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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i probably wouldn't want to help. could i make a big dickjoke monument right near your question-thingie?
  2. yeah, you're allowed to be a lot more flexible with your project tracks, as i showed with LA.
  3. i hear that, man. just build a new music pc and had to transfer six and a half terabytes of data from one machine to the other. i wound up just plugging a hard drive in, transferring over the internal connectors, and then physically transferring the drive over.
  4. !!! when did this happen? i had no idea. congrats!
  5. understood. however, there is no song without your playing. i'd understand if it was just a small part of it, and i would have had to cover with robo-guitar without you. since the song's a duet, you kind of have to get credit no matter what. it's the same as if i'd written the parts and you played them.
  6. i might build a tweener with my dad, similar in size and design to the smaller one but with the storage down the right side and a bit more overall desk space. and a keyboard rack.
  7. a 200$ mobo is way more than you need =) the 1366 processors are pretty much solely for people who are overclocking. there's a lot of cheaper equivalencies available for normal use.
  8. nice. where'd you get the mounts for in the rack bays? it's awesome that they're 4U, since that's what my new computer is =) this would be a perfect music desk for what I need. just would need a keyboard tray and i'd be set. edit: holy mix-station batman!
  9. shaggy, what desk is that with your monitors and mac and sound equipment? did it come with the racks? because it looks exactly like what i want with mine =)
  10. see, i thought this was hilarious. best part of dod at mag every year is the one really random song with more games than it has instruments.
  11. an update would be nice. my name's not my name, greg's married, and several other names on there need to be shifted around.
  12. for those who didn't see the build pictures from bobby's machine, check them out at the thread: here. in more recent news, i just got the payment for a computer for greg michalec (sole signal). we'll be using the brand-new Sandy Bridge processors for his system, which is primarily a music and video editing machine. i'm also talking with josh whelchel of indie music fame to build two systems - a primary DAW with 4tb of storage and a monster processor, and a server box with 6.5tb of storage. it's still in the works, but promises to be pretty awesome =)
  13. uh, who is that? reviewers? itt it's cool to trash squeenix
  14. ben, i had no idea that was you on the other side of the phone =) good to know. would have been cool to talk to you. next year, man!
  15. all of the new updates - particularly to spiders - appear to have really changed the gameplay. my houue is likely infested =( so i'm probably not going to be living there anymore.
  16. the jam was awesome, man. next year i'm driving down and bringing my acoustic bass solely for that few hours =)
  17. cases are described by what they can fit - like, MicroATX Desktop, or ATX Mid Tower. micro-atx and atx are motherboard sizes. 80gb is what xenon went with. just consider that, between that and a 2tb storage drive, that's 250-300$ of your 1200$ build - a FOURTH - going into just hard drives. you'd be better off going with a 1tb primary and a 2tb low-power backup, giving you more space for only around 200 bones. as for ram, easiest upgrade ever. just make sure you buy 4gb sticks, and it's just a matter of sticking more ram in. also, OCing isn't necessarily unstable or bad. a lot of computers sold today are overclocked stably, and there's no problem with it. xenon's is OC'd to, what, 3.4ghz? and the only tradeoff is that it runs five degrees hotter. it's not going to kill it or something. sounds like you do have a need for a secondary drive. i'd avoid using the blu-ray to write, though, since that added functionality is really expensive. get a blu-ray reader, save the 100$, and then get a dvd-rw combo as your secondary. the older bloomfield processors are tried and true, whereas the newer sandy bridge stuff is so new it doesn't have good documentation on what motherboards are good, etc. when you're looking to buy? go sandy bridge. but right now? the 1156 socket is the way to go. audio interface = a recording interface. sound card = an x-fi or other add-on card. all a sound card does is give your system an analog audio out that is less noisy than the normal motherboard audio (which is usually pretty good). an audio interface can do all that, and give you recording capability. it usually is outside the system, too, and plugs in via a USB or something. internal wireless networking = 15$ or so. easy add-in card. as for the cpu coolers, sandy bridge uses the same socket mounting design as the 1156 chips, so just get a hyper 212+ and be done with it =) in all honestly, while it sounds like you know a decent amount about some of the hardware, you don't know enough to ensure that you won't get incompatible parts when you're looking to buy, let me know and i'll look over your build, make sure you're not getting anything that won't hook up.
  18. 1. ssds are crazy expensive, and they're more of a power-user thing. if you're building a $1800 dollar system, they're a good option. under that? boost your graphics card or something. you'll get way more of a performance gain. 2. will you actually use 12gb of RAM? you need a 64-bit program in 64-bit Windows to actually have a program utilize all that - and there aren't 64-bit games, in all honesty =) if you're doing music, you've gotta make sure you either use a 64-bit version of your DAW (FL Studio has no 64-bit Windows, for example) or a program like jBridge. also, you have no use for DDR3 2133. the difference in performance from 1333 and 2133 is like a total of 7-9% in high-end real-world performance tests. not to mention that there isn't a motherboard that supports anything over 1600 natively. when they list having that support, you have to OC it to get it stable up at that level. they're just rated for higher heat dispersion. but to spend two or three times as much money for 7%? better graphics cards or cpu, not ram. 3. blu-ray drives function as dvd-rw drives if you buy a combo drive, yeah. as for copying and writing simultaneously, that's a relatively cpu-intensive task. do you need that functionality? 4. if you want a fast processor, you don't want amd. amd processors, even at the same rated "speed", are hotter, run slower, and don't address and utilize memory properly. amd's are ok if you have no money, but to be honest pretty much everything that's worth your time is intel. amd didn't even have modern quad-core processors over 3ghz for years after intel got them. you WILL want a good cpu cooler, however, regardless. you have to match socket for socket (like, LGA 1156 cpus with 1156 motherboards), but certain graphics cards? no, everything works with everything. also, you don't need a sound card. you might want an audio interface, but sound cards are kind of 1995. the only reason they're still around is because people don't realize that they're completely and utterly useless. pretty much, tell me how much money you have to work with, and i'll give you some avenues to pursue on the research front =) my suggestions? an 1156-based motherboard (giga p55a-ud3 if you're OCing or need SATA III, the ud2a[?] otherwise), an i5-760 (quad core, no hyperthreading) or i7-870 (quad with hyperthreading), 6-8gb of RAM max, gtx 260 or higher graphics card (i primarily use nvidia cards, but there are good ati cards as well like the 5770 1gb), a good case with good cooling, a hyper 212+ cpu cooler, and a high-efficiency power supply by a reputable manufacturer like corsair or seasonic.
  19. mag was a lot of fun, and the panels were awesome. nice work, guys =)
  20. joshua whelchel was my secret santa. he gave me some CDs, and delivered "the party" at magfest by giving me booze. huzzah! it was awesome!
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