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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

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  2. But, after having not played it for several months, I just picked it up and played around 12 hours over the course of a weekend without it ever going to red. I've had it since it was first released, and I have never had much problem with it.

    As opposed to us that are playing it almost everyday since we got ours... Hmmm. I don't think that's a fair comparison. But then, that may very well be why it's so worn down.

    Maybe a DS Lite as a graduation present for myself in May...

    I was playing a lot of FFIII DS last night, and the battery lasted me 5-6 hours before turning red.

    Yikes. I can't imagine that the game would be that big a drain on the battery. That doesn't seem right at all.

    The Lite has differrent light settings, right? How much of a battery life difference is there when using the lowest and highest settings?

  3. Porting and tweaking existing games from the 8- and 16-bit consoles to the GBA is easier than completely redoing them from scratch for the DS.

    And don't tell me how good it is. I can't but any new games for another four months, and it's already killing me...

  4. After a hundred charges you're definitely going to notice a difference, especially if: a) you didn't charge the battery before you turned your DS on for the very first time ever, and B) you constantly charge your battery mid-way through a charge, and c) you don't give your battery an opportunity to charge nearly fully whenever you do happen to charge it.

    a) Oops.

    B) I only ever charged after it died, or an hour or so once the red light came on.

    c) Overnight, while I sleep. I have to assume the leaving it plugged in after it finishes charging has no effect on the battery at all, seeing how there is no current running through it.

    But I still notice it dying pretty quickly these days... should I get a new battery (easy install, and I can always keep the other one as a spare if I need one, for some reason) or just go get a DS Lite?

    $20 for a battery, be able to play GBA games without sticking out so much but still have a few dead pixels, or $150 for new everything, brighter and more colorful screens, but have GBA games stick out... decisions, decisions.

  5. I think Hotel Dusk is more of a stylized mystery than a serious mystery. I mean, look at it. It's got a completely original art style for a game.

    If they had a lot more time, I suspect that the story could have been a lot longer, or better. But as it is, it's still a decent game.

  6. You have 3 lives per continue, but by default, you can continue as many times as you like.

    Oh, thank god... I need that.

    I only completed R-Type because I was playing a ROM and kept using continues from all the "insert coin" button pressing I did whenever I had a chance. In real life, I would have gone through an entire paycheck doing so.

    So maybe I could actually complete Metal Slug for once.

  7. Personally, I probably wouldn't, then again, I am a zealot against all things DRM...

    QFA. (That's "agreement", in case no one guesses)

    I'm looking for a high capacity MP3 player, but it has to - HAS TO - not do any DRM of any kind. I want my stuff clean and free. Got any recommendations?

    And please don't say the Gigabeat line... I've already found out about their nasty little tricks.

  8. DS > SNES?

    In what regard? In sales, software, fun factor? The Snes had a lot of each.

    Not until the DS sells a billion units...

    According to Wikipedia, the DS has sold 35.6 million DSs as of December 31, 2006. Soooo, at that rate, it would take Nintendo 56 years to reach a billion units sold.

    Yeah, even with Nintendo milking successful hardware for as long as possible, I don't see that happening. Unless there is a sudden, exponential increase in sales in the next couple of years.

  9. Spore. On DS. And it's Official.

    Regarding both the Wii and Nintendo DS, Electronic Arts noted that the company has 15 SKUs in development for both platforms, including several original IP offerings. Confirmed titles in development for Nintendo platforms include My Sims for both the DS and Wii, Sim City, as well as official confirmation of a Nintendo DS version for Will Wright's highly anticipated Spore.

    Well. Even though the sales and other popular titles like Mario Kart, Animal Crossing and Nintendogs secured the portable market for Nintendo, having not only Dragon Quest but Spore as well... wow. Is there such a thing as overkill in a console war?

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