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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i recently acquired some green 4-inch cold cathodes for lighting the inset name of the box, as well as some green electro twister el wire for 'ground effects' around the bottom of the system. i'm planning on working on this with my dad this weekend (hint: he has tools and a workbench, i've got a countertop) so i should have some more pictures by tuesday or wednesday.
  2. it's late and i'm not going to post this until you update it to the proper format, like anso and sobou do every time they add something. i don't do digging. that goes for the mario paint thing, kieser. everything else is fully jogged. that's gotta be a word for update somewhere, in some jargon.
  3. i was responding to the post about taucer's twerp. i thought you didn't like him, jeremy?
  4. oh noes...maybe i'm not coming to mag anymore D=
  5. i got the impression he could leave whenever he wanted. i'll mention to him not to get there any earlier than 2:30 so his stuff isn't all guitarsicles by the time you get there. i believe he's leaving most of his stuff in jamspace, though.
  6. he only lives like an hour and a half from alexandria, so he's driving seperately as of now. i think he's coming early, too...at least, earlier than us.
  7. orthos would do a good job for windows (i don't know macs so i don't know if there's an orthos for macs). get the version that'll support your core setup (single, dual, whatever) and just run it for a few hours with hardware monitor (the free one, hwmonitor.exe, not the trial one, hmonitor.exe) up to track highest temps on the system. there's a good chance it's NOT the cpu overheating and instead one of the chipsets, which is why i'm recommending using hwmonitor (which tracks everything, including voltages). effef's idea of running a stress test in osx isn't a bad idea either, it'll give us a hardline to compare against. what graphics card/drivers are you using, anyways?
  8. it's too bad that there aren't any cheaper mobos out that support i7 - the price ranges on them are REALLY good. in that thread, do you REALLY need quad-core for a sample farm, or would a really fast single processor (aka, e8x00) be good enough? don't forget that most rendering outputs are based off of single-thread calculations, and four cores at 2.4 won't be faster than two at 3 or higher. you should look at prices for hard drives before you worry about cost. read this. i'd prefer you give me a price range rather than a size range, with costs being SO low for space nowadays. always better to go more than less. with xp64? i'd go with a mid-level 8-series gpu. probably 8400 or 8500, they're really cheap and do the job for what you'd need. mobo, nowadays it's rare (if you get a good one) to have issues with cpu support, like you had a while back. whatever cpu you'd get would likely be underclocked slightly to allow it to run in a smaller environment without an issue. gigabit lan is pretty much standard nowadays, too - even my atom board came with one, and that's intended for in-car dashboards =) i'll pm you with pricing info based on what you've told me, but more specifics would definitely help.
  9. no, they don't, however the relays that make that clicking sound when a processor is running under full load DO make sound. note that i didn't specifically say that the cpu made the noise, just that there's an extremely fast clicking sound when any computer is under load. it's good to see you're contributing to threads again instead of just flaming them [/sarcasm]. unmod died for a reason, dumbass. go act like atmuh at remod, we don't want you here.
  10. as of right now, with bahamut, avaris, and my buddy, my car would be full up. if one of them cops out on me, then we could talk - but even 4 people is going to be close, let alone five.
  11. that looks fine to me, bahamut. also, define 'higher speeds' - i'm from central ny, after all.
  12. maybe the hard drive's taking a dump. if it's making that much noise...what processes are running when it crashes? use process explorer (free dl from sysinternals), take a screenshot of what's running.
  13. also, are the sounds from thinking (cpu processing) or from the hard drive? just look where your hd is by checking the brackets on the back.
  14. they're still working on it, but supposedly they identified the issue and are working on fixing it.
  15. yeah, at some point i apparently mentioned that i'd do it for the lulz (exact wording) even if i wasn't going to get paid, and they ran with it =) i think you win harder, though, that xbla game is awesome-looking. next time i get ms points, that's where some of them are going.
  16. maybe the link button on the middle right-hand side of the screen?
  17. i was hoping there was a way around DC. i didn't want to go anywhere near that pit of taillights =) now i just need specifics from avaris and bahamut and i'll go from there.
  18. anso, that's awesome =) all these new professional mixers - stevo (level 99) just got a job writing the soundtrack for an XBLA game as well, and i recently got a job doing some stuff for an iphone game. we're all pros here now =)
  19. hey dash, you want to play some coop gears? i've been looking for someone to get the coop achievements with. i've got the first act, i need the rest. edit: to get a cool sig like mine, just look at the gif's properties, copy/paste the location to your sig, and replace my gamertag with yours. figured it out off of jack keiser's sig a few days ago. pretty cool, huh?
  20. someone wanted to do a golden sun remix project and asked me to help, and then dropped off the face of the earth.
  21. just drag a pointer around on the map until it changes to reflect what you're talking about, and we'll be set.
  22. ok, fourth seat in my car is taken. don't pack too much stuff. edit - this is assuming that avaris needs the ride. edit 2: look this over and make sure it's right. specific roads would be good.
  23. kyle, get my .wav so i can clear out my webspace again.
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