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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i've been on several times when it's got 7 slots full. maybe a jump up to 10?
  2. hey, everyone. i'm trying to figure out how to set up my PS3 so that it's on my home network but not the internet. i've still got the 3.15 firmware on it, and i'd like to keep it that way for as long as possible without upgrading. however, i'd like to be able to still access my home media server over wireless without constantly getting nagging reminders to upgrade my firmware. i'm fairly certain i can use a custom firewall rule to do this...but my DSL router from Frontier Communications is ancient, and their tech support didn't even know you could do something like that. i've got a Gigaset SE567 wireless router/modem.
  3. that's perfect. i'll take a record. and red text.
  4. just the warp is enough. we learned the problems of duping and massive amounts of materials before. maybe the single dungeon item, too. that'd be kind of cool. edit: my name is bradley burr, in case you didn't make the connection on paypal.
  5. when are you going to feed me the vocal things?
  6. you know what i really want? as a donator, i'd like some limitations made less...limiting. like, quicker cooking on furnances, or quicker mining of big blocks. or minecarts. that'd be cool too.
  7. whoops, i missed that. just donated five dollars. if you people can't donate a dollar or two to something you use as much as you do - seriously, it's like not getting a coffee in the morning, or a half-gallon less of gas - then you really suck. it's a dollar. you're not going to miss rent because of a dollar, unless you're a complete imbecile with money.
  8. you probably haven't had any donations yet, crowgman, because you haven't posted your paypal account. that's all i was waiting for.
  9. the Library is nearing completion, folks. i need to do three and a half more book stacks (out of twelve). then it's just time for the ladders and a few signs. did some math last night. eight stacks of 5x2 and four stacks of 6x2 equal 128 bookcases on the floor. the stacks are 18 bookcases tall, so that's 2304 bookcases total. 6912 books, 20736 reeds, and 13824 blocks of wood (interestingly enough, that's 3456 logs). i might add some more stacks in, though, so that's not finalized yet. i also need to install the fireplace and some other stuff. edit: note the RAM usage on that picture. that server had about eight times the RAM that ours does, a way better processor, and still took nine hours to process the effects of that explosion. i think it's a bad idea until, like, the last week of the server.
  10. probably. still, it's a giant ball of TNT. who cares WHERE it blew up?
  11. didn't you make a comment about functionality vs appearance a while back?
  12. correction: the video is name I'm a Big Chocolate Slut. no lie.
  13. thanks for those who have been helping me with my library. i'm in the pricess of putting in the stacks now, with the wall and flooring done. you all are awesome! =)
  14. the laugh is an in-game thing, yeah =) if you play the game, you'll understand. johannes posted here looking for people. i auditioned and beat out the only other serious contender, which was anso. the rest... *puts on shades* was history. *YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAH*
  15. my wife's got the laptop during the day, otherwise that'd be awesome. although, it'd be nice to play minecraft on the server during the day. great way to waste time. her laptop can't play it well, though, i'd have to use my system regardless. maybe i should do this either way =) once my 360 gets back, i'll need to do some mega-huge FTP transfers back onto it anyways, so i'll have to leave it on a bit.
  16. naw, it's really, really rare to find an orchestra that requires two flutes and a picc, or three flutes, until you get into the late 19th century romanticism. two trumpets is enough, too, when you consider that horn 1 and 3 basically function as trumpet 3 in some instances.
  17. nah, it's fine. i thought about using logmein or something similar, but i don't want to have to leave my (gaming and power-hungry) computer on all day if i can avoid it. might have to resort to that.
  18. i concur. this is a little simplistic in terms of not taking ranges and the like into account, but this is a relatively normal layout for an orchestra. your strings might have a little trouble being heard, but it'll be fine, if they know what they're doing.
  19. or just selected everything, right click -> get info in itunes, and set album artist as whatever you want.
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