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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. I already had a 1:40 midi uploaded a few nights ago. I also have a render. So, dangit, i don't know.
  2. i'm in for a collab with Andy, & a guitarist, at some point. So, if you up for it Andy, let's roll wit it.
  3. I posted this over at the forum, but if Andy's up for it, I'd like to sign us up for Last Battle. Using midi10 of the now nixed collab. It was basically me & him at that point, & i think we can finish it within a reasonable time frame.
  4. I barely got a chance to hear the new tracks for the trailers. I dig 'em.
  5. i'll upload the song tonite. Also, I made a little sig for our project. I wanted to make a logo for our project, & came up with this. It's not the full logo, nor is it the official one, only the lettering. So, if any body wants to use this, or tweak it for their own use, go ahead!
  6. Is map 30 up for grabs? If it is, I got a remix I started for fun. So, i'd like to know if it's open for sure, or if Overcoat is still doing it.
  7. Yeah, what she said. Also, when are you gonna release this, it's been like forever... blah blah blah (It's been to long since someone asked that, I had to).
  8. I didn't really like Bound togethor to much. Some of the songs, mainly the trance stuf by OCRemixers, were the only thing I actually kept from the whole project. Having said that, this project will rock your socks. I'd say this & Project Chaos will set a new bar for compilation projects in general, OCR or other!
  9. Been awhile sone you released a new track. This sounds great, like I said a while ago, I really like when you do this type of sound. I can imagine this being used in a movie. So, kudos on hitting that spot. The gooey milk chocolaty center! All that said, I've gotten a new wind, & will probably finish up that ambient-ish song I started work on, & never finished. Thanks for the inspiration!
  10. Also, I posted a new wip on the forums. It's pretty far along, though it has some clipping & stuff. Still needs EQ, which I'm doing. Anyway, it's there!
  11. Hmm... if there are any tracks left, I'd still be up for one. Though, I'm not sure if I'm up to standards for the project. Anyway, I'm up for it if there is.
  12. ... Holy crap Aeth, I've still yet to hear from you about my mix. So... yeah, get on that. pip pip & cheerio & all that good stuff. Bye.
  13. Whoa, this sounds terrific. I wish you luck in getting this into a label. I'm assuming Radikal Records is the first stop. Great stuff man.
  14. I'm really digging this. Sounds kinda like old school trance BT. With your fingerprints all over it, of course. Can't wait to hear the whole version.
  15. I've yet to hear from Aeth regarding my other track. Is it done, or is it... not done?
  16. yeah, my song got NO'd, but then again, all the things that got it a no are things I like about the song. I'll eihter make a OCR Edit, or just not resubmit it.
  17. Hell... I guess i'll have a look at the tracks left & see if I get some inspiration. If I do, I'll pick up another track.
  18. How about, we just go find new people to work on the tracks that are lagging? Competition does wonders for motivation. Also, Aeth, get to work on your track.
  19. Also, I sent Usa a finished mp3 of my mix, well, it needs his & Zak's approval before it actually is finished. Anyway, I just wanted to know if he got it.
  20. So, I sent you my revised track. Hopefully you got it. So, yeah, just wanted to see if you got it.
  21. Updated my track over at the forum. So, yeah, head on down.
  22. It should be pointed out, that in case me & Krispy's beta gets onto the CD, it should be titled "Beyond the Horizon (Half finished edit)
  23. Hecks yeah! Also, i'm tweaking my track a bit more, the experience I've gained since I last "finished it" will help make it better overall... hopefully. Yay!
  24. I'm pretty sure they've gotten emails as well, dang slackers.
  25. I'm going to rewrite a good chunk of my track. So, whenever I get done with that, I'll send you an mp3, Aeth.
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