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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Honestly, who doesn't name all of their pokémon? Even if you only name the ones you use the most, like your main team or your HM mules, or whatever, you still name them something. I'm thinking... Mighty Pig, Snob Snake, and Water Waste.
  2. Or better yet, use the English spelling for the original Japanese names! That's the best of both! That way, you can be cool by not using those filthy American names and only the awesome super kawaii-desu Japanese names in their purest forms, except with English letters so you can actually read them!
  3. I see that 1996 was Twisted Metal 2 year. Also, no Daytona USA? The fuck? ROOOOOOOLLLLLLINNNNNG STAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRT!
  4. You could have just called the 1995 video "the Year that Chrono Trigger music happened". Not that there's anything wrong with that...
  5. José the Bronx Rican said there was going to be a presentation on all the remix albums. I hope someone recorded or saved it, because I'd like to see how t turned out.
  6. SHUT UP. Larry was all "nah, let's put it out for 2011" and I was all "but I was hoping for maybe nowish, or even at the end of the year" but then he was all "I HAVE SPOKEN" and then we agreed on March. True story.
  7. Maybe one year I'll get to go. Stupid Homeland Security and their lists...
  8. The PICA200 chipset the 3DS is using supposed to be a low power processor. I can understand the 3D screen would use some power, but really, it doesn't add up in my mind. I'm not an electrical scientition, so this means nothing to me, but according to wikipedia, it uses 0.5 to 1.0 millwatts per hertz. That doesn't seem like fuckall. I honestly can't see a Nintendo portable only running for such a small amount of time. Mind you, there is one thing that has been mentioned and almost forgotten: Iwata said back around E3 that they were aiming for comparable battery life to that of a DSi. However, check this out: Nintendo claimed the DSi would run for around 4 hours, but that was under the highest settings. Are they doing the same with the 3DS? If so, we may see far better battery life, which is a solid "fucking sold!" for me. I guess I'll just have to wait until people get their hands on them and we see the real world results.
  9. I know, I meant that it's on by default. Both StreetPass and SpotPass are on full-time by default. If you don't turn them off, you'll drain that battery dry even faster. But then, if it's off, you can't StreetPass with other people to get all those extras. But it will drain the battery faster. I'm really hoping that Nintendo clears up the battery thing. Using translating sites doesn't really help, and they never specifically stated anything about settings. If it's 3 to 5 hours with everything maxed out, but more like 10 or so with low screen brightness and wifi off, then fuck yeah, that's way more acceptable.
  10. 3DS to be region-locked (not that that was entirely unexpected). Well, I have never imported games for any system before, and I don't plan to, but this might affect some of you that do. So... battery life, no info on price, always on wi-fi, lacking launch title list... Hopefully the US launch is a lot better... but considering it's only a month after the Japanese launch, I'm not holding my breath. I think I'll wait until the system is out, people have had a chance to see what its limits are (don't want to get the version with any design or build flaws, after all), and then get one when the games I want are out. OoT and Icarus won't be out until summer anyway...
  11. Actually, I think the percussion needs to be a bit more subtle. The snapping effect is kind of distracting. Take that down a notch, and it's easier to listen to.
  12. I got that. It's not bad, but hardly the greatest ever. I'd say it's a standard 7 out of 10. And what exactly do you mean by "behemoth"? It's not the most epic, nor is it a big collection of songs (only 17 tracks, about average). In fact I'm having a hard time figuring out what you meant by that.
  13. Those of you in Europe that are anticipating the day Black and White come out... guess what!? You actually get it two days before the US does. That's right! March 4th, you lucky Europeans get to play before those darn Yanks! http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/article.php?id=22550 So I guess most of us will be hitting you guys up for trades first, seeing how you should be farther along than those of us in the US and Canada.
  14. Uhmmm... I wouldn't mind that, actually. But make it eleven discs, to include the Game Boy Mega Man games as well.
  15. Also, Music of My Groin. You claim it's the greatest music videos, and yet no MoMG? Not to mention the best thing ever, Bad Tuna? This has bias written all over it.
  16. Unless it the kingdom of Zeal theme, that can't be remixed enough.
  17. Agreed. You'd wait that long for some actual fucking battery life.
  18. There is literally no precedence for a Nintendo portable redesign.
  19. Ridge Racer! It's Riiiiidge Racer! Yeah, the Japanese launch titles kind of suck... I'm hoping that the North American launch titles are better. More games we want, or even jsut more games period. I can't believe that Metal Gear Solid, Mario Kart, Resident Evil, Kid Icarus and Paper Mario aren't going to launch titles anywhere. I know they're still being developed, but it's going to be slim pickings for the first several months. Maybe I'll just wait until Mario Kart, Zelda and Icarus come out, then pick one up. If that battery thing is fixed/ not true, of course. Maybe by then, it will also come out in more colors?
  20. Well, that's something I've heard before: the 3D display uses/ does not use more power. If the 3DS renders both frames regardless if the 3D effect is active or not, it's the same computational power, therefore the same amount of power. But if the 3D screen uses power while it's active, then it's a power drain when it's on, and not a drain when it's off. I haven't heard anything concrete on either side. As for wireless draining the battery... There is a wireless switch on the side, so you must be able to turn it off. I would hope that would save a fuckload of power. Also, Dead or Alive trailer is out. http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/doad/
  21. Can we get the title changed to make this the current 3DS thread?
  22. Proto! Make a big animated gif for the album, and get it to everyone. EVVVVERRRRYOOOOONEEE!
  23. Not at those hours. Some are saying "but that's with everything turned on, the translation is kind of messy, trust us, that's the worst case scenario, it won't be that bad!" If they're right, then great! We get some double digit hours of battery life. But if those specs are the actual hours, then good god, there's goes playing anything for any decent amount of time. RPGs are going to have to be played while plugged in. I'm really hoping this is with max settings, and Nintendo (for some reason) didn't specify so.
  24. Uh, the fuck? http://www.nintendo.co.jp/3ds/hardware/spec/index.html Specifically, this part: Google Translate gives this translation: 3 to 5 hours for 3DS games? 5 to 8 hours for DS games? And they're saying it might be less than that? That means if you turn all the features off and lower you brightness to minimum, you might get 5 hours? What the fuck, Nintendo? Battery life was the second best thing about your portables (games being first, of course). Now you're getting less battery life than the first PSP did? I think I'm going to wait for either the next version with better battery life, or until they can figure out a better way of doing this. 5 hours is just unacceptable. That's almost as long as the charging time.
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