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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. Eino, Pieter, thank you for the assist! I really do appreciate it so far. And even if we don't make it to the goal, I have indeed gained some new listeners!
  2. I'm glad this got started! I might have something for the project, but if I do it'll most likely be later on. Still glad this is going! P.S. Brandon, I know you mentioned what I said on the NGI show about BadAss being a line of albums that anyone could continue, I meant it, but I think it'd work netter if there was only one BadAss album at a time, rather than concurrent projects. I don't have a lot of say in that, but it's how I'd want it too continue.
  3. That you did, & it was awesome! So did you Brandon!
  4. Yeah, some of friends & family have said they would, but just haven't yet. It's okay though, it's life.
  5. So, we've had a good turn out so far, got to 1/3 funding for the project. I'm really happy to have even gotten that far, but I think we can take it further! There is still a few days to go, & I know it has the potential to go all the way. If you've been curious enough to click the thread, then I appreciate the time & encourage you to watch the video & hear some of the previews for the album! If you've enjoyed the direction of BadAss 1 & 2 & some of my other OCR stuff, then this album is more of that type of sound, while having a bit more of my personal touch. I've worked on it for the last few years & it's gotten good enough that I want to give it a bigger release. So watch the video & if you dog it, consider pledging a few bucks, & sharing the link to anyone that might dig it as well. $1= One track from the album $8= The Mp3 Album $20= Physical album & a drawing from me
  6. MAking an appearance on NGI tonight. I think we'll preview a new track too. It starts in a few! http://areciboradio.com/
  7. Added a link up top so you can just hear the album sampler, which is also downloadable, here it is for posterity's sake!
  8. Awesome, bro! It makes me happy to hear people enjoy my stuff! Thanks for the pledge too!
  9. Update 2 With little more than 3 days to go, we made the goal! I'm super pumped about it! Even though it's been reached, you can still preorder the album, every little bit counts! Update 1 http://kck.st/19eKmYt So, we've had a good turn out so far, got to 1/3 funding for the project. I'm really happy to have even gotten that far, but I think we can take it further! There is still a few days to go, & I know it has the potential to go all the way. If you've been curious enough to check the thread, and if you've enjoyed the direction of BadAss 1 & 2 & some of my other OCR stuff, then I appreciate your interest & encourage you to watch the video & hear some of the previews for the album! I've worked on it for the last few years & it's gotten good enough that I want to give it a bigger release. So watch the video & if you dog it, consider pledging a few bucks, & sharing the link to anyone that might dig it as well. $1= One track from the album $8= The Mp3 Album $20= Physical album & a drawing from me The Kickstarter for DIE ON MY FEET David L. Puga's First Album! ________________________________________________________________ Hey all! So, I've been working on an album for the past few years. I think I've got the tracks at a place where I want to release them to the world. I want to give it a bigger release than I would be able to on my own, & I could use your support! OCR has helped me become capable of even making this album, & I'm betting you guys can help me achieve this goal too! I originally intended to do this well after BadAss Volume 2 released, but the dates for that got pushed back a few times, so the release of this & BadAss 2 being so close together are a coincidence, though a happy one! If you like my music, my darker OCR mixes & especially my tracks on the BadAss albums, then this is the album for you! It's a concept album sorta, more in tone & style than in any other way. The concept: Post apocalypse with a glint of hope! You can click the album artwork up top, or the link below to get to it: CLICK THIS LINK FOR POST APOCALYPSE! So, if you dig my stuff & want to help, I'd really appreciate your patronage! Whether by pitching in a few bucks, or just spreading the word, hell by even reading this you've done me a solid & I thank you! CLICK HERE TO HEAR A DOWNLOADABLE ALBUM SAMPLER!
  10. Yeah, pretty much this, you know, if life doesn't get in the way & I just don't have time for music anymore, which would suck.
  11. I was just talking more myself, in a personal way rather than a ocr wide way or whatever the proper term would be. When I started making music, I wasn't all to into making original music, I just liked remixing vg tracks. As time went by & I improved my craft, I started toying around with original stuff. My use of evolved was less about one or the other, but more about the fact that remxing led me into making original music in the first place.
  12. Oh wow, I had no idea that this was even an issue. I know on NGI I recently said I was taking a break from remixing for the foreseeable future, but it was more along the lines of there just not being enough time, or even enough inspiration to remix anything at the moment. That coupled with the fact that BadAss 1 & 2 are some of the best things I think I've ever been involved with in the community, & make for as good a swan song as any, make for a compelling reason to kinda fade into the background, not that I was at the forefront or anything. I know for me it's just a lot more enjoyable to make something original, rather than try & make an already existing song personal. I get that. The reasons someone gets into remixing vg themes evolves into the reasons to write original tunes.
  13. It's a pipe bomb, filled with kickassery, hardcore style.
  14. See the trailer here, http://www.youtube.com/embed/a9Gh596TFqU
  15. Been doing that too. But all the help is welcome, especially from the artists in the album... wink wink, nudge nudge.
  16. I'd have no other way, I just wanted to get some more exposure before the release.
  17. I should have an update soon, right now we're planning on doing a early listening show for KNGI, probably this Sunday. That doesn't mean we have a definite date, but it will be sooner rather than later. So, I guess that is an update... cool.
  18. But... it might not be that long a wait?

  19. We got to hold it for a little while longer, but everyone will feel awesome once it's finally out!
  20. Prepare your anus' for "Poop" by Breen Den Stroller.
  21. Prepare yourselves! The reckoning is almost upon us!
  22. Mini Update! So, now that FF has been released, BadAss Volume 2 should be getting a little more stream. The tracklist was trimmed a bit, some songs held off until Volume 3 so that they could be worked on a bit more to get that good shine. Not much of an update, but we're making progress! Stay Tuned!
  23. One of those 2 other tracks you claimed for BadAss 2 but dropped. One of those would be pretty sweet.

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