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Everything posted by CapnHulk

  1. I think I'll give this one a shot. edit- Ok, I came up with this in Photoshop. This is sort of the idea I was going for. This isn't sig sized though, since I'm having trouble resizing the image so that it looks good. If anyone wants to help with that part, feel free to do so. If you don't like the concept above, tell me and I'll go a different route. ----------------------- I also whipped this up too.
  2. I was gone from general for a good while, so my recollection is rather poor.
  3. I'm still out of town away from PS (still interested in doing a sig for you), but what does this bit mean? What's a "beyblader," and what's "this next thing?" http://images.google.com/images?q=beyblade&hl=en&btnG=Google+Search "This next thing" = "This next idea" or so. Pretty easy to infer...
  4. Time for a trip down memory lane. WITH COMMENTS. -One of my first sigs. Kinda crappy, but not by too much. Haven't seen this person much, if at all. -I like the lazer-ish effects and the particles. Haven't seen this person either. -Another one that I like, mostly because of the cool detective off to the side. I used to see Chris D post a lot. Haven't seen him in a long time. -To my knowledge, was used quite a bit. User has a new sig, I think. -Some random person that requested one. Pretty crappy, but it was done in a minimal amount of time. Haven't seen this person post once. As I remember it took the user like 2 weeks to even claim it. Oh well. -In use currently. I think it looks cool, but the user has it saved as a jpeg or gif or something, so there's no transparency. -Nice and clean, I think. User is either gone, or changed their name. Not too sure. -Rarely saw this person post. Haven't seen them in a while either. -I like how this one turned out. I had to rack my brain for a while to come up with ideas, since I've been neglecting PS. User wore it for a week or so. Has a new sig. Oh well. -Of all the sigs I've ever made, this one took the longest. I actually drew the mage in that one. User has an older version with some transparency and paint mistakes in the top right corner. Doesn't post much, but they still use it. -Still in use today. -Sig I made for Myth. Spent about 3 or so hours trying to get the animation to look somewhat decent. One of my first attempts at animating as well. Myth used it for like 2 days before switching to something else. Oh well. -A really shitty sig I made. Person never did post much. I don't blame them since the sig is so terrible. -Made this for Raenok today actually. It's a little too busy for me, but I tried my best with what they wanted. -First animated sig I ever made. Made it for Durinthal so he could plug OCR on other sites. No idea if it's being used or not. Kinda cheesy, but I'm a n00b when it comes to animating. -Another early sig. Used for quite a while too. Not sure what happened to the user though. -Made this fairly quick. Nothing too fancy I guess. -pfs used this for a while. -I like the image of the gryphon a lot in this. Haven't seen this user post though. Oh well. -One of my favorites, and also one of the most aggravating to make ever. This user gave a VERY vague description of what they wanted (This is the original). They didn't like it very much, mostly the background and the little tombstone area. So after working on it for a while more and giving them the revamped sig, they disappeared. No idea what happened to this user, though I get the feeling that the sig is on the internet somewhere with someone elses name under it. -Another sig that I think is really shitty. This user actually used it for a while though, so props to them for wearing this badge of ugly. -Another random person whom I haven't seen. -Haven't seen this person in a while either. I hate the border, and if given a chance I would change it in a heartbeat. I like the background though. -Sig I just made for The DEWK. I don't like it much, but he seemed to enjoy it. -Some of my sigs. The last of which is still my favorite. ------------------------------------------------------------- There you have it. I probably have some other sigs around, but they probably suck anyway.
  5. Here's one. I may make more when it isn't 3:30 in the a.m.
  6. With that file or with the original .PSD?
  7. DJT will do you right. In so many ways.
  8. I'll try to make you something. Give me a few days to work on it.
  9. It's an odd theme if you ask me. Plus it clashes too much for my liking.
  10. Actually the link is working for me. Thanks to the seeders, whoever you may be.
  11. Does anyone have the link to the torrent? Does the torrent even exist anymore? My music folder recently...got screwed with, so I'd like to be able to get this again.
  12. I wish some of the unmodders would come in here and help. They do such good work.
  13. Do you have a specific pic you want used or is the person making the sig finding the source material? /crickets
  14. in case you haven't noticed by now, i was being sarcastic. No offense, but if you want your sig rated, take it to the "rate my sig" thread in general. Also, you've had that sig for a long time, why get feedback now?
  15. Needs a LOT of work. I'll try to whip something up in the coming days.
  16. Gorveg in Leather. bumps in disguise
  17. No offense, but it can be pretty tough finding a font that looks good with a name that has both letters and numbers in it.
  18. Whoa buddy, link that picture. Don't post the whole huge thing.
  19. Well, slap my ass and call me awesome.
  20. Welcome and remember that grammar and good punctuation go a looooong way.
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