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Everything posted by CapnHulk

  1. I'll check out what I can do. --Edit-- How's this?
  2. I hope you don't mind, but I used a picture of a Gryphon. Comments? Gripes?
  3. You need to host it somewhere. Try Imageshack.
  4. I just got a rather odd IM about someone requesting a sig. I WILL not make sigs to people who have not posted at least a few times. I WILL not be FORCED to make a sig for ANYONE. Whoever this was, fuck you and make one for your "friend" yourself. However, since I am so awesome I made him one anyway. It isn't very detailed but then again neither was his description he sent me oh so long ago. Here's the awesomeness.
  5. Thank you for a Suikoden mix. Me love you long time.
  6. BUMP. I'm working on a sig for Eon Blue Patient. Hopefully he won't mind waiting.
  7. Kairi should probably be less blurry. I also see you're having fun with difference clouds, try inverting it to get some spiffy results. Go to Image>Adjustments>Color Balance and mess around with that to make the clouds "pop" more too. This place has great fonts you may want to check out, as does this place. Here's an example of what the alterations to the Clouds can do.
  8. I'll work on it tomorrow. I'm tired. On that note, I made two sigs here, and BOTH the people disappeared. What the hell. Welcome to sig world.
  9. Now we just need some requests. Gryphon requested one, so that's up to anyone willing to try.
  10. Mind if I assist the sig-making duo by passing this request onto myself? I'm great with Photoshop, it's only that I haven't had time lately to doodle around with it. I think its safe to say we're a trio now, Groveg's been helping out here as well. Oh and he's already done that request too , but we'd be glad to have you join us. Welcome aboard! Let's see what you got, CCR.
  11. What the hell happened to scrubzor?
  12. Can't host it forever Spike. Need some feedback soon.
  13. I'll see what I can come up with. --Edit-- How's this? If you decide to use it you'll have to host it yourself. Try Imageshack if you don't have already have a place you can upload it to.
  14. Oh wow, thanks Gorveg. Any help is always appreciated.
  15. I dunno...you've only posted 4 times...and they're all requests for a sig. Maybe.
  16. BUMP I'm in a sig making mood, so if anyone has a request feel free to launch it at me.
  17. Personally, I think the figure should be solid black, it sort of clashes with everything else. The test also runs into the background a bit much. How did the spinal tap thing go, Chiz?
  18. Same here, got this at VGmix a while back. This is VERY, very good. I especially like the Batman-esque areas.
  19. I'll let Chizniz or scrubzor (If he's even going to stay) try this one. I'm pretty busy with the other 2 requests.
  20. Blood_Hawk - Excellent choice, I've been wanting to do a Warhammer sig. Black Anima - I'll see what I can do.
  21. I'll see what I can do. --Edit-- Something like this?
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