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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I've never heard of Nintendo ever coming after anyone for any music project. If they did, this site would be missing half of it's content. Or are you trying to haphazardly scare me into giving you the music early? Nice try, but not banana.
  2. ProtoDome isn't allowed to do any more pokémixes. He's already done half the album. In fact, when we were trying to think of a name, one of the suggestions was "ProtoDome's Pokémon Remix Album: Featuring some other people..." and it had the third highest vote.
  3. I will stab you with a fruitcicle, I swear... I am not opposed to any Black/White remix. In fact, there are already some remixes of that in this album. Namely the Pokécenter theme, the Gym Leader theme, the Evolution theme... Yes, they're all trademark themes that every game sues, but whatever.
  4. March 1st works for me, I guess. Just as long as it's done. This project has actually driven me a bit ragged over the years. Minor stress, some loss of appetite... maybe some hair loss. But as long as it's done, I can finally rest. ... OK, who's up for a new project?! I've got this idea for the Game Boy's 25th anniversary that's coming up in 2014...
  5. GOD DAMN IT, IT SAID "YAY ME", NOT FUCKING "HURRAY"!! God damn it, Proto. You're off the project! Everyone's off the project! You're all fired! I'm shutting it down!
  6. If you count the first year where OmegaDonut was the director, this album has been going on for almost four years. I took over after a year and now we're here! Yay me? I'd like a "yay me" at least once... OK, actually, there was no way in hell we would have made the Diamond and Pearl released dates, because that would have been less than a year in, and we only had about six tracks at that point. Platinum... I've always felt that third versions were more like expansion packs, so I can't really count that as a true release. HeartGold and SoulSilver were doable, but by waiting, we got at least five more remixes, really good ones too. So I guess the wait was worth it. So yeah. End of February would be fine. That gives a week before the games come out. I'd love to just go right now, but you're right, fitting it in with the new games makes more sense. It also gives more time to get anything else that needs to be done, done.
  7. Honestly, I'd rather do it either right away, about a week before March 6th. First, I can think of releasing it ASAP. Why? Because it's been worked on and ready forever, and people want it. I want to get it out there and not have to deal with it anymore. The anticipation is killing me, and I have all of the music already! I want it over and done with so I can relax, god damn it! But on the other hand, we have a week before Black and White come out. Why? Because, like some suggested here, it would tie together with the new games coming out. That's what I wanted to do with Diamond and Pearl when they came out in Japan, and then their US release. And then Platinum. And then HeartGold and SoulSilver. Yes, this album was in the works that long... One week or so gives enough time for everyone to hear about it, download it, and listen to it enough to get sick of it.
  8. Oh god no, please don't do that. This album would be completely overshadowed by the release of Pokémon Black and White. Before, yes. After, doable. But at the same time? Good god, no, please don't do that.
  9. I stand corrected. The EB Games in my town is hosting the event. They have a sign in the store. I just got the shiny Raikou this morning. It seems that they set theirs up later than the actual date, which is why I didn't see it before. But the Canadian EB Games site still doesn't show anything about the event. No wonder people aren't sure about if their store is doing it or not. They didn't participate in any of the other GameStop events, so they still get a "fuck you", just not a much of one.
  10. That's the important part. Most of Canada has EB stores, not GameStop stores. The ones in my area aren't doing it, it seems. And from what I've been reading on other forums, Canadians are missing out on this again, simply because EB Games isn't participating. Again. Fuck you EB Games.
  11. Most stores will call you (if they have your phone number) and tell you that your pre-order is in, and you can pick it up any time you want. Now, that's the proper way to do it. The actual way, however... You can expect to pre-order at GameStop (or any place, really) and then get there on launch day to find that they gave yours away to the first people that walked in. They would have saved yours, but they forgot to hold one for you, and they didn't bother looking at the computer to see how many people pre-ordered. Sorry, there's nothing they can do, but if you want to wait a few more days, they can get another one in? They really will try to keep your deposit there. Its not doing anything for you, but it's in their hands. If they don't honor your pre-order by having it, get your deposit back and hit another store.
  12. Is this pretty much the new 3DS thread? The original one is almost three months old since its last post. If so, then this may be of interest. We know that the 3DS can make a Mii by using the camera, but have you seen it do so in action yet? Now you have. Looks pretty close to the persons face, but it also gives you options to change it in case you aren't happy with it.
  13. OK, check this out. It seems that someone got a hold of a finished 3DS off of the assembly line in a Chinese factory. Photos of it, and it partially disassembled are up for everyone's viewing pleasure. http://nintendo3dsblog.com/nintendo-3ds-smuggled-off-a-chinese-assembly-line The black one looks pretty damn nice. But that glossy finish... I bought a set of protective skin sheets for my DS Lite because of that glossy finish. It's a massive fingerprint and smudge magnet. Why don't we get matte finishes on anything any more?
  14. It turns out that the cost of special events for Nintendo games isn't cheap. Wifi events aren't cheap either. When you set up a server that has the data to be downloaded, Nintendo has to pay for it. That's part of the reason for why all the Virtual Console games cost more than they should (aside from the obvious profit). By having GameStops across the country set up their own distribution, Nintendo basically pays for the carts and the data they put on them. That's it. They just have to have a DS setup to transmit via the existing DS Download system that's built-in to the DS. Put a DS somewhere in the store, put the cart in, power it up and let the DS broadcast. It's bit more complicated than the old GBA (and even just GameBoy and GB Color) events, where they just mailed a Pokémon cartridge to the store and had someone with another GameBoy and a link cable sitting by all day. The GBA events, though, were much more controlled by Nintendo. At the Mew giveaway I went to, they actually had a Nintendo rep the the entire time to make sure that no one stole the carts. For some reason, they considered these carts important enough to have a rep on site. Talking to said rep revealed no real reason why, as the Toys R Us staff let me see the cart; it was just a regular Sapphire cart, with every box willed with Mews. They simply withdrew six at a time and traded them away for whatever the public had on them. Real life events, while done a lot in the past, are fucking expensive. Like, if they have a 3DS demo unit tied to them, they get paid for that. If they host a party to showcase a new game, that costs money. The hardware, the setup, the security, all that costs money. As much as I'd like to go to a Nintendo party or event (or any video game event for that matter... Video Games Live! was nice), it's just not as economic as having a store do all the work for you.
  15. I once drove a day from my home in Canada to cross the US border in Oregon to get to the closest Toy R Us for their GBA Mew event. That was a three day ordeal all around. But I did get a half dozen Mews, most of which were given away to people here on OCR. Mind you, if you don't want to go to GameStop, there is this: http://www.500mb.us/pkm.php?reset=yes It will give you the pokemon that are being given away this month, right now, without having to leave the house.
  16. You're right, they were also announced on Monday, at the same time as the release date. But they were overlooked because HOLY SHIT RELEASE DATE! Some of the new attacks and abilities were also named. Pigeon Heart is now Big Pecks, for instance. I recall someone here instantly liking the pigeon Mamepato (now known as Pidove), so that might be of some interest to said person. Kind of sad how people were more interested in the release date than the names of pokémon they will be playing with for the next few years...
  17. The Celebi event is confirmed by Serebii.net, so that's official. Enjoy your four shiny legendary pokémon!
  18. I fail to see how "vain and arrogant" translates to "shitting on someone's family member while sleeping". That's one hell of an escalation you've got going there. OK, honestly, I do find them a bit full of themselves. They have the gall to constantly spend all that time and money on a series that has been, let's be frank here, riding on it past titles. You and many others may have liked their later games, but there are just as many that didn't. Remember, just because you liked it, doesn't mean everyone else did. It cuts both ways, after all. They have all this money and talent and instead of making something new and different, they spend it on games that people are only buying because it's yet another FF title. If they released any of the last five or six FF games without "Final Fantasy" as the title, can you honestly say that those games would have done so well? Can you? Sadly, there's no way to tell without some sort of alternate reality machine to show us a world where they did release them as independent titles. I wish we could see what kind of difference it would make. To make it worse, even their own people are seeing how things are going. Hell, there are members of the Japanese developers community that have outright said that the industry is dying because of all the big-budget titles stifling themselves. And SE seems to have no problem doing it until they fuck everyone, including themselves, over.
  19. OK, so I bet most of you know about the Shiny Entei, Raikun and Suicune event at GameStops (both Canada and US this time) in January, but did you know there might be an extra present for you as well? Now, this is from a site that does deal with emulation, but they don't host ROMs themselves. I'm not sure if posting an image from such a site is against the rules. They have save games, but so does GameFAQs, and we don't get in trouble for posting anything from there. Hopefully, this isn't going to result in any kind of rule breaking. http://gbatemp.net/img/nds-nfo/image.php?gt6740 Basically, someone got a hold of one of the carts that Nintendo will be sending to GameStops, and dumped the data. In it, there are the expected three shiny Beasts... as well as a shiny Celebi!? The US has never had an official Celebi event (and Canada got even less than that, you fuckers), so this is a big surprise if it's true.
  20. In before caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake. I think his people eat grass-feeding plains animals, though. I recall him mentioning something about venison once.
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