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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. that is how the sale/want thread works, yeah =)

  2. there's a great sequel to Paraguay called something something Chocolate Whore.
  3. ...it's still functional? i guess i don't know what you're asking.

  4. i don't have the link right now, but a friend of mine took one of my crappy one-hour compositions and kind of rapped over it. it's soooooo bad =)
  5. happy birthday, vinnie =) see you at MAG!
  6. i remember seeing this for the first time. i was literally crying laughing at it. i think a made a topic about it, too. edit, found it! first few posts are REALLY classy.
  7. the issue is that they all need either the same Album Artist (I usually use OC Remix or something similar) or the Compilation tag checked. honestly, it's easier to organize by album artist, because it allows you to pull every single OC Remix - whether a site release, project release, or anything else - into one playlist by simply selecting that artist on your ipod. album compilations exclude each other, generally, so you'd have to manually assign them to a playlist to get every track from OCR. this is problematic since it doesn't update itself when you add music.
  8. hey, this looks pretty awesome. these loops plus Melodyne Editor will make for a really versatile loop pack =) nice work, jimmy!
  9. thanks to everyone who helped out with my library last night. moseph and i managed to get a significant portion of it filed down last night after abadoss, halcyon, and phill headed out, so now it's just a matter of finishing off the floor, paneling the walls, and placing the books. it's pretty massive. i hope i have enough wood for the walls. i'll get a wall size soon enough. after that, it's time to, ah, expand the towers of power on the front of my manse. everyone complains that they're too skinny. so i'll make them larger, and fill the inside with sand or water. or maybe lava. haven't decided whch yet. i was thinking about putting them in on the other side, too, but i think two is enough. maybe then i can get my actual main room decorated. what should i make in there? it's just really big, i don't know what it should be.
  10. weird. i've never had any issues with losing stuff.
  11. i thought that was just linked to someone's account? if it's fireslash or someone, maybe they can just tidy up a bit the next time they're online.
  12. y'all should check out my multi-level reed farm =) and my reading room/library that's currently in progress where my old reed farm was.
  13. if it gets to after magfest and some of these songs aren't picked up, let me know. i'll close a few of them out.
  14. just saw the map for the first time. holy crap! it's huge this time around. we really need to implement warping like a few other servers i've been on. anyone can set a warp, allowing us to travel between homes easily and quickly.
  15. correct - F# minor is A major's relative minor. Am to F#m would require some more creative changing. i'd suggest the worship-band method of transposing - when you're ready to change, just do a V4-3 (V chord with a 4-3 suspension) in F#m, and hit the F#m hard enough to settle.
  16. where the hell is all this hypocrisy stuff coming from? i don't glitch. almost everyone else doesn't, either. i stopped using the durability glitch like three days after i found out about it. i trade for diamonds now if i'm running low. i just play the game the way it's intended to be played - i follow the rules set out by the game, and that's it. the reason people don't want duping in their world is because they work hard to get what they get, and then some asshat comes in and dupes tons of shit instantly and nullifies their work. who cares if it harms the server or not? it's a fucking game, man. take a chill pill.
  17. i think you're mixed up. in a lot of ways. i'd visit musictheory.net for an hour or so and brush up a bit.
  18. i have not listened to these things yet, since i'm at work, but i can say with a pretty good degree of certainty that the progression doesn't have a VII in it, simply because VII is impossible without changing two of the three tones in the chord (up a step). pretty much the only way to have a major VII chord is when it functions as a V/iii.
  19. the damned /= rational human being. we're not taking away the only way for you to enjoy the game. there's another solution - wait until dying and all that is fixed, so you can dye cloth blocks all you want. be creative and i'm certain that you'll work out what you want to do. bitching - which you're doing now - won't fix it.
  20. i think you're reading too far into it. not to mention no one was "bitching" before you came in and dramarama'd it up. i never really got the hang of duping, but i accepted stuff from fireslash gladly simply because it was available. it's not available now, so now i'm stopping. if you want the game to look nicer, you probably should play a game where all the visuals aren't built out of 1m cubed blocks notch has stated that the flowers will be used for dyes in the future. just wait until it's fixed, and you'll be set. until then, get creative! there are a lot more colors than gray and brown. cactus and mossy cobble gives you green blocks. glass - and water/ice, if you can wrangle it - gives you clear and blue. obsidian is that purplish color. the only color you're really missing is red and orange, and bookshelves and some paintings look red from a distance. saying that you're going to dupe everything isn't necessarily a good idea, considering that the people running the server have requested that you NOT do it in order to maintain the stability of the server. a better option would be to make something useful and trade for other people's stuff. i'd happily trade you stuff if you wanted it. but you just seem convinced that the only way to play the game is to break it. if you so desperately want to build stuff, play creative mode. you can get as much of everything as you could ever want, without too much hassle.
  21. admin on old server /= admin on new server go spend oil money on education jajajajajajaja
  22. their smallest burger isn't 7$. their normal burger, which they explicitly state is a double burger, is 6$ or so, and cheese makes it around $6.75. they sell junior burgers - which are single-patty burgers, nothing else is different - for 4$.
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