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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. God damn it, Brush. Stop posting things that make me hate my own species so much. Fuck. In the off chance that someone reading this doesn't get it, tsunamis are caused by earthquakes, not climate change. OK, you know what? Everyone should make it a point to distribute that as much as possible, and make it known that those people are not only fucking idiots, but they're making everyone they are related to or associate with look bad. That kind of stupidity needs to be punished. Go. Go and spread that around so everyone can see just how ficking stupid and ignorant those individuals are. They deserve the humiliation.
  2. Nintendo also didn't mention any plans for C64, Neo-Geo and Sega consoles for the Wii's virtual console, either. And yet, there they are. The system is more than capable of it, by all accounts. It's just a matter of when they will do it.
  3. Not yet, but there may be GBA virtual console titles later.
  4. No. The best thing to grace Game Freak is those fucking ninjas that appeared in the electric cave. That actually startled me a bit, because I had the volume up and wasn't expecting it.
  5. Maybe the EB Games one was a shitty demo unit with problems. Maybe the actual 3DS games will look better. I'll have to find one at Best Buy or Futureshop and try it again.
  6. Japan used to be considered remote... look how that ended up. But fuck, it was generations ago. Most of the people that were actually in that fight are long dead, and the few that remain aren't exactly calling for the other sides blood all the time. Dear These People, The US got bombed by the Japanese in Hawaii back in WW2, we get that. Big losses, lots of damage, many people killed and wounded. But you made up for that with dropping two atomic bombs on Japan a few years later. Now you are spewing things like "but then I remembered they bombed us like, 100 years ago, so fuck them!" Did you forget that Japan has been an important ally for the last 60 years, you buy their video games, TVs and cars, watch their cartoons, and eat their food? If the whole bombing Pearl Harbour is such a big deal, then why are you watching the news about it on your Sony, Toshiba, Panasonic or Samsung HDTV? Jesus christ, no wonder parts of the world don't like Americans. The stupidest members of your country seem to go out of their way to say the most inappropriate things during times of tragedy. On a slightly lighter note, it turns out that the volcano is the real-world basis for Mt. Pyre in Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. It's where the bad guys steal the Blue and Red Orbs from the summit, and (in Ruby) use them to awaken Groudon, the big ground-type legendary that creates earthquakes and casts fiery doom upon the land. I guess they made a good choice for that location, then.
  7. Damn, I thought this was going to be about completionist behavior and the values of open-ended versus linear and/or directed gameplay. I had this whole thing ready for it, too. With a bunch of ideas and quotes, and then i was going to get some links for examples. But now it's not important...
  8. Or you could keep your games and continue to play them afterward. Hell, maybe some of them will end up being collectors items in the future! Any way, I got to try out a 3DS today. One of the EB Games in town had a demo unit (which I only found out about this morning) and I got to try it out for a while. Now, when I say this, I'm doing given that they didn't have a proper 3DS game, like Street Fighter or Nintendogs, but just the AR card game, where you shoot at a dragon. Also, I do not need glasses for anything, I am not blind in one eye, and my last eye exam (just in summer of 2010, as required by both my employer and federal law for continued employment) was almost perfect, with only a slight difference in my left eye when it comes to certain fine details, which my right eye more than makes up for. I can see 3D effects in movies with no problem, and I am not suffering from any kind of eye problems that might interfere with my ability to use the 3DS screen (ie, eye infections or dryness or anything like that). The 3D effect was very underwhelming. Even disappointingly so. I couldn't see anything that was 3D about it at all. The only real difference with the 3D off was it ran slightly faster (with a slight lag when you turn the 3D slider on and off). There was no depth to anything at all. The only thing I could notice was with the 3D on, the screen looked slightly different, like the colors were distorted slightly. It was more visible the higher the 3D slider was up, but it gave absolutely no sense of depth at all. I am willing to put that up to it being an AR card game, with a flat counter being the majority of the image. I'm also willing to put some of it to what may possibly be a slightly defective demo unit. But in the end, I couldn't make out any 3D effect at all. Nothing. It's a very nice looking screen, and for 2D stuff, it works great, but I can't say that the much-praised 3D effect is impressive at all. It seemed completely non-existent, which is a real shame, considering this is the big selling point for the system.
  9. Not to mention the number of times an atomic battery one rockets or satellites burnt up on re-entry or exploded in orbit and left radioactive particles over most of the planet... multiple times (just scroll down a bit to the list). There are also a multitude of military accidents from the 1940s up to the modern day that have equaled and exceeded that of what they are expecting from the Japanese reactors. It's bad, yes, but not as bad as some would like you to believe.
  10. OK, since the earthquake in Japan happened, people have been spreading a rumor that Satoshi Tajiri, the creator of the series, was killed. So, if you see anyone saying this, just send them this link. http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Sendai_earthquake,_tsunami_impact_Pok%C3%A9mon_officials HE'S NOT DEAD, STOP SAYING HE IS, ASSHOLES.
  11. Edited the above post to remove dead pic link. Well, no one has put the image up for the group yet. Sucky. They must be busy. I must say, I found Elesa's gym to be the most visually interesting one to date. The coaster theme was pretty cool. But she's totally based upon Yellow from the manga, there's no denying it. Electric user, the face and clothing... even the red and blue ear-things kind of hint to it. Wait... red and blue? Like Rubies and sapphires... RUBY AND SAPPHIRE REMAKES COMFIRMED!!
  12. When the losers outnumber the winners, they become the winners by majority!
  13. You say that like it was ever a good game to begin with. I mean, the track record of Sonic games at that point wasn't exactly stellar, you know. And then Capcom went on to make more RE games for the other systems. They also made other games as well. They're a third-party developer, they don't owe anything to any console. They never have, they never will. Sega could have said "no", but they didn't. That's as much Sega's fault as it is Sony's. Plus, Nintendo and MS have done the same thing to other developers in the past, so if that kind of action pisses you off, are you also mad at Nintendo and MS? If not, you're pretty much a hypocrite. I can't help but get this anti-Sony fanboy vibe from you. I don't really care much either way for them, but come on, they aren't exactly evil. At the risk of Godwining the thread, it's not like Sony helped build computers for the Nazis or anything. They're suing people they think are helping other people download games and causing lost game sales, which is what most consoles live off of. Totally worth getting all up in their grill for, right dawg? Dickish behavior? Definitely. Worth getting upset over? Maybe to some, but come on, chill out and just enjoy it for the slow-motion train crash it is.
  14. There was a whirlpool from the tsunami, and it's fucking huge. Watch the video, and try to find the boat. http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/76270,life,video,video-captures-boat-in-japan-tsunami-whirlpool That's a good thirty or forty-foot boat, and it's fucking tiny compared to the whirlpool it's in.
  15. OK, first, are you sure you have a wireless router? No, really, you'd be surprised how often this is the problem. I'll assume "yes" for now. Second, turn on your game and when the menu comes up, scroll down until you get to "Nintendo WFC Settings". Tap the big blue button on the bottom screen. Choose one of the three little tabs that show up. If you know the proper settings for your router, then this would be a good time to tap on "Manual Setup". But since you're having trouble with it, I guess we can try the other way. "Search for an Access Point" is what you want. Tap on that. If your wireless is working right, it should appear very soon on the list. Make sure it's yours, though, and not the neighbors. Now, if you choose that, it may ask you for a key, or a password. I hope you know what it is, because if you don't, this is as far as you are going to get. Hope this points you the right way.
  16. And Bahamut just made it for us. ME FIRST! OK, so we don't have an image for the social group yet. But how about theses? It's from NeoTendar on DA, and is actually just one part of a much larger picture of other awesome looking pokéball designs. It's just a quick version, but I love how they look and it's still easily identifiable. I think it would work great.
  17. http://www.destructoid.com/tens-of-thousands-of-ps3s-seized-due-to-lg-court-order-196093.phtml LG is still in that lawsuit with Sony in Europe, and it looks like a big blow against Sony. Thousands of PS3s have been seized, and LG is winning all the important court battles in Europe.
  18. http://www.destructoid.com/nintendo-details-us-nintendo-3ds-demo-tour-196098.phtml US demo tours starting March 11th. Only in four major cities, but some of us might be near them.
  19. Are we done with that yet? Are we? It's been a few years since it was last funny, and it's not going to do that "funny, then unfunny, then funny again" thing, because that happened back in 2009.
  20. Yes, the RNG system does not favor your more expensive, harder-to-find balls at all. But the instant you're down to the shitty cheap ones you started with, suddenly your luck goes up. Unless you plan it that way, then it says "fuck your plans" and then nothing will work at all. I'm also trying to get a decent one, with a good nature and some good IVs. I had one yesterday that was roughly 29 in general, but then had something like 3 in special defense.
  21. I cleared Liberty Island out, but haven't captured Victini yet. I've been having some trouble with not killing it in one hit, so I'm going to wait until I can find more Ultra Balls and something that can whittle its HP down safely. Off to find something that can learn False Swipe and a sleep attack!
  22. Your name says Overflow, but your tone and speech pattern reminds me of a gigantic ass that made a fool of himself across the entire site. How odd. Must just be my imagination.
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