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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. No, this is just the deadline for tracks. Art and website still need to be done. Again, this isn't the release date or anything. Just a deadline for tracks, nothing more.
  2. OK, so here it is, with only two weeks left, and I only have eight tracks out of the twenty-five tracks. Just saying.
  3. I don't think anyone likes that. Anyone. At all.
  4. So... why does she glam out so much? She was pretty good looking in those old videos of her, and she already had some talent. Has it really been that long since we had serious costume-based musicians? Does she really need that much more attention to her music that she has to dress up like that? I have to imagine that some marketing people came up with that idea.
  5. I'm hoping the "new and revolutionary" bit is the plot. Yes, I've ranted about this before, but a better story is more important than a few steps up in the graphics. Maybe they've finally redone all the old pokémon cries?
  6. http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml New starters are revealed, and it's not the much-rumored Dark-Fighting-Psychic combo, but the old fashioned Fire-Water-Grass. The Grass starter looks like an asshole. If I choose him, he's going to be the first one out on every battle just so I can faint him and teach him some humility. The water starter seems rather boring. Fire-pig? Self-roasting bacon? Hell yeah.
  7. I once hung around a site that dealt with modified Toyota Tercels, mostly the 90s models. They had stuff like putting Corolla engines in, or adding an all-wheel drive transmission.
  8. Speaking of E3, Nintendo is supposed to be showing quite a lot this year. Any one thinking some major game announcements, or maybe even some sort hint at new hardware?
  9. http://www.japanator.com/hyadain-reveals-secret-identity-kenichi-maeyamada-14779.phtml Surely you know about Hyadain, the Japanese remixer that has done all kinds of awesome video game remixes, most with really entertaining animations to go with them. Did you also know he composes music for anime? Well... now you do.
  10. Wow. That is an obscure title. I have some really unknown titles, but that one is like some sort of forgotten red-headed stepchild left on your doorstep in the middle of the night.
  11. They... they look kind of good together. Like a couple. Creeeeeee-py.
  12. I can't even get the mp3s off the site anymore. They're dead links.
  13. In all fairness, you were involved in like, twelve different projects at one point, so no one can blame you. Can you get those to me sometime?
  14. Hmmm... maybe lossy would be just better. But at least encode everything to maximum quality (320 kbps and all that). But there's still the artwork and website. Ultimately, I'd like to send a copy to GameFreak in Japan,hence why I wanted WAVs for a physical CD with a note to the company.
  15. CHECK TODAY'S LIST OF BIRTHDAYS, DAMN IT. Not that there's any reason. Maybe just go look at it. Just a quick peek.
  16. No, I don't have it. It's not on the forums either, at least as I can tell.
  17. halc got his in. They were awesome. I emitted some sort of fluids when I listened to them. Mostly tears of joy. Mostly.
  18. SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP it'll be done at some point. Music first, art second.
  19. Will The Otaku, bloodeyezack and TheKrow please stand up? It's alright, there are no guns aimed at you right now. Maybe later, but for now, it's fine. Stand up. That's right. All of you. Yes, you three. Good. It has come to our attention that you're all older than you were this time last year. While that could be said for any two points in time, doing this every year on the same day is easier than working out factions and decimal points of months and weeks. You're all one year older, which means that you're now eligible for the following comments: Darkesword: "caaaaaaake" The Coop: (Nice Birthday Guy pic) Perhaps even a message from Mr. Pretzel himself. But don't bet on it. He's a busy man. And remember to put all the chairs away when everyone leaves. Carry on.
  20. You did the OCAD sigs? Nice. You make Level 99 look almost handsome.

  21. TOO LATE! More like, "Protodon't get what he wants", right? HAA HAA HAA!

    As for TheKrow, happy birthday. You're that much closer to outliving your enemies. But don't get too happy; they're also at that point as well. Might I suggest some sort of tripwire?

  22. Well, it's using an existing material to form shapes for the expressions of ideas and feelings, so... http://www.mocpages.com/home.php/8570 It's mostly just experiments with various techniques and trying out color schemes. Also, FUCKI YEAH LASER BEAMS!!
  23. Yeah, Atomic Robo is nice because there's absolutely no need to be familiar with the other stories to get into it. Each one if pretty much self-contained.
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