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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. we should get together and do an ocr horde or something at some point this weekend or early next week. what do you all think? edit: post your xbox live name if you play, i'll add you.
  2. i know that this is an rpg-bias forum, but has anyone else picked up gears 2? i turned in fable 2, fable, and another crappy xbox original game and wound up getting money BACK when i bought it, thanks to gamestop's 20% turn-in deal and my card. i think it's awesome - about as good as the original gears. better vehicular sequences, much more balanced gameplay. too bad shotgun dodging is gone, cause i SUCK at multi now. and horde is possible the greatest multiplayer experience i've had on xbox live. what do you think? OCR PEOPLE WHO PLAY: prophet [prophetofsax] zombie [synthonic] furiousfure [furiousfure]
  3. i really want to play this, but i think i'm either going to wait until it comes out for pc and let a friend of mine buy it first or else just wait till it comes way down in price. usually it's only a month before ok games are in the 30$ range on ebay.
  4. pez, update your post. if you notice, i linked directly to your post in the OP. bahamut, got a price on that thing?
  5. wait, you didn't like magic flute? maybe i forgot to send it, but that was my favorite mix that i did for the whole project. i have two mixes for sappy, actually - one horrid wip combining sappy and magic flute that was total trash, and another joke mix that i'm doing with da involving enormous turds (no lie). i think we'll finish it eventually.
  6. oh, they weren't on the list, just a link to his post until he formatted it correctly. i got everything else updated, including taking zircon's stuff off the list. stimulated.
  7. anyone want to give me specifics to update? not really certain as to what's what lately.
  8. sanderson is probably the best writer that i've ever found in terms of creating characters that you care about, and keeping it interesting. elantris and all three mistborn books also probably have some of the best 'hosnap, didn't see that coming' endings that i've read recently. particularly number 2. his planning throughout the series is so evident - right down to stuff like the spikes in the inquisitors, and sazed's personality, etc. it's awesome. they're also relatively quick reads - they're not these enormous books, they're only like 400 pages each at max, i think. good for a lazy weekend (or, like me, for reading during pit rehearsal for the school musical).
  9. yeah, it's out in hardcover (not releasing paperbacks for a long time). it's worth the wait. however, barnes and noble (at least mine) doesn't sell it, so get it online. i got it shipped through buy.com for about 20 bucks.
  10. um, amazing. i'll check these out tomorrow. thanks for all the research, man!
  11. finally finished Hero of Ages. holy crap, i guess i should have expected an ending of that caliber after reading some of sanderson's other stuff (elantris in particular). anyone else read these books and find them awesome? do YOU also wonder what the last two metals are? or what happened to marsh? the kandra? the koloss? hell, the world? well, post here and we'll talk.
  12. might need to pick this up...you should update your sig now =)
  13. i don't intend to finish, actually. that's why it's not part of my active projects list. i should edit that first post, eh?
  14. http://www.amazon.com/Music-Inspired-Film-Monster-DTS/dp/B0001ADAVU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1226091928&sr=1-1 i'm looking for music similar to this style of stuff. it's AWESOME. kind of electronica without the electronic, if that makes any sense. it's mainly instrumental rock that's really chill and laid-back. also, while we're at it, anything similar to Jakob or Caspian would be appreciated as well. please listen before you make a suggestion, i don't want to go buy a cd and find out it's nothing like what i want.
  15. he's figuring out money. i'll give you his email address in a pm.
  16. i don't have time right now, unfortunately. i've still got the files around on my HD, but i've gotta get some other stuff out of the way first. maybe over christmas break? kyle, if you want, i can send you the files i've got that were finished.
  17. "got broken"? how the hell does that happen? new car? what new car?
  18. here's what came with the mobo. i kludged it together to start testing the components - everything works, but for goodness sake, it's on the floor! =) it runs really quickly, all told. too bad i can't get imedia to work because i don't know linux for shizz. note the sizes - the drive is almost as big as the board itself. as for a wiring diagram, the psu has one legacy 4-pin, one molex, and one sata connector. both drives are sata, but the caviar blue has a molex on it, so here's how i did it. psu: molex sata y splitter dvd drive p4 hard drive i just can't add anything else that needs power now until i get another splitter, or make one. i know that the electro twister illuminated wire i'm using for along the bottom of the case needs one molex - same with the fans - but i'm curious as to if they're piggyback plugs or if they're just terminal plugs. we'll see.
  19. cpu/mobo combo. you don't really realize how small this thing is until you compare it to something basic. psu. terrible picture, sorry guys! other assorted crap - inverter, power cord, y splitter, and p4 cord.
  20. what happened last year? i seem to remember your car being pretty broke the year we drove in...was that magfest 5? i don't remember.
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