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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Probably doesn't help that most of my recent experience with DC is from whatever random books I find at various book stores. Great for getting those particular story arcs, but with no point of context or timeline to go by... Mind you, Marvel is just as bad.
  2. Wait, isn't the point of the six-issue story to cover Bruce Wayne as he lives his life over and over in different points of time until he (somehow magically) gets back to modern day Gotham? How is that not alternate realities? You know, Darkseid, Omega Beam, alternate realities over and over... EDIT: No, wait. Wikipedia's article on the story arc says he's time-traveling... somehow. It doesn't say. Stuff like this is why comics are hard to get into sometimes. There's a point where suspension of disbelieve just doesn't work anymore.
  3. Daaaww, but I want those awesome alternate reality ones with the cool six-page combo covers.
  4. He's got like, three comic books ont he table right now, and not his own. We're talking Marvel titles here. They man is busy. Give him time. Any of the Return of Bruce Wayne stuff out yet?
  5. Well, if everyone got their WAVs in,it would be out sooner. HINT. HINT. HINT.
  6. I... I love you now. I want your babies. I want to lay eggs in your flesh until they hatch, and then burrow their way to the gooey, loving inside of you.
  7. Well, it's over now, so I guess we have to discuss his music seriously now. Thanks a lot, OA. ALRIGHT EVERYONE! SERIOUS BUSINESS TIME AGAIN! Come on, back to work.
  8. I sent you pictures of myself five different times over the last year and a half. Check your damn inbox, for fucks sake! He's a highly public figure who actively promotes himself to further his career, and I find elements of him amusing. I can talk about him as I want.
  9. I've never listened to his music, so I won't comment on it. Instead, I will comment on his haircut and his last name. He looks like a girl, and needs to get a proper stylist to work on his hair. Get a straight girl to do your hair, not a gay guy or a dyke-ish lesbian. Neither one will give you something that looks right for your age. Also, your head is slightly misshaped. I think a baseball bat would solve some of that. Also, every time I hear or read his name, I automatically think "beaver". Which makes for some really good mental puns. He's Canadian, his names turns into a word for vagina so easily, there's a few about beavers and girls... damn, it's like someone intentionally set it up for my specific form of odd humor. So, I can not like him for who he is, right? That's acceptable, right? Or are you going to start on a big rant about how someone who puts himself up for public display shouldn't be judged?
  10. It must be, because the only other explanation is that girls really do find shit like that good, and they genuinely do get all fluttered over someone like that. If so, I'm all in favor on nuking the planet now. Someone get on it.
  11. That's all marketing. Thy pay some girls to scream at the camera whenever they hear his name to hype him up. It's an old trick used by everyone for decades. Other girls, they see this and think "oh my god, they like him, he must be awesome! I should like him too!" because girls are dumb at that age. So are boys, but that's another topic. Think about it: Backstreet Boys, N'Sync, the Beatles, pretty much anyone that young girls would freak out over. It was all marketing and subconscious peer pressure.
  12. That could be a nice alternative to full 3D models. The Golden Sun games pulled off some very nice pseudo-3D effects using that system. It would certainly make the spriters happy.
  13. It is. There's a link to the original video from Pokémon Sunday on the side, just a few from the top. I have to kill you now. It's in the OCR sign-up agreement.
  14. Which they stated they would never do, and so far they haven't. I guess if we want the perfect pokémon game, we'll be playing something else. I'd just like to see something more than a few lines about some random legendary and then a villian shows up and says something about their plan and then we have to fight them. Some more cutscenes or some longer conversations with important NPCs would go a long way towards that. Also, having characters that are interesting would be a big change for the better. Cyrus was kind of different in that he wasn't just out for money or power, he truly wanted to change the world. The way he was going about changing it was the villainous part of his character. Teams Aqua and Magma were like that as well, but only in Emerald did they correctly convey it. Ruby and Sapphire had the opposite team acting as a force of good trying to stop the other team, which was kind of pointless if you played bother versions. Even then, though, it ended in the usual "OK, a little kid showed me how wrong I was, I'll stop being bad now" cliché. Giovanni, Neo-Team Rocket, Aqua and Maga and Galactic all did this. Maybe it's time for the bad guys to stay bad all the way to the bitter end. Hell, they could even have him claim that he'll be back one day, and then a proper sequel could be done. Yes, it's also cliché, but it's one that hasn't been used yet. Anything at this point would be a welcome change.
  15. With no info other than two video clips and one pokémon design, we haven't heard anything about the story. The press release noted several changes, including a vague line about "adventure", which could be the story. It might change, it might not. We'll find out in the next few months.
  16. Still, it's a step up from the previous games, which is good. Hopefully we get a better story this time. That's my real concern with the series. I'm not asking for later-year Final Fantasy level plots, but at least flesh things out a little more. I know there are thousands of lines of text, but the vast majority are said by random trainers and NPCs. Come on, GameFreakm give us some story already!
  17. Metagross would be an awesome way to travel, considering they can also float using psychic powers. I see she's using a Magnemite as a power source. The girl looks very familiar, but I can't place from where.
  18. The first part of your question is that it is a giant fan-based collection of all things Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross. The second part of your question is that there is some history between that site and this one... not the good kind. More like the "I HATE YOU AND FUCK OFF AND DIE BASTARD I'LL KILLL YOU ON TEH STREET YOU STUPID FUCKER" kind. There's a thread or two archived somewhere, I'm sure.
  19. Was it in a isometric view? In case you're not sure what that means, it when everything is like this. I recall one that fits the description, but damn me if I can remember the title.
  20. Nope, you did not. Yes, all wavs are needed.
  21. First footage of the game is out. Looks pretty smooth, but it's such a short clip.
  22. Ever notice how the lyrics for Sweet Dreams fit into the melody of Greensleeves perfectly? Just try it.
  23. Prophet is cool. He's not only kept me going on The Missingno Tracks, but also started another project that I've been looking forward to since I heard it started. You wish him happy birthdays, damn it. You wish him hard.
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