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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. Original name, huh?

    Any ways, there's enough people in the DS thread talking about this game (which just came out today in North America) to warrant its own thread.

    Exchange your DP Friend Codes here, list some movesets you might want to try out, ask for some advice, anything at all.

    First, a poll: which of the three starters did you select, and why? For functionality? For looks? Because you always choose the starter of that type?

    When I do get my game (stupid exams...), I'm going with the turtle thing. It will make short work of the first few gyms, and I like the overall stats it has; namely, good defenses and decent attack power.

  2. Well... I do like to watch. And I do have pretty much every single pokemon there is, including starters and legendaries... even those Mews from the last Pokémon event.

    And I will have random amounts of free time over the next while.

    Anyone want some starters?

  3. To anyone that has their Pokémon Diamond and Pearl games, can you answer a few questions?

    First, are the carts both different colors (as as the tradition with Pokémon games), or just the regular black?

    Second, how shiny and fancy are the cases? I've seen the usual box art pics, but I've also seen some shiny, possibly holographic, foil details on a few others.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. I hate all of you right now. You don't have a major exam, one that gets you a pay raise, on Monday. Some of you are also getting your games a day or two early. And then there's those of you that have working wifi.

    Hate you all... so much...

  5. Congrats to Fishy for his rocking Pokemix being accepted by the judges. Finally, my dream (and random efforts) of having a Pokemon remix on OCR has come true.

    Also, anyone that still wonders about a release date, it's pretty damn obvious that April 22nd isn't happening. It will be out when it's ready.

    I just wanted to avoid everyone getting Diamond/Pearl and then seeing a sudden and complete stop of progress in this project...

  6. Still, not at all a reason to not get a lite, especially with the lighter colors available! While the regular DS has a more responsive d-pad, the lite vastly out performs it on just about every other level.

    I'd say that only the brighter screen settings make it any better.

    The size and weight differences aren't that much, and the speakers on the Lite are pathetic compared to the DS. Play something (ideally the same game) in both a DS and a Lite, and you'll hear the difference instantly.

    Also, while some people have left GBA games behind, there are still lots of us that haven't. The Lite leaves the GBA cart sticking out. Not a major issue, but it is sort of annoying.

    Yeah, only the brighter screens really make a Lite worthwhile. And since most of us aren't in Japan, saying there are more colors out doesn't help any... Stupid Japan, getting like... twenty colors or something.

  7. I found and bought a black DS Lite, and I returned it.

    There was a problem with dead pixels, yes, but that wasn't the real issue.

    I found the glossy coating to be really, really annoying. Every time I touched it, it was like someone had rubbed bacon on it. The smudges were terrible. If it was a flat, matte black, I would have been fine with it. Gloss is a terrible thing to put on anything a person is going to be constantly touching.


  8. Can someone explain the idea of Pokemon to me? If I'm right, it's basically turned=based battles with monsters that you've captured, bred, or traded, plus some standard RPG story elements and gameplay making it more than just combat. Is this basically it?

    Pretty much. The whole point is that unlike pretty much every other RPG, even the other creature-collecting ones, you can make any team you want with almost any attacks you want. You can even get so specific as to choose which stats get bonuses, both battle and otherwise.

    Why should I consider buying one of the Pokemon games?

    Because they're fine games? Because they're solid titles in their own right? Because it's fun to make a team and use it to beat the shit out of other teams, whether it's in-game or against another person?

    What is the difference between the two?


    Some older and newer pokémon show up only on one version. Trading is also a hell of a lot easier, so getting those missing ones is pretty simple.

    If you have wi-fi, you can place the poke you want to trade away on the Global Trade System (GTS), and even when you turn the game off, the server(s) that handle the trading system on-line will store it for you. If another person has the poke you're looking for, and they agree to the few conditions you specified (like gender and level), they send their poke to the server. Once you turn your game back on, the system automatically completes the trade for you and taa-daa! You traded a pokémon without even having to be there.

  9. Hey guys, it looks like the project is coming along well, so nice work with that. Can't wait until the album releases so we can shower you with appropriate praise. Sorry if I seem impatient by asking, but I have to: you guys think you'll be on track for a D/P simul. release? I ask because DigiPen has a campus Pkmn club, and we're having a launch party on Apr. 18 (I know, D/P comes out on the 22nd, but we are getting one of the professors to take us over to Nintendo to get it early... muhaha.), and it would be cool to have some Pokemon jams to play to.


    --Jack Kieser

    As much as I liked the idea of having it out for the 22nd, that is becoming more and more unlikely. Unless we can get the artwork and website done in the next few weeks (Poinko, I'm looking at you. And our web designer guy(s)... you too), there's going to be too much to do for that day.

    I'd love to make, so I'm going to push for it. But don't get too hopeful for it. Either it's the 22nd, or a shortly after it. We'll get it out, that's certain. I just hope that if it has to get pushed back until after April 22nd, no one ends up playing Diamond/Pearl so much that they stop work on the project altogether!

    (Note to all project members, check the project board Announcements Section for some things we need to work on. This is a long weekend coming up, so let's try to sort out what needs to be done, and who needs to do what)

    (PS: Drop some hints at Nintendo that we're working on this project. We're gigantic Pokémon fans, and would love free Diamond and Pearl games :)!! )

    (PPS: Unless you talk to some Nintendo lawyers, then don't. I don't think Nintendo would start suing anyone, since they have a pretty good fan-made works policy... but lawyers are lawyers, you know)

    (PPPS: I'll take Pearl. Or Diamond. I don't know. Either is fine)

  10. One month until Pokémon Daimond and Pearl come out.

    And I still have two months of classes left. Seriously, I will fail those last parts, simply because I will not be able to NOT play the game.

  11. that's a good point, i never considered the card game (which is a really fun game, actually, i got pretty good at it before i re-discovered side-scrollers) but we don't have any mixes from it.

    Yeah, it's just the core Gameboy RPGs. If there was to be a giant, all-encompassing remix of any Pokémon game music, the tracklist would pretty much double.

    And as for annoying people... shoo. Away with you. Don't ruin things for everyone else.

  12. I did take care of it... but now I see two "Private WIPs" on the project boards.

    The fuck?

    EDIT: As for you guys no being able to see the Private WIPs section, that was because no one had set your viewing permissions to allow it. That's changed now.

    Odd, you should have been able to once your account was activated.

  13. uhh, this sort of sounds like spam, but it's not!

    Guess again!

    I've been doodling around with this gamer community website that I joined, and it is realllllly cool. Think a combination of MySpace, Facebook, and XFire. It's a brilliant compendium of community and free games.

    So it's a combination of two kinds of shit and a little crap? You're not selling this very well.

    This is spam. He even wants you to add him to your friend list. Come on, spleen, you should be better than this.

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