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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. To be fair, it's not Sony as a whole corporate entity, but rather Sony Computer Entertainment and it's legal department. THey're being dicks about the whole thing The section that makes those fabulous Walkman MP3 players is still OK in my books.
  2. I know the DS Lite, when it first came out, was kind of hard to get at first, but then it was plentiful. Same with the DSi. Now, the DS Phat, it was easy to get a hold of for months after it was released. It had a slows tart, but picked up once more and more titles came out for it.
  3. There is no price for them. They aren't an item in the games, and there is no black market in Sinnoh. Johto, on the other hand...
  4. I'm pretty sure that's a parody commercial. At best, it must be a leaked demo reel for a demo game, one that they never actually got around to making. Because no one would seriously make that, and try to sell it.
  5. Yes, it will. Pokemon are basically self-contained files. The moves they know are simply plugged into the battle system of the game they are on, and adjusted accordingly. Same thing with all their stats, too. EDIT: Also, if you're in London on launch day, hit up GAME's Oxford Street location, so you can meet Junichi Masuda and Ken Sugimori, the game's director and artist. Seriously it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Hardly anyone ever gets to meet the people that actually make the games in person. If I could fly there myself, I'd do it. I'd bring a long a BW game case to get autographed, too.
  6. I'd listen to him, he has authoritah now. They gave him a badge,and then another badge for his beard. That's twice the badgeness. List of consent forms complete!
  7. Well, it's not just ANY Celebi that unlocks the event, it's a specific one. But once we get the Zorarks, we'll be breding them up for everyone else, so I guess it doesn't matter too much. Then just choose one randomly, and then as soon as you get a few pokémon on your team, ditch it into the storage box. If you still want one, we an supply you with some eggs or trade them over, and you can choose the one(s) you want. SOLUTIONS ARE EVERYWHERE.
  8. ocre grabbed it last night, guys. Sorry. It's one download per game, so I would have to wipe a game and do it over again to get another one. As for choosing starters, according to the Japanese version I just tried out (don't ask where it came from, it's a mystery to everyone!), you can indeed save before opening the box that contains the pokéballs. So thankfully, that hasn't changed in this generation. Hopefully, this guy will get a hold of the data for these events, and then set them up for download. Also, there is a good chance the Japanese versions of this events pokémon will work with the English versions. If they do, then I'm sure we can get lots of them.
  9. I'm going to just admit it; I thought you just ripped this from the game OST CD and tried to claim it as your own. So yeah, color me impressed.
  10. Project stuff came up tonight, so no new chapter, sorry everyone.
  11. TGH, you Lugia-loving bastard, you! :

  12. No one made a birthday thread for you, but I'll make a birthday message for you.

    Happy birthday!

  14. IT HAS BEEN FIXED, NEVER MIND, CARRY ON WITH YOUR DAILY LIVES. And pay no attention to the man behind the curtains.
  15. I gotta agree with this. I recently decided to try playing it again this month, and I just couldn't. I got it all set up and ready to go, and then I just didn't want to. Meanwhile, I'm still playing other games with no problem.
  16. So late Summer to early Winter. Awesome. I guess this gives me more reason to wait on a 3DS. I'll let you early-adopters find out all the things about it first, and then once the games start coming in, I'll see about it. Also, if you got a Japanese 3DS, for the love of god, please do some battery tests with lowest settings (brightness, wifi off, 3D off, etc.) so we can put the battery life issue to rest once and for all. People are still asking about it and Nintendo hasn't really put out a solid, undeniable statement that shuts the whole argument up.
  17. OK, I managed to acquire 3 Celebis. Don't ask how. It did not involve beating up anyone for their games. Any way, Soul Splint called dibs on one, and I need one for myself. Anyone else need a Celebi? Also, I have a few extra Shiny Beasts from the GameStop and WiFi events. Only a few, so if you want one, say so now. FC in sig below.
  18. Obviously not. Some elf kid keeps getting them all.
  19. With the president requesting the delivery of important documents and a precious cargo to two VIPs, I have to hurry. I'm running out of time and I am constantly getting side-tracked by random encounters with the locals. I suspected that Devon Corp. was involved in this bio-weapon mess. It's a bitter taste in my mouth to find out how far they were in. My impression of the president is slightly tainted, but still favorable. This endeavor would help me greatly in my mission. If I were here longer, I could definitely use it. But my window is rapidly shrinking. To see, maybe even enter the dreams of these creatures... That's like something out of a movie. BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRMMMMMMMMMMMMM. No man should be able to see the dreams of others! Did you not SEE those movies? Have any of you ever seen any movies? You're science nerds, you must have seen at least one sci-fi movie. It always ends badly. The president has opened the doors of his company to me. I can visit anytime I want. I hope that when this is over, and I have neutralized the biological weapon threat, that his company will be able to survive the fallout. Time to get going.
  20. Your man should have had protection if he was going to be a target for thieves and terrorists, sir. Dewford? I've never heard of it before, sir. But if you are asking me... Is that like Jake in Michigan? Or Steve from Canada? Are there many Stevens in Hoenn? Thank you, sir. I know, sir. I was just going over it right now, sir. I outrank a Captain. I was once a general in the Tunisian army. It was mostly for tax reasons, though. Don't tell the IRS. Truly, a great man, that President Stone. I hope to meet him again some day, when this is all over.
  21. Time to get back to Rustboro. It's a creepy bug, but at least it's tastier looking than the last one I had. Can you see the grammatical error in the pokédex entry? GRENA- Oh, false alarm. False alarm, everyone. I haven't heard those words since Bangkok, and that didn't turn out so well... The one that I risked myself and my team to get back for you? THAT ONE? With him gone, I might be able to slip out and check this place out for myself. That's right, just keep walking aw- oh shit he's coming back already! I've met presidents before. Big countries, small countries Leaders of empires and corporations. Most were just politicians or lawyers that rose up to power. Some were corrupted by it. A few were decent men that had to make due with what they inherited from the last generation. Only one ever came across as a human being, with all his faults and strengths laid bare for others to see. A real man, not afraid to do what was needed, and take action when it was called for... .. And this man was him.
  22. BOSS? Big Boss? But how!? No, it can't be. It must be someone else with the same name. I manage to retake the Devon package from the pirate. He takes off before I can stop him. That pause... is he getting intel on me from someone? Or is he old and senile? The bird thing makes me wonder... It turns out that I've helped the man that owns the boat I saw outside of Petalburg. If I can persuade him to sail me to the next town, I can complete this little side-trip. Checking my watch, I have less than ten hours on the "clock" back at MOMs house. I planned to crawl through the opening in the tunnel to the other side, but I can see from here that's it's blocked by large rocks and boulders. Even if I had some explosives, I might end up collapsing the cave. Then there are those pink things that live in here... best not to risk it. Goon? No, he was a pirate. Goons are horrible people that waste their lives on websites, playing silly games and making silly movies about them. "Goon" in this case is a subtle reference to the Something Awful forum users. A "goon" is a member, and it turns out that one of the localization team members is a member of the SA forums. He not only worked on the English script for Pokémon RSE, but also Fire Red and Leaf Green, as well as Diamond, Pearl and Platnium, and many other Pokémon titles. He slipped in many memes into the dialog of DPPt, like "my pokémon is full of fight" and a character saying they will attack you for "massive damage". Sadly, as of 2008, he is no longer employed to translate pokémon games. Still, worked on a decade worth of titles, and inserted funny jokes and lines that fellow internet users could get a few chuckles out of. His game credit is given as Nob Ogasawara. Go check out how many of the games he's worked on. I have no idea what those things are. I suspect this is misinformation. Machinery? Ones with... METAL GEARS!? So... you're unionized? * It would also prevent microphones from picking up the sounds of digging. It would take longer, but if you need to keep your tunnel secret, it would help immensely. *I'm in a union, so I can make this joke. Don't gt all uptight about it.
  23. Nothing else to do here. I'd better go find this pirate and get that Devon parcel back. The pirate has stolen this old man's bio-weapon. I don't know what I'll be facing in there now. His crying seems to be genuine concern for the well-being of it. It's not strange to grow a fondness for a weapon. I have a few back home that I would miss should I lose them. Like my QCQ knife. I named it Susan. And my SOCOM pistol, that's Bertha, as in "big". And my favorite stealth suit, that's Edwar... uhm, never mind. This must be the tunnel the worker talked about before. The sign says so, and there are no other tunnels in sight. My recon skills haven't dulled at all! A fog fills the tunnel. It's cold, damp, dark. Even with the light from the entrance, it's not easy to see. GAH! KILL IT! KILL IT WITH FIRE! Another containment pod. If I can keep my team streamlined and not need to get too many others, I may be able to take this back to Otacon, and have him look at it. We may be able to use it for our own goals, and keep it out of the hands of those that would use it for global war. Coming down from that ledge leads me face-to-face with the pirate from before. Seriously, he looks like a fucking pirate. Look at him. Poor planning and terrible fashion sense have put you in a corner, Long John Stupid. Also, avast, mizzenmast, savey, Johnnie Depp! No. I want to watch my rodent, bird and dog beat your rodent, bird or dog into the ground. It will be for them to see how far their training has taken them. This is actually a bad opponent for Troi. Being a Psychic type means she has a weakness to Dark types, which Poochyena most certainly is. Plus, Dark types are immune to Psychic attacks. Troi has no means to fight here. That combined with her low defenses and Poochyena's decent stats make this an unfavorable fight. Switching out to just about anything else is a good idea. Like, say, a bird named after a deadly robotic flying machine of death. But your career as a punching bag for newbies has just begun.
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