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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. welcome to ebay. edit: hey kanthos, thanks for formatting correctly. you forgot your username, but that's a simple copy/paste as compared to getting everything in the right spot.
  2. the main thing to remember is what exactly is what. midi isn't sound - it's data that your soundcard decodes and turns into sound. if you use midi data in a daw (digital audio workstation, like reason, fl, or reaper), your program is converting that information (pitches, velocity, patch data) into data so that it can put into a vst and get sound out. wave/mp3/ogg/whatever IS sound that your computer just spits out. so, your question of midi to mp3 isn't actually possible - it's like taking scrap metal and turning it into canned food. you have to turn the metal into cans, and then put food in them - there's a step in between.
  3. this should help. IDE/PATA vs SATA. edit: updated to this point.
  4. starla's right, i'm not as big of an ass as i've made myself seem here. if you do need help, feel free to pm me about it.
  5. i'm going to tell you you should have checked the logical sections. 'midi to mp3' is nubspeak for 'mix for free', for what it's worth. and that's what you want to do, isn't it? oh, and even though i said i wouldn't do this, WHAT'S A SOUNDFONT GUYS. soundfonts are the equivalent to patches on an electronic keyboard - they're generally sampled sounds that are mapped to keyboard notes so that you can easily use them. now, the best way to learn more about them (rather than asking) is to just use the durn things and experience them for yourself. edit: other stuff to pay for? lol, college should be paid for by the college, unless you're either going to a public college or not bright and don't apply for all the easy scholarships out there. i spent over 100k of my college's money in order to go to college, and i'm your standard WASP.
  6. updated. enormous update to the front page - a little cleaner, eh? if you have an EASY organization suggestion, let me know.
  7. technically, all laptop drives are interchangeable to a point. is it an IDE interface (lots of pins) or a sata interface (l-shaped black plastic bracket)? you'd be surprised how cheap they are online. think as low as 50 bucks.
  8. fyi, nohbody, every time they get to a major number they purge old, bad remixes. when they reached 1200 or so, they purged midirips and the like and grandfathered (meaning, can't be removed) the rest of them, hence there's about 896 songs in the initial 1000. then they did 1k-1250, and i think they already did 1250-1500 as well. they didn't re-evaluate them (that'd mean that most everything would have been gone from pre-2003 or so), they just got rid of the direct rips + drums that a lot of the early mixes were.
  9. thanks zephyr, you just saved me a lot of time closing quote tags. how to start mixing with reaper for free mixing for free mixing guide for multiple budgets note that all of these are in the remixing forum, under the 'guides and tutorials' subforum. just use your eyes, man. it's right there. edit: i missed this because i started just glossing over everything you wrote when you started complaining that we're mean. look at the dates of said awful mixes - they're invariable from before about 2003 or so. music posted in the last two years compared to pre-2004 music is roughly the equivalent of wagner's ring cycle compared to the composition i wrote for 9th grade theory class. the new stuff is WAY better because of WAY better quality control - aka, the judges - than they used to have.
  10. hey dom, long time no see. what's the equipment lineup (approximately) for jamspace this year? couple of keyboards and a set again?
  11. ocremoved, man, you should pick some of them up and stick them on their own list.
  12. how much for a box with no cables or controllers?
  13. i didn't like the pistol - i use long-range stuff way more than shotgun-style usage.
  14. majin's computer and chipp's keyboard are off the market. fully updated as of now.
  15. i picked up a master katana and a master turret rifle right away, and i've been kicking the bejesus out of everything in the game recently. it's pretty awesome.
  16. lol! this is really funny if you read it a few times. fyi, kid, you'll never get a mix on ocr in midi form. slap a few piano soundfonts on there (naturalstudios piano soundfont, anyone?) and make it sound like it's real and you'll have a chance, if the arrangement isn't shitty. before you ask 'WHATS A SOUNDFONT GUYS' use google. it's well documented. we have a free mixing thread around somewhere too. and don't pm me asking me how to do it. learn the way we all did.
  17. pezman seems a lot more incompetent than that. i think he's kidding. hell, i think everyone's kidding. they're gonna hire some 30-something super-programmer, not one of us college losers.
  18. please just post this over there. the whole point of the damn thread was to prevent people just selling all their crap all over the place. besides, i'm in the process of restructuring it at the moment anyways so it's more clear.
  19. it's an asian invasion! plus the cheeriNos tshirt! too much!
  20. dp, i know, but whatever. since i haven't heard anything about making this into a stickied thread or seperate forum, here's an idea. OCRswap - a seperate forum running on a form of phpbb code that allows for trader ratings, etc to be put directly into the profiles, a la overclocking.net's trader system. i realize it wouldn't get the traffic that this one does, but i wonder if we could work out payment and that kind of stuff through the site (using paypal, similar to a checkout system?) and charge a 1% 'tax' on it, with those payments going back to OCR to help for server costs. it'd only be like 20 cents per 20 dollars, but a hundred of those a month is a sizable bonus to the site contribution listings. THINK DAVE WOULD GO FOR IT?
  21. =) fair enough. in the same fashion, i might wind up buying a fixed 360 for 'special' 360 games, if you catch my drift. how much would it be to buy a refurb 360? doesn't matter if the seals are gone, i'd break them soon enough anyways. EDIT: someone sell me tales of vesperia for 360 at some point, plz.
  22. if someone's done with tov and wants to sell it...let me know.
  23. i'll see what i can implement. i'd need to get this information relayed to me.
  24. update of mine is on the forums...i think it's pretty much done. let me know, guys!
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