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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I don't think technological progress is the brick wall in this thread...
  2. Yeah yeah, but the point is, they're giving away event stuff on the first day. This has never happened before. A sign of things to come? Maybe those other events that Japan got lots of?
  3. BUT BUT BUT BUT they don't NEEEEED to make all that money!
  4. Damn it, Luke! You've ruined a highly detailed and complex plan that involves asking him the same thing over and over until he gives up and goes home, taking his toys with him. Thanks a lot. Now we have to use animated gifs and demotivational posters. Fuck, it was going so well, too. Also, air is a naturally occurring material. It's also a requirement for all living things on the planet. Video games are manufactured by people, and while they primarily exist as electronic data, are not required by any living thing on this planet. I fail to see how this is supposed to be a logical argument.
  5. Why would anyone trade in their systems? You already bought it, and by the time you think it's time to upgrade, guess what!? It' so old and obsolete that you'll get next to nothing for it. Keeping it may take up some room, but if you ever want to play the games you have for it, it's there and ready to go. Even if you get a newer system that is backwards compatible with your old games, you still benefit from keeping it, like having a backup system for your favorite games, or being able to take it to LAN parties... The only reason reason to trade or sell it is to get a very small amount of money for it, which isn't usually enough to get anything new or decent with. I donated my old N64 to Goodwill because I only had a few games for it, and I figured that maybe someone from a less well-off family might be able to use it and get some enjoyment out of it. Same with my old Game Boy Colors; they hopefully went to someone that got something good out of them. Kept the GameBoy games of course. That would just be stupid.
  6. That hasn't stopped you before, why worry about it now?
  7. No, I mean, why are you spending all this effort on game prices. Why. You're not going to do shit about it from here, if at all. It just seems like you're wasting your time.
  8. Jack. What about schools? You went to one (at least, according to your own posts here). Schools charge a lot of money these days for letting people have the luxury of additional education. It's not required they have this education, nor is it necessarily beneficial to the students to have it. In fact, many students of post-secondary education have a hard time making a living with their majors and end up having to take work that is unrelated to their education. Schools in turn reap large amount of money from them every year, and use it to pay their staffs, renovate buildings, invest in equipment, but still post what is pretty much just profit. They may bank it for later, or use it to throw themselves a nice party at the end of the year. Now, since you went to one of these schools (or even several times, it seems), and you had to pay those fees in some way, how comes you aren't also against higher tuition fees? I'd say schooling matters more than a personal hobby. You have even claimed that many of the people in this very discussion need to be more educated in these matters. If these schools didn't charge so much, wouldn't we all be better off? Not to mention all those immigrant workers you like to use as examples. They could get better educations without having to rely on scholarships. It seems pretty much a win-win for everyone. So why bother with the prices of a pastime when education has similar problems?
  9. He can't help it. His own words spring forth with such pressure, they have to go somewhere.
  10. Zircon, hes pulling his ultimate technique on you: ignoring what other say when it doesn't fit his plan for how the conversation goes. There is no weakness, there is no defense against it. I wonder if Jack should have gotten a law degree of some kind instead, as he could have actually done something about this instead of complaining. Seriously, if you really believe it so much, then why aren't you working on a practical solution of some kind?
  11. As soon as we get the games, we get a special event! Liberty Island is an in-game location that house an in-game event to get Pokémon 000, Victini. The event will be done over Nintendo WiFi, so you just have to download it to your Pokémon Black and White games. http://bulbanews.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Liberty_Pass_event_announced_for_North_America_and_PAL_regions Basically, it's this generations Mew and Celebi. 100 in each stat, learns powerful moves, isn't found normally in-game without a special event.. oh wait! No details on what you have to do or how far you have to be in the game to access it, but it's likely to be set for once you get to Castelia City, seeing how it's the closest city, and is the natural connection point to Liberty Island. I think we're going to have a lot of Victinis on our teams now.
  12. Anyone remember that Dead or Alive clip that had them fighting in a pit with Ridley flying around, and then at the end, Samus pops out in her morphball mode and then it fades to white? Sorry guys. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2011-01-24-samus-not-playable-in-dead-or-alive-3ds It would have been cool, but I guess Samus only throws down in Smash Bros.
  13. There are no ending credits. Only Zuul.
  14. You have a favorite number that is more than four digits long?
  15. Actually DS, if you watched the 2009 Screw Attack Convention debate Jack Thompson attended, he was pretty rational and calm. In fact, it was like someone had either drugged him a lot, or replaced him with an android duplicate. It's on Youtube or Screwattack.com somewhere, I'd suggest checking it out if only for the strangely mellow atmosphere it has. Oh found it. http://screwattack.com/videos/SGC-Full-Debate
  16. For those that are still around, is anyone interested in a listening party? The album is out for March 1st, so we have all the time we need to arrange one. Also, there's still the idea of making CDs for things like MAGFest, PAX or whatever else comes up, not to mention I would love to get a CD copy to Game Freak as a gift.
  17. Yeah, no. Your arbitrary rule book that says you're right isn't going to cover your ass all the time. Your "big league" expertise and all the great education you have doesn't fly here. You're not proving anything beyond what you wish you were true. You only say you're right because you want to be. Even if you are completely right, and I am a foolish little man that doesn't know what what he is talking about and is incapable of understanding what you have said, all you really have is a verbal victory over someone that is beneath you, on a video game music site. Truly a worthy victory.
  18. Where in your years of schooling and years of debate did you learn that personal attacks and insults were the accepted rule for discussion? I may have only taken one class of basic debate (in junior high, no less, many years ago, and I hated it), but even such a lowly amateur as myself was told that no reasonable argument could ever be had when you do so. I only wanted you to act like the adult you're supposed to be. You could have easily taken any level of high ground and been the better man, but I now believe you are not capable of doing so. You love acting like a great student of life, and then behaving like an argumentative child when it suits you. I find it strange how you think doing both is only benefiting you. On the plus side, you did offer a form of an apology for those actions... so that's something, I guess. But you still haven't addressed the issue of your making a false statement it when presented with evidence stating otherwise. Namely, that I was the one to start insulting you, when your own posts clearly show that it was you that began insulting others. Even if it is not about economics, it is still a false statement that you made in this thread. You are so adamant about exposing false claims with facts when it's your turn to discuss something, but when we provide any false statements that you have made, you try to change the subject or claim it's not on-topic... simply because you don't want it to be. How are any of use supposed to take anything you say seriously when you continuously refuse to do that which you ask of us? If we state something that you claim is false, you respond with arguments and evidence that counters it. But when we provide you with a false statement you made, and can prove it with your own writing, you claim "irrelevant" and refuse to even bother with it. How can you justify anything you say here and expect us to take what you say seriously when you act like such a hypocrite? You're the big expert! Why don't you show up how it's properly done?
  19. My favorite vocalist on OCR! I will wish you an ever bigger happy birthday because I know how hard it was working with me. It was the stuff of nightmares, I am told. So, please enjoy yourself, don't eat too much of anything cake-related (ice cream is the proper counterpart, so have more of that) and then enjoy the knowledge that you have managed to overcome statistics and survive another year!
  20. You haven't addressed the claim that I started the insults, when you clearly did. You have made a false statement. False statements should be addressed, as you have routinely made it clear. Unlike the ones you claim we have made and ignored, this one can be proven by provided evidence. I ask only that you respond to it in the manner you would like us to. ... Aside from that, I have a question for you. This is not meant as any kind of mockery, nor is it any kind of veiled commentary on you or anything you have said to date. It is a simple, direct query about your intentions here. Wall of text time. Sorry everyone! Hypothetical time: let's say that you are completely right. About everything you have said. You have the actual knowledge, skill, education and all that, as you say. Your arguments are accurate and flawless. We are wrong, you can prove it, and we intentionally refuse to listen to you at all, because we're blind, ignorant to the truth and stubborn. We have trolled and baited you because we think it is funny. We have gone out of our way to be as annoying and whiny as we can. Any outside, neutral observation by an equally educated person would agree with you that you have made a perfect case for yourself, and we simply aren't going to accept it because we don't agree with it. Even some of the site staff aren't agreeing with you, and who knows, they may just delete the thread and all you have worked for so far will be gone. They may even go so far as to close your account here and ban you from further activity, because they are also part of the problem. It is a cesspool of everything that is wrong. Then why are you here? If you're as educated as you say, and you know what you're talking about, why aren't you writing articles? Actual articles, not some short paragraph or little essay on it, but full-sized, complete articles. Why aren't you making a career of this? You have the brains and guts to do so, and yet you are here, after three days, arguing with people you know aren't being rational or fair-minded. They are closed-minded and just won't listen to rational anything. Why bother? It seems counter-productive and waste of your skills. You say you want to educate people and generate discussion and get some people to think about it. If it's a matter of wanting to convince as many gamers as possible, why not go to NeoGAF? They have far more members, way more interaction with each other, and some of the members there are in developer and publisher companies, including the ones we've talked about. They would offer a much bigger audience to share your opinions and views with, they would offer far more and better discussion than we can, and they love this sort of thing. Even better, Law of The Game has lots of high-end articles about legal matters pertaining to video games. You could hitch up with them and go into any number of things to do with how these companies operate. They have lots of readers, and are routinely mentioned on other sites for their legal issue articles. They even occasionally get involved in actual legal court room stuff from time to time. Think of the exposure your views could get with that. How many people could you get to that way? Hundreds? Thousands? As opposed to here, you might get... what? A couple of dozen or so, at best? And that's if they aren't being stuck-up and thumbing their noses at you for no reason at all. In fact, why bother with other sites at all? You could have your own site, complete with your own forums. Or a blog. Hell, make your own e-magazine or something with like minded people and publish it online. You're a big proponent of that sort of thing, and you claim to have the proper mindset and expertise to do so. It could be the single biggest platform for your opinions on the internet! You could be on the forefront of who knows what kind of change! What would be stopping you from doing so? This education you claim to have, why aren't you using it in a way that gets people to really think about these things? Why aren't you fixing the problems from the inside, where it counts? Why bother with such a small community that rejects anything you have to say simply because they want to act cool? Why not get out of the trenches and onto the real battlefield and do some actual good? You have ~25% of all posts in this topic. That's how many hours? We're just mindless trolls, out for some fun. We don't have anything better to do; this is our lives, sitting here and being childish. You're a serious scholar with something important to say. You could have spent that time far better than on here. Seriously. Why? Are you really the educated philosophy major with knowledge of things programming and business-oriented? Or are you content with sitting around here and wasting your esteemed education with a bunch of uninformed people who are openly hostile to you and will only heckle you for no reason? Are you not capable of doing better than this? I guess I'm just wondering why you think this is even a battle that you should be in. If you're the smart guy you say you are, why belittle yourself with us, when you an get involved in the real big fights where you an do some good. Pick you battles and do some good, not sully yourself here in the gutter. Just.. why bother? It's obvious you will never get enough people here to think about it seriously, and you're just wasting your effort on us peons. Even if you do get anyone going, it's such a small amount of victory for so much effort. You could be doing so much more, but you aren't. Are we just too easy a target for you? If so, then you're no better than us. Are we that uninformed that you feel obligated to try and correct us? If so, you're in for a terribly long ordeal. Is it because you have nowhere else to go? I find that hard to believe, as you should have no problem finding any number of places that would suit you better. I just can not fathom why you think this is worth it. Why bother? [/hypothetical time] OK, I think that's almost the character limit for a post. Sorry it came out so long, it was just something I had to ask.
  21. Please list the exact quotes on this thread, or in any thread related to this, where I openly and undeniably insulted you. I will then list the ones you used against me. I will even put their times and dates on them if you wish. I think the tally will be interesting. Honestly, I think the worst thing I have ever said to you was "fuck you", and only after you had already begun your batch of insults. Actually, I decided to list them. OK, here are Jacks comments that directly insult me: I'm not putting that odd "salty" one, and I'm not including the one where you made a broad generalization about people that buy certain games. The only thing I said that could be taken a a personal insult from me is: I'd like to point out that Jack said the first one back in the original Extra Credits thread, and the second one more recently. My one comment (if it counts) was made after his initial comment in the Extra Credits thread. You've already pulled twice the number of personal insults I may have, and that's not counting the ones that aren't aimed directly art me. If one were to include the Madden frat-boy comment, that's three. So, really, we have you insulting me twice, and me insulting you... Possibly once, at best?
  22. You say that an argument and the person that gives it are not the same. But you are posting them. This is a terrible fallacy. You are saying these things, because you believe them. If your beliefs in a subject were somehow not connected to you, then you wouldn't be making them. The fact that you seem to strongly invested in them only affirms that. If this was simple debate, and you were chosen to represent your side, then you would do so in a manner that reflected that: rational, collected. You may not have noticed this, but none of us are 14 years old, and this is not SmashBoards. Your behavior may be appropriate for there, but it is not acceptable for here. You may claim whatever imaginary moral victory you wish over anyone of us, but the hard truth is, you have not done anything to even remotely sway a single person here to your line of thinking. All you have done is shown you are not an expert in the matters discussed, you have a personal belief in the evils of capitalism, and you react by treating your fellow members with contempt for merely standing up to your utter drivel. When you are done having intellectual fisticuffs with 14 year-olds on that another site, you are welcome to come back here and have a proper discussion like an adult.
  23. I can't believe I didn't notice this before. You sig image... it's a giant fire-dong.

    Now I can never unsee it.

  24. First, it was a jpg. Jpg is not a gif. You should know this. You are a computer something student. I can't recall right now, it it had something to do with programming, because you specifically mentioned it multiple times to back up your arguments. Second, again, your behavior betrays your position. Again, this does not help anything you have said or done. Thrid, when you stop doing the very thing you accuse me, and others here, of doing, and stop ignoring our arguments, pretending they aren't relevant, and getting righteous while proving nothing with any kind of support aside from "BECAUSE I KNOW IT'S RIGHT", then I 'll get back to you. Besides, Schwaltzvald said I could have a free trial of his posting style. He's not Blizzard, and therefore not charging me anything to use it. How do you respond to that? I love how he feels the need to include one extra line of a quote, which doesn't even need to be used or answered, so he can make one more comment that contributes nothing to either side of the discussion. It's like he has to get the last word in, even in his own posts. To show him I have no personal feelings against him, I will let him have the last word in my post.
  25. Yeah, where the fuck is XSTmusic? He should have been here by now. I have this bag of snacks ready for his post. And any follow up posts that he may make. Part of it is a bag of lightly salted ripple chips, with sour cream for dipping. Mmmmm, sour cream... I wonder how Jacko here feels about Blizzard and World of Warcraft. They aren't publishers (derpaderp) but they do charge for the core game, the expansion packs, as well as a monthly fee for playing. Same goes for SquareEnix and their Final Fantasy online games. Or for that matter, every pay-for-play MMO game. And what about X-Box Live and PSN? Same kind of deal there: pay for service or don't get all this stuff, like multiplayer and updates, DLC, etc. What's your feelings on that?
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