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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I can not understand who you people have all these damaged or flawed DSs and GameBoys. I've dropped mine, slid them across concrete, hell, I once dropped my GBA SP down the concrete stairs of an office building. It went down one flight, bounced across the gap between the stairs (it was on something like the 20th floor, so that drop would have definitely killed it) and then went down another flight just to add some more "oh shit, NOOOOOO!" for me. I picked it up and it was still running. I have it sitting in my desk drawer next to me. Maybe you guys just have terrible luck or something. My portable have never had problems.
  2. I was under the impression that none of the specs of the rumored PSP2 were known. How can you say that the 3DS battery will seem much better than something no one knows anything about? Not to mention that there haven't even been rumors for a price range.
  3. You guys had problems with the shoulder buttons? Mine have always worked fine. GBA, DS Phat, DS Lite... If anything, I find the A and B buttons, especially the B button, to give out first. They still work, but they aren't as clicky as the other ones. How odd.
  4. I must implore those that get it on launch day, test it with lower settings. See if it makes any difference. I would hope that as we get closer to the day in question, we'll hear more details about the battery life, but in lieu of that, first-hand experience from members here may be the only way.
  5. It's entirely optional, as you have to push an on-screen button to turn it on. It's not like they will force you to do it all the time.
  6. You see the newest Zelda: OoT videos? Check this one out. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/inside-the-ocarina-of/709477 At 17 seconds, the game goes into some sort of AR thing, where moving the 3DS around changes the view.
  7. Shut it. Everyone ther had access to the interwebs, so that's no excuse. Now, if he was in the middle of some sort of MAGFest-oriented wrestling thing the that's perfectly acceptable... maybe something with tropical flavored jello...
  8. Hey, why didn't anyone post the newest episode? http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/extra-credits/2633-Non-Combat-Gaming It came out on the 13th, so... yeah. Slackers.
  9. http://twitter.com/gamestopcanada/status/27781584719450112 Canadian price is... $249.99. Same as the US price. Thank you, Nintendo of Canada. This is a very nice change for once. Usually, we have to pay that extra $30 or $40 for the same system.
  10. Given the current exchange rate, it would be cheaper, yes. Assuming that they don't tax it once it comes across the border. Given the small size of the thing... what can they slim down at this point? Maybe a better battery... but other than that? I'm not denying it will happen, I just have to wonder what they will change. I'm hoping the SD slot is SDXC compatible, so I can get a 64 gb card and put a fuckton of music on it.
  11. I have no idea. But she bounces in and then there's a flash of light... like a Pokéball in the GameCube/Wii games. I'm going to name mine SAMUS, and then breed her for eggs and trade them.
  12. History says add about $30 for the system and $10 for the games. If the system is $300 Canadian, then fuck that. $1.00 USD = $0.994 CAD right now, there's no reason to jack up the prices at all. That's damn near parity.
  13. I can agree with some of that (namely the need for Nintendo to clarify the battery issue), but I can think of a very good reason to avoid first-day purchase: the games. Zelda and Paper Mario are slated for a Summer to Winter 2011 release. That's a really long time to wait for the guaranteed titles. The rest of the games everyone is really waiting for don't even have release estimates yet... the DS had the same kind of line-up: lots of third party bits with mediocre first party, but then got a lot more after the first year or so. Not to mention that there could be any number of issues, like bad buttons, or loose hinges for the top, or defective screens. It's better to wait for others to go first and see what issues rise up before getting one yourself. Plus, until I actually get to try it myself, I'm hesitant about the 3D effect. I can't really watch 3D movies, and most things 3D-related either aren't very effective with me, or cause minor headaches.
  14. The DSi had partial region-lock. The battery life thing is still up in the air, as we haven't gotten any details on it, like on what settings. Nintendo said the DSi would be only 4 or so hours, and then it turned out that was with maximum screen brightness and Wi-Fi constantly on. With lower settings, they posted much better battery life. This may still be the case... or not. We just don't know. As for the charging time... big deal. There are other devices, game system and otherwise, that take just as long or longer. Hell the DS Lite was almost three hours. Dual analogs... touch screen? And that's if some games even need to have two of them. I think you're just being a grumpy puss for the hell of it. If anything, you should be unhappy with the lack of First party titles, like Paper Mario.
  15. Oh, for those that want to try one out, Nintendo is shipping 5000 demo units. There are only like a million stores in the US alone that will be selling them, but you got a chance of being near one, right? http://www.destructoid.com/5-000-3ds-demo-units-coming-to-a-store-kisok-near-you-192048.phtml
  16. God damn, that Europe conference is boring as fuck. Lame jokes, terrible guest interaction... I can't watch it any more. So, GameBoy and GameBoy Color games are (still and again) confirmed. Super Mario Land. Yaaaaaaay. If that's the only Mario title on launch, I'm going to be disappointed. That's how we'll get a Zelda game as well, I bet.
  17. OCR 3DS Friend Code List: ________A________ Abadoss: 0061-1955-8788 AkumajoBelmont: 2449-4641-5097 Arek the Absolute: 2621-2649-8873 Arrow: 2406-5910-7989 Amphibious: 2707-1707-3629 Ashamee: 3695-0186-8050 AzureZeal: 3222-6417-2886 ________B________ BaconProcurement: 4983-5220-8737 Bahamut: 0602-6475-5537 bleck: 3437-3076-7241 bloodeyezack: 4554-0264-2098 Blue Magic: 2509-0855-4887 Brandon Strader: 0447-6260-6429 Brian6330: 3823-8584-6574 Brithor: 2165-5672-9768 Brushfire: 1332-8049-4499 Brycepops: 1865-1027-1973 ________C________ Calpis: 4554-0061-6795 Cecilff2: 2809-8792-2568 chthonic: 3866-8177-2228 CinnamonJihad: 5112-4787-2260 ________D________ Darklink42: 4210-5286-5376 DarkeSword: 0130-1815-1809 Darkomega99: 1719-3729-7593 Dhsu: 5370-0413-4242 Disambiguity: 1907-8158-5549 DJMystix: 1934-0676-3114 Doulifée: 4468-0951-2468 DragonAvenger: 5344-2792-7064 DrumUltimA: 3153-3781-9741 DusK: 3265-5055-5923 ________E________ EdgeCrusher: 4124-5164-3513 Elex Synn: 5129-0693-3734 evktalo: 3926-9690-9134 ________F________ Favor: 2921-9163-1298 FireSlash: 0473 7789 3999 Flexstyle: 0963-1012-2958 ________G________ Gario: 3067-6082-9283 Gollgagh: 4682-9135-9202 Groovemaster303: 0473-7756-0336 ________H________ HalcyonSpirit: 2664-3550-7284 Halt: 1994-0252-2519 HoboKa: 4441-9597-5433 HoopyFrood: 4613-6705-1015 ________I________ Invader_Quirk: 1676-3703-8235 Irish: 4038-6416-4979 ________J________ Jandalf: 1950-9448-4365 jmr: 4339-2501-3213 jnWake: 4356-3015-6154 ________K________ Kanthos: 4081-5772-1984 Kenogu Labz: 4527-8707-7870 kitty: 3625-9539-8255 ________L________ Level 99: 0559-6824-9255 Lizz: 1762-2831-9791 ________M________ M249-M4A1: 4768-7443-7746 Malaki-LEGEND.sys: 0963-0382-2509 Maco70: 3711-8977-5814 MattInc: 4081-5497-7362 MechaFone: 2664-2364-1722 MindWanderer: 2509-6065-0408 Mirby: 3952-7692-9085 ________N________ Necrotic: 4725-8104-6363 Newt: 5472-7760-7577 ________O________ OCRE: 0559-6939-8550 Otakatt: 0963-0556-8066 Overflow: 1461-6201-4828 ________P________ Peach: 2492-4119-0110 ________Q________ ________R________ Radiowar: 1263-7041-3359 Rexy: 1134-7990-9173 ________S________ Scrobble: 3093-7251-9416 ShinnyMetal: 2148-8188-7632 SirChadlyOC: 3308-4570-7833 Sir_Downunder: 0662 3240 5665 Sixto: 1762-3553-3100 Soma: 3050-7587-3777 Soul Splint: 4184-1304-8565 SoundSouldier: 1461-6211-1570 Species8472: 1160-9889-6846 StarDragonJP: 4527 8565 5519 StarZander: 0473-7875-0299 SystemsReady: 1392-5304-2378 ________T________ Thalzon: 3566-1635-0823 theshaggyfreak: 1220 9911 2987 TheRexAsaurous: 1504-6494-0268 Toadofsky: 0903-2917-2088 The Damned: 2019-9771-2777 Turtle: 3351-4059-3998 ________U________ Unstable Hamster: 1504-5768-2443 ________V________ Vilecat: 2423-3212-6224 ________W________ wildfire: 4425-1547-2356 ________X________ Xarnax42: 1418-6758-9268 ________Y________ Yami: 4484-9189-6943 ________Z________
  18. wa... what? Ow, my logic center of my brain.
  19. http://www.500mb.us/pkm.php?reset=yes The Japanese movie event one, identical to the GameStop one, is on there. If you don't want to use that, there is the other two later this month and next month. Trust me, they aren't that good. They have completely random stats, and their moves aren't anything too special. And you only need one of the three, not all three, to get the Zorark event in BW.
  20. You can do your breeding over there. Waaaaaaaay over there. Inside that large, boarded-up building. Sicko.
  21. I suspect that we will all want the three starters at some point, so I'm going to try for a female starter. That way, I can breed up some eggs and give them away to everyone here that doesn't have said starter. DIBS ON FIRE PIGGY. I hope someone else will do the same so we can trade them around, like some sort of communist forced-breeding ring. Gotta breed them all!
  22. How about some kind of multi-user programs, like some sort of DNA research thing, where everyone can devote their processor time and power to working on a virtual strand of genetic material. Or maybe crunch some numbers on some really difficult data, like deep space background noise, to see if there are any coherent signals that might mean life on other planets. Man, that would be soooooo awesome. Yes, I know about folding@home and SETI@home. That's the joke.
  23. Awww, I wanted to say that... So, anyone else getting their shiny Beasts from GameStop/EB? The Raikou one is over, but the Enti one should be going by now. After that, it's Suicune, and then... then, the shiny Celebi. Ooooh, shiny Celebi.
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