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Everything posted by ambient

  1. I second what Black_Doom said, great melodic, slightly melancholic dubstep mix. Excellent reintepretation.
  2. Pretty. Freaking. Awesome. Non stop frisson from start to finish. Had to check out the Mega Man remix, awesome job on that one as well. More, please!
  3. Ecco the Dolphin, I remember playing this game, and I remember that I was frustrated at the time that the dolphin had very limited and nonviolent attack options. Had I been a bit more mature at the time, I would have probably enjoyed the game more. As far as this mix goes - I do not think that it goes enough in the direction of being a ReMix/rearrangement. It is more of a cover. It preserves the same mood and much of the same notations for most of the instruments from the source throughout the mix. The only truly new thing that I notice is the change in the bass notation at around 1:40. So, this fact alone would elicit a NO from the judges. I liked the woodwind lead, you managed to make it sounds pleasant and natural, at least to my ear. The strings that come in around 2:08 sound pretty good too. Drums are ok, they sound a little bit distant (too much reverb) and the notation is sparse and basic, but it could work, depending on the context and the rest of the mix. However, I am concerned whether they will sound too lo-fi if they are brought a bit more to the forefront. Unfortunately, most of the remaining instruments/vsts sound rather lo-fi - especially the bass, vocal pads, and synth pads/stabs. Both bass and vocal pads sound robotic and unnatural. You will need to come up with new and interesting ideas for the rearrangement and improve your sound quality. Perhaps, you can start with focusing on production and making this mix into a well-produced cover? During this process you will likely get some arrangement ideas, and if not, you will have improved your production skills.
  4. Man, that track by The Others, pretty f-ing awesome. It's rough, nice beats, plus it has that unpolished rough-around-the-edges underground sound to it, which I love. Awesome track, really. If the Prodigy were making dubstep back in their Music for the Jilted Generation days, that's what it would sound like. Undersea Palace does have some similarities to the Terminator theme, which I have exploited to some degree in my Chronodyne remix. I would say that you have done a good take on the arp - it reminds me of Marylin Manson's Resident Evil theme. My main issue with your remix is that aside from that arp-like pattern, I have a hard time recognizing the theme. This alone would probably be a dealbreaker for the judges. Dial back on the departures from the theme, and you can have something very enjoyable on your hands!
  5. Hmmm, Mass Effect - I actually just started to play the first game in the series and I don't think there was a single memorable theme just yet. Having listened to the source links, my fears remain - it is always hard to remix and reinterpret a track that is more of a background score rather than a theme with a pronounced melody. But let's put these caveats aside for a minute and check out the remix. I really like the intro, slightly distorted piano, airy pads/strings. You can make the bass section stabs a little quieter with less verb. You could also increase the attack on them, and overlay a bass saw synth to add a little more grit and make them sound like the Inception bwaas. So far, this is more or less a cover of Leaving Earth. Sounds like we are venturing into the trance territory. 1:40 to 2:40 - arrangement can definitely work, but you are missing a key element of trance music - where is that bass? If it's there, I can't hear it. Also, the drums need some work. The kick needs to be more substantial, I can't really make out the high-hats either (they quite distorted). Sounds like you layered your snares, but they still sound lo-fi. It is important to create a groove, even in a trance track, where the bassline works together with the drums to create a driving rhythm. Otherwise, the track will lack energy. Also, trance has moved on and developed significantly in terms of production in the last five years (at least). I recommend checking out Above&Beyond's Group Therapy podcast to hear what modern trance sounds like. In my opinion, trance music develops continuously, and the modern trance sound is a necessary evolution of the genre rather than a stylistic choice. 2:40 and on - nice break. 3:10 - I am liking those strings and the space you have created in the mix. High strings around 3:49, and especially when they reach 4:00 mark sound artificial and definitely need to be fixed. I am far from a pro, and even less than that when it comes to the type of instrumentation you are going for in this section, so I will let someone else comment on this part. 5:05 - awesome transition. 5:10 - ok, the mix sounds sparse at this point, and once again there are the same problems with the bass and the drums. The strings also sound too sampled to be synthetic and too robotic to be real. With better production values this mix will sound significantly better, but at this point the drums, the bassline (or lack thereof), and the occasional sample choices for strings push this remix below the bar. I would also consider making more of the mix sound synthetic rather than opting for using samples - this will fit the genre better and is easier to work with than making samples sound real. Once again, I highly recommend listening to A&B's Group Therapy podcast for inspiration.
  6. Man, SuperiorX mentioned playing Red Alert over LAN, I remember playing it over dial-up... Really takes me back. Excellent remix, good to see beatdrop back! Hopefully more remixes are on the way!
  7. Silky smooth and super chill. I am in general a fan of Ruku's work, and he stays true to form with this one.
  8. Alright, finally getting back to the community after a bit of a hiatus. Here is my info: ambient (yes, with a small "a") Real name: Alex Gventsadze Location: Georgia Occupation: Professional Services Preferred method of contact: PM Also reachable by: TBD Five OSTs I recommend: Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Streets of Rage, Streets of Rage 2, Tekken Tag Tournament 2. About me: Far from a professional musician (though I have a bit of a background in classical piano and upright bass), my involvement in any kind of creative process associated with music is limited to what I do on OCR. I mainly focus on electronic music and could offer only limited input when it comes to other musical styles. I've been a part of the OCR community since the early 2000s.
  9. Very enjoyable movie. I was surprised how much screen time was dedicated to Krypton and Jor-El, but it ended up working really well. The story was strong enough to carry the action for the most part and there were no usual Nolan-style plot holes. Amy Adams was great as Lois, even though she doesn't really look the part. Action sequences with Faora were especially good. The action and effects with all the collapsing skyscrapers and DBZ aerial hand to hand combat could have been cut down, there was just too much of it, it was hard to absorb everything that was going on and I quickly lost interest in following it. The scene with Superman battling the world engine could have been shortened dramatically too. Just too much Matrix Revolutions type CGI action all around bored me in parts. Other than that, a great reboot by Snyder, Nolan, and Goyer. Next time, less grandiose CGI shitstorm.
  10. Was I wrong to assume that this deserves a topic of its own?
  11. How come there is not a topic about this yet? http://uk.gamespot.com/news/kiefer-sutherland-confirmed-as-snake-in-metal-gear-solid-v-6409372?tag=Topslot;Slot2
  12. Some really cool ideas here. However, this needs a lot of polish in the production department, and that could potentially be that as I think the rearrangement factor is strong enough for the portion of the source material used. But then again, it may work against it that only the first half of the theme was used.
  13. Swype is indeed awesome!
  14. I'm in Birmingham. Not planning to come down to London any time soon, but pm me and let's arrange something!
  15. Ruku! Great stuff! Really happy to see your mix got posted! Hopefully more are on the way!
  16. Been keeping my eye on the soundtrack demos they have been putting out on their soundcloud page, great stuff. Not sure I'm interested in getting the game though.
  17. This. You can say that again. But yeah, this mix is very good too. It's got a serious case of medleyitis, but is still very enjoyable thanks to the brilliant execution. Great work!
  18. This sounds really good! I think this should be ready for the panel, and whatever critique I can offer is probably just nitpicking, but here it goes anyway: - Dubsteppy parts could be more in-your-face dubsteppy. The bass can definitely afford to be more overpowering and distorted. If you go that route, you will have to simplify the arrangement in those parts a little, and have less, but more pronounced instruments. Drums can also be more powerful, especially the snares. - The humanized sequencing produces mixed results, some cool, and some awkward. Maybe play around with it some more to make the timing more natural. Also agree with Rozo on this point regarding velocities. Actually, some judges might pick on these issues, not sure if it will be a deal breaker, probably not, but still would be nice if this sounded better. In any case - thumbs up!
  19. Alien power. While I don't share Rozo's antipathy towards this source, I actually rather like it. At the same time I do think that it is an extremely hard source to remix. There was a cool electro house take on it posted here a while back, but I don't think that that version ever got finished. So, onto what we have here. - The main drawback of this mix at this point is arrangement. I don't think there is enough of it here. I do have to give you props for slightly altering the bassline from the original - many remixers lazily keep whatever was used in the original. You also have some interesting ideas going from 1:00 to 1:30. But before 1:00, it is a pretty straight forward cover of the original, with a slightly altered bass. After 1:30, it becomes hard to tell what is the source for this remix, at times I even hear EWJ 2's "Everything but Tangerines" moreso than Alien Power. In other words, after 1:30 there is not enough that explicitly ties the remix to the source, and this will be an issue with the judges. - Production can definitely be improved. I would especially recommend getting a more punchy electronic kick and sidechaining it. This will add some pump to your mix and make it sound more energetic. Good start! I will be looking forward to hearing an update whenever you get around to it!
  20. While I am going to be lazy and say that I generally agree with everything Rozo is saying there, I will also add a few comments of my own (which might be repeating some of his points). - Overall, I like the idea. Interesting take on a couple of popular old themes. The arrangement is also above the bar. That wah-wah guitar at around 2:35 is awesome. - The guitars sound great, but all the other instruments could use some work. Especially the strings. They sound rather lo-fi. Maybe layer them some more, put more verb/effects on them so they don't sound so thin. This is pretty much throughout the track. - Also, I am not really digging the intro of the transition at about 3:00. Definitely some room for improvement here. - EQ and mastering can also be improved. This is not my forte, so I am afraid I cannot offer any practical advice on this front. Good job - just need to polish it some more!
  21. This. Is. Beautiful. Have you subbed it yet??? Wish it were longer... EDIT: You should totally rearrange the entire CC soundtrack.
  22. Is that Snoop Dog song really in the game? That's a shame... TTT2 OST has some really memorable tracks. I would say it is probably the best soundtrack in the series. I know a lot of people are all about Fallen Garden or Fontana di Trevi, but I have to say that this one really made it for me:
  23. I am a big Tekken fan since Tekken 2. Followed the series through Tekken 5. Never touched Tekken 5 DR or Tekken 6. In the early days of PS2 I played the shit out of TTT with my friends. I am not a good player though, since I can never get the timing for all the juggling right. Anyhow, I am actually splurging for a PS3 this weekend and will pick up TTT2. PS - just read blue magic's comments, and man, almost don't want to get it now. So true. Hate juggling, mainly because I can't do it, but still hate it all the same.
  24. Warren G's Prince Igor Rising was a relatively big hit in late 90's.
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