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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. As long as the first due dates a ways off, I'd like to join! I got my eye on Dire Dire Docks, but fishy's doing it, so I'm leaning towards Koopa's Road, or Piranha Plants lullaby. I've been a part of some projects, & I have a track in the to be posted list in the judges panel, so I'm kinda an ocremixer... kinda.
  2. Actually, I think it's more like some tracks didn;t get finished in time, & were abandoned so to speak.
  3. ... Toss up between Rebecca Austin & Strife.
  4. So, I've been playing around with my own version of a Front Cover, & I think it's coming along nicely. http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s120/JTownus/DeltaQDeltaFront.png Sooo, yeah, that's what I got so far. It might be finished... I dunno. Thought I'd share it.
  5. Hey now... i'm more than capable of meeting deadlines! Take it back... or I'll punch you in the face.
  6. This is great, man. The only thing I could think to add is, like maybe at around 1:06 you use a lead guitar to play the main melody, at least until you reintroduce the lead synth at 1:24. It'd make a nice layer for that string backing as well.
  7. So... yeah, I sent you a pim Abadoss. It's got me submission! Also, eunuchy, snip snip!
  8. That is a really kik-Bass'd video. I especially love the way the FPS sections they used from the movie made it feel like it was still DooM'y. I like apostophe's!
  9. Nah, Silent Hill 4 was based around Walter's mind. the monster's, locations, & overall feel of that incarnation of silent Hill revovled around him, rather than Henry. I meant, like maybe we have a really nice, likeable, stand up guy who gets sucked into Silent Hill. It would be interesting to explore the metatron/samael angle, maybe blurring the fog worlds with the decaying world. Though, maybe Origins will delve into it. Who knows.
  10. The thread over at vgmix is pretty active. I posted pver there as well, as this one was lacking any posts... but maybe that will change now?
  11. I always wondered what a Silent Hill game could do with a decent human being as the focus. Like, how exactly would the World appear to him/her. What kind of monsters would be constructed, what kind of plot devices. It owuld make for an interesting game.
  12. Howdy all. I made a midi not to long ago, with the intention that I'd make a remix. Well, I've been having trouble getting one togethor, but the song is great, so I thought I'd post here & see if anyone else would like to give it a shot. It's a song from Turok 3. In a sense it could be called the Main Theme from Turok 3. It's basically the Turok Theme, only much more epic, & much more soundtrack-ish. Here's the link: http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/Turok3-OmicronCrimson.mid So, yeah. It'd be great if someone else could take a shot. If you do, lemme hear it! P.S. There may be some missing notes in the staccato string section. Maybe, I'm pretty sure I got them all, though.
  13. I really like that cover Douli. The only thing I would change is the font you used ofr "DooM2 Remix Project". Maybe use something a bit more simpler to fit in with the serious tone the rest of it has. I need to get to work on my cover/logo as well. Multiple covers rock!
  14. These are some nice tracks. I might just submit something of my own.
  15. That was awesome neminem! Though, I need to get my hands on a mp3 of acidjazzed evening, that's not on googlepages. Cause google pages suck with dial up.
  16. You know what, guy. Take all the time you need. We're in no rush.
  17. In the words of the legandary Christopher Walken, "Wow!" I've found some good stuff in here. Keep up tehgudwerks!
  18. I like the choice idea. Like we could either get a shirt, or... the new Album your working on when it's released. You know, the experimental one. That would totally be my pick.
  19. I actually liked The Open Door, though that just may be because I tend to like more experimental stuff in general. It just had a really, good sound that I gravitate to. I just like the whole symphony/rock/electronic combo sound. Also, the beginning of Weight of the World sounds like a Prince of Persia fight song, which is awsome! They could've used that song for Warrior Within, & it would have fit better than Godsmack. Lacrymosa is great because it's a rocked out remix version of an old school symhpony. Though I will admit, I missed some of the more downetempo stuff they had on Origins & Fallen. Most of the stuff on Open Door is agressive. One more thing, if you like Evanescence, I reccommend Thrice's Vheissu, it's really good as well, & has that hybridized sound that I enjoy.
  20. i'm totally in. Me Semper would probably be my choice. But, I'll wait & see what tracks you decide to put up.
  21. I agree on the midi part. I personally love games that can change & shift to match what's happening on screen. The midi in TP is really great, & sounds good enough to fool you into thinking that it's orchestrated at points. Especially the field theme. I think most people just want to have that fully orchestrated in game for novelties sake. I' much rather have dynamic music that changes to fit the mood, rather than a static fully orchestrated track that awkwardly transitions into other tracks. Not to say i'm against orchestrated game soundtracks, I like em just fine. I just prefer the dynamics midi offers.
  22. Although i'm all for midi in a vdieogame, wouldn't it be really great if the OST release for this game was fully orchestrated. I mean, the Field, as well as the Credits themes orchestrated would be awesome. Am I the only one that thought the final Boss fight(s) was awesome, despite being kinda easy?
  23. Does this mean I have to resend my track as well!?!?!? Probably not, but yeah, we need to get cracking like pop rocks & soda with this proj. ya feel me crew, fo real.
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