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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. Then why bother even replying? Don't click threads you aren't interested in. Geez.

    First, it's a thread I am interested in. Not in the same way you are, but that's how you make conversations happen.

    Second, I'm countering an opinion stated by other people. You're allowed to do that now.

    Third, STFU, 5 post newbie. When you learn how people around here operate, you'll see that telling someone to not post in a thread is like telling fat chicks not to eat chocolate. Lurk some more.

    Just something I want to confirm about Ganondorf's status in ALttP, regarding him against Sephiroth (versus topic on Gamefaqs, been banned from here see), after four topics over two boards, I eventually beat one very persistent Sephy fanboy by proving that Ganondorf would win at both one third of his power against AC Sephiroth respectively, and full power, which I believe would be full triforce Ganondorf in ALttP- however, because EVERYONE in the Dark Realm is said to be in a repressed, stunted form; Link as a bunny; Ganondorf would also have been in a repressed form in the final battle, which means that placed in a neutral location against 100% Jenova Sephiroth i.e. FF7 Northern Crater Sephiroth, Ganondorf's full power would be realised, which with the ENTIRE TRIFORCE and his wish for ultimate cosmic rule would basically make him a god. This is partly based on the GBA ALttP and GFaqs text dumps, I'm aware the above Zeldalegends translation says that no-one knew his wish:

    Well, that just solves everything, especially the original topic.

  2. Yeah, that's about right. There's still stuff to do, but it should be out around then.

    EDIT: Also, Prophet of Mephisto and I are working on a joke remix rap song. Expect some poking fun at the cartoon, battle and player clichés, and maybe a few dick jokes.

    Mostly dick jokes.

  3. Actually, Chrono Trigger for the DS wouldn't be that bad. For starters, you don't have to use the touch screen for anything. It's just there.

    I could see CT keeping everything completely intact. The only real change would be switching the menu screens to the bottom, and making them touch based. Just pause the top screen where all the game action take place (maybe gray it out a bit).

    The game would still be played using the same buttons and commands.

  4. ed;223272']All multiplayer games will be online. All of them. And if Nintendo isn't doing it for the Wii' date=' they'll modify all the past-gen games on the VC to have multiplayer, too.[/quote']

    Yeah, because all the old games have a little "online multiplayer" switch you can just turn on...

  5. Am I the only one who loves Zelda but doesn't give a crap about all this timeline nonsense?

    I've been trying to think of something to say about this whole timeline crap, but everything I thought up was grounds for post deletion. Short (and much more polite) version: no. I also don't give a fuck about any supposed timeline. I never ever thought about it, it never even crossed my mind as to how each game was related to each other. They're all stand alone as far as I'm concerned.

    And unless there's some incredibly important reason why you have to know exactly which games come in which order, there's no point to even trying to discuss it. It's not like the next Zelda game is going to have pop quizzes where you have to get the timeline right or else the room fills up with ReDeads.

  6. Who knows. There are still pokeball toys you can buy from Japan. They even have the spring-loaded trap system so you can throw them at stuff and capture it. They even come in the different types of balls, like Super and Master balls. Some versions even had sound chips in them to make the sounds from the anime.

    A girl I was interested in decided to cosplay as a pokemon trainer for a convention one year, and I spent a few days trying to find some some good ones for her to use. But then she changed her mind and went with something else.

    Never did get anywhere with her... Too bad, she had the body and liked to dress up in outfits. It could have been sooooo good.

  7. As part of our American heritage, this day is a perfect opportunity to pass on the love and enjoyment of pie eating and pie making to future generations.

    What does that mean? Pies aren't American. They're actually Ancient Egyptian in origin. The concept then spread to the other ancient societies, including the Greeks. Eventually, the pie spread to what is now modern Europe, and then came over with settlers to the New World. In fact, most kinds of pie are either European or Middle East in origin.

    Your pie-jingoism sickens me.


    I like pumpkin pie the most. But it has to be a strongly seasoned one. Otherwise, it's just as bland as watered-down milk. More nutmeg than cinnamon, but not too much.

  8. OK, this game looks pretty cool. A really interesting concept, and it looks like they pulled it off. Watch the video. Watch it a few times, actually. I was a little confused the first time, but it makes sense when you realize what's happening.

  9. There's no reason to play a handheld for hours at a time. Sure, it can be done, but the systems aren't really designed for that in mind.

    There are as many reason to play a handheld for hours as there are good games. The fact that you just dismissed, or even were ignorant of such games, is where your point is flawed. I could give you a list of games that one could happily play all day, non-stop. But that list would read like a reading of a game library. There would be dozens, if not hundreds, of games from the GBA, the DS and the PSP. Hell, if you counted the older systems like the WonderSwan, you could drive it up even more.

    And actually look at the portables. They were designed for long-term use. They took the weight, the balance, the shape and even the texture into account. When you hold onto something for any amount of time, it will put a strain on your fingers, hands and arms. Companies spend millions of dollars trying to make their portable devices (gaming or otherwise) as ergonomic as possible, because they know that people are going to be using them all the time.

    And while there are some that say such and such portable is uncomfortable to hold... maybe they aren't holding it right? Most people found the DS Lite uncomfortable, because they were holding it like it was a regular DS.

    On a side note, I have minor nerve and tendon damage from an accident two years ago, and I can hold a DS for hours and hours. If I can hold the damn thing with my gimped arms, what's preventing other people from doing the same?

    In fact, a major criticism of the PSP when it launched was that the games were designed like console games: long endeavors requiring you to play for an extended period of time.

    I've never heard about this. Cite something that backs this up.

    Besides, the whole point of the PSP was too offer a similar experience of your PS2 at home, but small enough to take it with you. The thing plays movies, for fuck's sake. How can it not be intended for continuous use? The only real issue with long playtimes is the battery in the PSP. The DS can run for almost a full day.

    This works fine for consoles, as one rarely boots up their PS2 to play for 30 minutes or less, but it undermines the philosophy of a handheld.

    Bullshit. There are games that are intended for short burst of play. Wario Ware, for example. There are also X-Box Live Arcade games that are perfect examples of playing for a few minutes.

    Also, there the price issue. A console game is usually ten to twenty bucks more than a portable game. And yet, a lot of console games can be played through in less than fifty hours. Some are even just over twenty hours. And yet, there are portable games that can go over fifty hours, easily. Not just RPGs, either.

    Who here played Mario Kart DS, or Metroid Prime: Hunters, or Tetris, or Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops? Did you play it in short bursts? Or did you play it and play it and keep playing until you were too tired to keep going, or the battery died? I blasted through Mario Kart DS in day-long stints, because it was fun to play. I went online with Tetris for hours because playing against other people was fun. I maxed out the clock on Pokemon Sapphire because it was fun.

    If your playing portable games that aren't fun enough to play for more than ten minutes at a time, you need to look for better games.

    Namely, the ability to get a quick game in here and there when you're waiting around for something.

    Unless it takes ten minutes for your home console to boot up and load a game, there's no reason at all to not play for only a short while. Hell, I played Twilight Princess for ten minutes the other day, just because I wanted to. I've played RPGs for a few minutes because I was bored. By your logic of portables and consoles, I'm some sort of heretic.

    Any game can be played for any length of time. That's because games are meant to be played for any length of time. Sports games can be played for one match, or for a whole season. FPSs can be played for one round, or for a tournament. RPGs can be played for one battle or all the way to the next plot development. Puzzle games can be played for one game or for as long as you can go. It's not the hardware it's played on, it's the person that plays it.

    If you're looking for a long, indulging experience, grab a 360 or something. If you want a handheld that perfectly embraces what portable gaming is all about, the DS is the de facto choice.

    I've already said who consoles offer just as much quick-and-dirty gaming. But I do agree with getting a DS. Not because you think it's something to pick up and play with for a few minutes at a time, though. I say get one because of the large library of games, both short and long, that it has.


  10. LOL, that was me with the OC shirt. Hey were u the guy that I bumped into in the lobby that was talking to me?

    -cool looking at ur profile Damned, i see your birthday is also april 30th. funny stuff

    anywhay awsome concert, got a lot of stuff autographed. Got two Video games live shirts one autographed one to wear a cool sonic shirt, an autographed playbook, and the earthworm jim album compilation that actually contains two Earthworm Jim OCremixes, and also two earthworm jim remixes from mazedude's "American Album". (although silly me forgot to get the CD autographed!)

    The best part was shaking Talarico's hand and getting my friend to take a picture of it. Best night of my life so far.

    Yeah, that was me.

    I didn't bother trying to meet up with any of the people there. But we did meet up with a few of the Bioware guys. I've met them before (cousin is married to one of the writers, I did an interview with the founders as part of a pre-enrollment for a course a few years ago, and my friend goes to class with some of the family and friends of the staff, so I run into them quite a bit) and we had a little chat with some of them. I had to suppress the need to shout "DO SHATTERED STEEL 2 ALREADY!" whenever I saw them, though... come on, just do it already.

    Overall, a good night. Did you get a chance to check out the girl in the white gown? Fuck yeah, that's some good cosplay. And the other one, with the ample cleavage and next to nothing to hold it in? Totally hittable. Like the hammer of god, I would.

  11. Since the previous thread died with the old board, I guess it's time to make a new one.

    In case no one knows, Video Games Live is a series of concerts held in various cities that feature symphonic orchestra performing video game music. They feature mostly the major franchises, like Zelda, Mario and Final Fantasy, but also showcase games like Jade Empire, Advent Rising and more.

    There are up-coming shows in cities across North America, so check the site above for a location near you.

    I personally went to the Edmonton, Alberta show tonight. In fact, I just got back from it. Excellent performance. The only thing that I wish was different were two things: first, that they didn't have so much Final Fantasy music (especially One Winged Angel, which was done twice; once in a medley and once as the final song) and two, they had played the Slider song from Mario 64. That would have made it better.

    The concert tonight had some special changes to it, supposedly. First, they had a guy from the audience come up on stage and put on a black shirt with a green shape on the back. It turns out that he was going to play Space Invaders for money, and the green shape was the player's ship. He played the game by running left and right to move the ship on the screen. If he completed the game within two minutes, he would have won his score in dollars. Too bad he died so many times... But he still got to walk away with the shirt and a bag of stuff.

    And the they had two kids play Frogger, and whomever got the highest score won prizes. The two were an 11-year old girl at 1180 points, and the winner, a 12-year old boy at 3200 points. Never played Frogger before, my ass...

    They also played a little bit of the Halo 3 theme, and showed some footage. I think some of it was new, I'm not sure.

    Bioware, Edmonton's local video game company (you may have heard of them) got tickets to the entire front center section. They also came up on stage and talked about Mass Effect, and then they played the theme from Jade Empire, which is supposed to be the very first live performance of it ever. Nice stuff.

    And for anyone that was at the concert, when Tommy Tallarico said "some people think video games are for kids,", I was the guy that yelled "boooooo!" loudly right after. Yes, that was me.

    I also saw an OCR member there, as he had an OCR shirt on. He didn't tell me his name, though... I couldn't even guess which of the other Alberta members here is could have been. Xelebes?

    Enough about my fun. Anyone from previous showings care to share what everyone else is missing out on?

  12. Yep, because real is brown.

    Rendering movie-quality cut scenes in real time seems a little out of its league, even after developers learn how to use it. Last I heard, it takes a decent amount of time for the computers at Pixar to render a single frame of a movie. Unless the PS3 is insanely powerful, pre-rendered cut scenes are still required, at least when it comes to cut scenes that are comparable in quality to movie scenes. The PS3 is powerful, but unless it's got power in there that we don't know about, it's not that powerful.

    What I meant was that with the way Sony talks about their hardware, pre-rendered cut scenes shouldn't even exist anymore. I guess the sarcasm was a little too light, there.

  13. So what if they're storing prerendered cinematics on there, some people actually like watching well done cutscenes, they are undoubtably better looking than rendered ones and there's no real point in rendering a cutscene in realtime anyways. (it might help immersion somewhat, but if you're using cutscenes that obviously doesn't matter that much)

    The thing is, Sony is constantly talking about how fast and powerful their system is. From the way they hype it, the thing sounds like it should render Pixar movies in real-time.

    That brings up the question: if the PS3 is so powerful that it can do a movie in real-time, why bother having all that room for pre-rendered cut scenes?

  14. Yes, Antipode and Smoke, I know about that feature. The problem was that it did it on its own. I wasn't touching the mouse or keyboard at all when it did it. The version or install or something obviously didn't go right, otherwise I wouldn't have had the massive problems with it that I did.

    Any way, there are other players out there with better prices, features, battery life and support. But the iPod is the perfect example of how marketing and glossy plastic override its glaring faults and limitations.

    Good for Apple. Bad for those of us that want and need more.

  15. What I don't like about it it the fact that when I installed it, it then proceeded to move all my files around, placed them in different directories, and move any files that for some reason didn't meet its restrictions into another folder. It wasn't like it was all done under another folder. No, it sent these folders all over the hard drive. I was digging them out of the Windows directory, game directories, system folders, everywhere. It went completely fucking nuts.

    I spent two days manually reorganizing every file back to its proper folder and sub-folder. Tens of thousands of songs, haphazardly thrown around because the program didn't like the way the ID3 tags were done.

    Basically, I had the worst experience with iTunes. And combined with the massive problems the iPod had, and the complete and total failure that was Apple customer support... I will never buy an iPod ever again. I don't care if they hand out free blowjobs for a year with one. It won't change my mind.

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