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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. I'm pretty sure Akira is one of the Producers of the Silent Hill series.
  2. I was right! Well, in that it was Akira's final say, & I guess he decided PH was a higher up in the SH universe. I wonder if Valtiel is a version of Pyramid head?
  3. ... No special PM for me either. Ah well, I came into this late. But yeah, I finally saw the "I am the reaper" spot. Seemed kinda... cheesy. I bet it got cut from the movie though, unless, like someone else mentioned, it's part of longer statement.
  4. Yeah I'm pretty much done. Just need a final render with a cleaner master. I'm pretty sure I'm getting the new comp, so I'm gonna wait a bit, & finish with more horsepower, & better production value.
  5. OMG, I finished my section of Last Batle! I call out with a mighty, though coarse, "ROWR!" Why you ask do I call out for my... All project musicians who are in the Collab, go & call thy turn & finish they sections!
  6. I'm willing to bet the defense was more in line with your harshness of the other post you made, rather than your point about box office success. Having said that... the 21st can't get here soon enough!
  7. I gott hat bit whilst reading the poduction diary (I'm sick with a bug & bored!). Anyway, it is entirely plausible that PH in this movie was a representation of the boogy man. Almost the same way as Walter saw the Red Devil when he was growing up. James saw a PH as a reflection of what he was, a boogey man type that killed his wife. Thus, it is plausible that he exists as a Silent Hill archetype of a boogey man.
  8. Spaking of which, it'd be cool in the next SH to hav a variation of the Pyramid executioner. Like a wall crawling, crazy hangman type of PH variant. MAking all sorts of weird sounds when he's near. That = awesome in my book.
  9. Fact of the matter is, that Akira Yamoka ultimately has the last say. Seeing as he allowed a PH in the movie, I'd say he thinks of pyramid head as a character of the world, the same way the nurses, the gods, & the main cult characters are. We could go on & on about evidence, or lack thereof, but I think Akira giving the okay to PH in the movie. That's not even considering all the various, "loose ends" left in the games. They leave it so they can include Pyramid if they felt he fit the game, & not have a contradiction.
  10. You do know you can drop a wav clip into the audio section at the bottom of the playlist right? Just go to Channels>Add one>Audio Clip, then insert whatever Wav sample onto that sampler. From that point you can drop iton the bottom half of the playlist. Alternatively, provided you've set the folder that hosts the audio viewable in the browser, just drag & srop the audio clip onto the bottom half of the playlist. Once you've done whichever method, you can cut the audio using the little arrow thingy on the audio in the playlist. Hope that helps!
  11. OMG a pic of Pix!... That made me laugh! Anyway, that is the cutest dang "picture that looked slightly seductive" that I've ever seen, now & forever it shall be known! If I was a perv I'd prolly do something really bad (you know who you are, ya pervs). Also, Rexy had the cutest little voice I've heard in a long time (That's right I used cute twice). One more thing. Wingless mix is rad funkatronics. Reminded me of the "Space Station" music in TimeSpiltters 2! Good job Nic! P.S. I'm really hyper!!! You probably couldn't tell though.
  12. Well, I wasn't really calling a track. I was just saying that maybe I'd give the project another shot. But, I've decided against it. Anyway, good luck with it all.
  13. I may pick up Chuin Li, if I get some more inspiration for the wip I started a while back, I'll pm you, S.Riley.
  14. I coulde've swore that there are references to Pyramid Head in "The Room". Also, aren't there 2 Pyramid Heads in SH2. And that Jimmy Stone, wore a Triangle shaped hood, is infact Pyramid head(?).
  15. We should name it: Still Alive... in Hell, Countdown to Armageddon, Some Kind of Demon. Or maybe go original & call it "Come Hell or Highwater."
  16. Hmmm, I'm in a similiar situation as well. I've been having trouble making things that sound good. Leik I'll have something, then, crap. Though it has more to do with the fact thaT i'M JUST NOT MUSICALLY INCLINED AT THE MOMENT. Plus I'm lazy right now(note the fact I hit caps & refuse to retype it). Though when I do make music, I go through the same process Zirc does. I just sort of make stuff as I go. One thing that helped me a whole lot was to use my emotions at a given time. Soemtimes I'd think about someone or something. A person, or a thought, or a state of being. From that, I get some inspiration. Yes, totally weird starting point for a new paragraph. Anyway, once I visualize whatever it may be, I make music that reflects it. If I'm feeling happy, or thinking about something that's upbeat; I make something upbeat & happy. If I'm thinking about dark moody stuff; BAM, dark moody stuff. And that's how babies are born. Musical babies. At least in the Puga household.
  17. When I first heard this was being made, & that Bean was cast, I thought they were making Silent Hill 2 into a movie. Then I found out it was part 1... & that Bean doesn't have a lot to do in the movie.
  18. I'm excited...mildy! Still a far off way really. Anyway, I'm most likely gonna go ahead & master my track & be finished with it. And if the projects still going on when I get a new comp, then I'll do the appropiate updating. So, expect a finished mp3 &/or wav depending on what you need, kinda soon-ish.
  19. Don't know the password, but rumor has it that it's A, B, A, C, A, B, B!
  20. OMG pixie! Les get murred! But seriously, happy birfday.
  21. too bad. Well, maybe we can get a generic german accented guy, named klauss Brewsken.
  22. They look pretty good sized. But that's just my opinion. Also, I can;t wait until the next time Compyfox decides to turn up. Compyfox is the new prince... azuzu was it?
  23. ... Wow. Anyway, I didn;t hear pixie say, "I love Joker from OCR." Heck, even a "I F'n love Joker. I F'n Love him, you don't even know." Time for voting I suppose.
  24. When did this become the Resident Evil Remix Project?
  25. Pretty much. Though using my edirol instead of the sf2 I've been using for the orchestral sections would probably give it a better sound overall.
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