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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. I thibk, when it comes right down to it, we're looking for rockers, prog rockers, industrial rockers, & um... any sub category of those (even though the last 2 are subs of the first... yup).
  2. WOOOOOOOO! Can't wait to tell people, "I heard him, before he sold out." Which basically means, heck yes, mainstream-ism. Home of the big bucks (one day, I'll get there... one day).
  3. Gots 2 new, videogame related... gifs (get it, gifs, gifts?). Viola from Timesplitters 2 Tira from soul Calibur 3 LT: First is shrunk down a bit too much, so the all-important face is too small to properly distinguish. Tira is cool though.
  4. So, zirc, should I still do the mix for the project? I'm gonna finish it regardless, but I'll go at my own pace if it is no longer eligible for project inclusion; where as, if it still has a chance, I'll work on it at a faster clip.
  5. Dangit, I gots to go head to head with Reuben Kee for Birth of a God. Eh, maybe it's because I feel really damn cocky right now, but I'm up fo it. You know, unless Reuben's a lock.
  6. Which brings me to my next... thought! I finally started working (& getting something I liked) with Gambit's Theme. I shoud have a wip soon enough, to show you the direction it's going in.
  7. Ordered. Expect a pm for them d/l-able tracks (on the 10th right?), dood!
  8. Now that Walgreens offer those visa gift cards, I'm probably gonna pre order this birch. That's like... $3 off the final price!
  9. From what I understand, Dash, we are encouraged to make rock hybrids. So, from what I understand, mix them genre's. Me & Luiza's track is gonna be full out orchestral, with full out rock. Heck Yeah!
  10. i'm still in. Though, whenever the project gets rolling again, I'll be tweaking my mix a little. Making it sound all gorgeous & crap.
  11. Coolness. Things I think you should definitely play: "Dreaming Still" by pixietricks "Frame of Mind" by SGX, Aurora, Destructo Also, the best mix of them all... "In the Darkness Lies" by DragonAvenger & some n00b
  12. Finally got a chance to reply to this again. What I meant by some more ethnic percussion, is more of a bass heavy, I guess you can call it "south american" groove. Also, maybe give have a swoop/reverse snare right before everyother snare hit.
  13. First off, what Timbland ripping of Janne sunni's track is completely different than using a midi someone lese made of a song that was never their's in the first place. Timbland jacked an original composition, ZREO jacked no one really, except maybe Nintendo. I'm actually kinda sad that the site is closing down, I actually liked a few songs there. But really, when it comes right down to it, a midi is no different than, say, someone figuring out the guitar chords to a song, then posting them. Would it make much sense to tell the guy he ripped you off because he decided to post a song & had people donate, keyword donate, money because they appreciated the cleaner recordings, using the guitar tabs you figured out? Doesn't make much sense. I understand wanting a little recognition, but to outright say this guy stole something from someone else is a bit redundant.
  14. Dude, this is awesome. Reminds me a bit of a trip hop song I'm working on, guitar sound & everything. I like it!
  15. I finally gots a chance to comment on this. First off, I like this mix, it's pretty dang good, espceially the chantings. now for comments in numerical order! 1. First of, the tracks seems rather... how can I put this. The tracks doesn't feel thick enough in the sound department. What I mean is that, it sounds fairly hollow. I'm not saying it needs more added, it just needs to be a little phatter in the soundscape. 2. It needs more... I'm gonna say, egyptian. There's a bug going round, & the only perscription is some ethnic percussion. Maybe some underlying bongos/congas would thicken up the soundscape, as well as make it a bit more unique. Listen to the timesplitters 3 track, "Whos' the Mummy" to hear what I mean. 3. Thicken up those chants, & maybe pan them a bit more/fatten them up. Though, like I said, I like the track as is, but I think it has huge potential. Keep up the good work!
  16. Holy crap! It's finally posted! Yeah! I'd review but, hell, I'm a bit biased. Everyone else, I hope you enjoy the hell out of this mix, as I enjoyed making it. Also, thanks again to DragonAvenger, she did an awesome job!
  17. You guys do realize, that most film scores would be labeled "Techno", at least as far as techno applied to this particular artist is concerned. Anyway, yeah, I read it on his myspace. He's trying to get some sort of non profit organization going, or something like that, to protect artists in the event their own stuff gets jacked.
  18. Whoa dude, that threat is totally not warranted. I know I for one have made every due date. Just, you know real life issues on both mine, as well as my collab partners lives have arisen. I'll be completely honest, even if you did get a whole new team, you'd run into a lull again & again. That's the nature of projects, at least every single one I've been in. Tis the nature of the beast. Just have some faith.
  19. Happy Birthday, dawg! (<blame that damned American Idol show, been using that word, as well as playa for some odd reason, a bunch.)
  20. Totally lived up to the promise the demo made! I've been wanting some stuff like this for a while!
  21. I've yet to download this, too big for dial-up, but as soon as i get to my friends house, I'm totally getting it! Also, congrats on finally getting this out to the masses!
  22. Yay! I barely got back into town, my town... & yay!
  23. Castlevania 64, Turok 2, Turok 3, yo momma, &... &... um, that's it.
  24. I'm not done. Though, I'd like to clarify. Me & Escariot are letting Koopa go, as none of us can get anything going right now, & to be honest, the song wasn't giving me any ideas. Though, like I said in the past, if another spot opens on a track that I'm interested in, I'm in! Just keep me on the backup remixers list if you want, & let me know when something opens up.
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