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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Here's a question about the SD slot. SDHC or SDXC? That's a significant selling point for me. SDHC is only 32 GB (or 29.8 once you do the math and all that table stuff). SDXC starts at 64 GB and goes up from there. That's a huge amount of stuff to have on their. Also, maybe some better media support. AAC may be slightly better (and cheaper) than MP3, but guess what most of the people out there still use and have all their files as?
  2. Aussies get screwed on games because the government there hates them. Hates them so much. They put heavy taxes on them, and force game companies to not release titles, or at least stall them so people can't play them right away. Also, they can come into your house and boot you at anytime for even owning video games of any kind. Read Rabbit? That's a booting. Tetis? That's a booting. Anything with colors in it? Oh, you better believe that's a booting.
  3. It means you can't hide the fact you're playing Pokemon from your friends anymore. Just accept it and enjoy your all Pikachu team. Embrace your pokémon as they embrace you!
  4. Someone with a little extra time will take the videos and edit them for mockery and fanboyish slander, so just wait a bit. Hell, they may be up on youtube right now for all we know.
  5. Nintendo needs to finalize the 3DS hardware and get some demo units out in the world. I need to know who much money I should save up for one and games before it comes out. Face it: a lot of us are getting a 3DS now. The list of games is too much to resist.
  6. That Kevin Butler guy was the least insulting part of it. And then he 180ed himself with that whole PSP reel. Like I said before, does no one go over any of the stuff they prepare to make sure it doesn't make them look bad?
  7. This is the year we get spoiled. We get new hardware, assloads of games from everybody for all the systems, and stuff we've been waiting for since last year is coming out. This next year is just packed with something for everyone, regardless of your preference in console.
  8. Yeah, after watching all the press conferences and reading up on everything so far, I have the feeling that this next year is basically the industry spoiling the hell out of us. Seriously, this is perhaps the best year in a long time. We're getting tons of games not just from everyone, but specifically Nintendo, who is notorious for not pushing lots of games. And to top it off, we're seeing lots of titles that people have been asking for for a long time. Then we get new portable hardware, final versions of new systems (I don't know if Move and Kinetic count as "accessories" anymore), and lots of third party support all around. Yes, I believe this will be a good year for everyone... except our bank accounts.
  9. Wow. I just watched a hands-on video with the 3DS, and it's one glossy fucker. It was brand new and it looked like someone smeared grease over it. Shiny may look pretty, but it's a nightmare when it comes to fingerprints. That's why my DS Lite has a full-body protective layer around it. It's still shiny, but it doesn't get all smudgy from use. Also, why the hell is the inside glossed? That's a horrible idea. "Hey, you know that surface you're going to be touching all the time, the one with two screen? Yeah, glossy as polished plastic cover in gloss. Thought you might like that!" They need to make a matte surface again, like they did with the DSi and XL.
  10. People are stupid, and don't do the smart thing. How many times have we heard of someone destroying something they bought simply because they were idiots? I'm not arguing with you, I'm just saying that there are people ou there that do somehow manage to wreck things.
  11. Quoting again, because it's somethig that needs to be heard more often. Bleck, sometimes I could just hug you. In a heterosexual way, of course.
  12. Didn't you hear? It was canceled along with that other thing you like.
  13. Wait... Twisted Metal? Is that still being made?
  14. Infamous 2: Turn into Ice Man and fight the monster from Cloverfield. IN 3D!
  15. Somewhere above the Virtual Boy, but below the GBA SP Mk2 with slightly different light.
  16. If the entire post is composed of all-caps, it gets changed to all lower-case. It's been that way for a while now.
  17. Well, Gabe Newll of Valve just walked on stage, so I guess Valve games are on PS3 now. EDIT: Make that Portal 2 for PS3.
  18. To be fair, it's still going on right now, so maybe they have something really great at the end. But yeah, it's pretty much the same thing as the last couple of years. Clips, smack-talk, more clips, more smack-talk. Hell, they showed Dead Space 2 and it was mostly cutscenes. The guy was just standing there with a controller, and he maybe had fifteen seconds of actual control over the game. The rest of it was all cinematics. You've missed very little. I'd just wait for the youtube parodies.
  19. I like how they had Kevin Butler give a long speech about how it doesn't matter what you play or how you play it, all that matters is that you do play, and that you enjoy what you play... And then have Jack Trenton say that the PSP is for real gamers and real games, and not for "those kids" on the other portables, and how they are being "scammed" with fake games. Jesus christ, do they have anyone rad over what they write up for these things? Didn't someone look at it and think "hey, this kind of doesn't fit with what we just did ten minutes before," and try to fix it? Damn, Sony. Just... just damn.
  20. What? Why hasn't anyone started this yet? OK, so they started out with some clips. Lots of clips. And a pre-rendered Killzone 3 trailer. PUT ON YOUR GLASSES! Yeah, nothing new or interesting so far. But the "cheap shot at the competition" count is at four so far. Stay classy, Sony!
  21. OK, some of those just look like other games pasted onto a frame. I'd have to see videos or something.
  22. I was all "LINKS OR GTFO" until I looked up the titles. Yeah, those are real games now.
  23. I think it's more of a "people will now be waving their arms and legs within reach of the 360" sort of thing. Think about it. People can read all those "keep away from the machine when it's running" screens every day they use it, but some of them are going to hit, slap, kick, or fall onto it at some point. They could have figured out a better way for it to work. that's the issue.
  24. Here's a list of developers and games for the 3DS, according to the screens they showed at the event. * Square Enix and Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy franchise, Chocobo Racing 3D * THQ and Saints Row * DJ Hero * Capcom and Resident Evil * Ubisoft and Assassin's Creed * Namco and Ridge Racer * Konami and the Metal Gear Solid franchise * EA Sports and Madden * Tecmo Koei and Ninja Gaiden, Dead or Alive * Professor Layton and the Mask of Mircale That's... that's most certainly not the usual "kiddy" list people expect.
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