting everything, saying "FISHBULB!"
  22. Didn't a bunch of Nintendo press stuff come out about how that quote wasn't from Iwata? I remember the same thing being said, and then a articles saying "no, he didn't say that, where are you people getting this from?" But it makes sense that they would keep an eye out for every form of competition. They didn't take the Playstation seriously, and look what happened. The PS1 became a major competitor, and then it was Nintendo fighting against Sony. Then Microsoft came in, making it harder for them to get back to their former status as industry leader. Since then, I think Nintendo has been keeping an eye on anything that might move in on their piece of the pie. The PSP was the only portable gaming system to ever take a chunk out of Nintendo's domination of that market. The iPod line is probably something they have been keeping tabs on, just in case. It's smart business, and we know that Nintendo is all about smart business these days.
  23. Maybe for your needs, but not mine. 30 GBs isn't enough. I would have to cut out lots of stuff I like just to make it fit on something that small. If the 3DS can handle media right, then I see no reason why I can't use it as my primary media player as well as my game machine. People have been doing that with iPods for a while now, and they like it. Hell, the PSP was all about being a game and media device since it came out, and people seemed to like it just fine. So why can't the 3DS do the same? Also, if they support certain video formats, maybe I want to put a bunch of movies on it as well. People have been watching movies on screen that size for a few years now, and they don't seem to mind.
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