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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. now we just need to FINISH OUR OWN TRACKS DAMMIT
  2. i've dared eight so far, and kmet and da are daring another one with input from me on both. so, i'm really hoping that there's ONE mix on it that gets into OCR. i've got two or three that i feel are good enough quality to make it in, so we'll see. i've been accepted twice and rejected eleven times at last count, so my opinion doesn't seem to matter any more.
  3. i'm working on elona right now. i'm like seven away from protector of tyria on two different accounts, but some of those bonuses are so time-consuming if you don't have a sweet group that knows what they're doing.
  4. you can buy either game for 30 bucks at a variety of fansites, and sams club offers all three for fifty, in a packaged box set (GotY edition of prophecies, as well as boxed version of the other two).
  5. its not cheap if you can do it every time. they recommend using the nicopawhatsit and remedies on every boss, for goodness sake.
  6. i lolled. and i lolled at dopple boppler. i think this is a girl, since they mention being someone's girlfriend. i think. i was laughing so hard at that point i was having difficulty finishing reading the words in time. i particularly like the sledding.
  7. you do realize that da sang the vocals, right? and wow sucks. since this was runescape.
  8. this is the most random thing i've seen all day. congrats, DA, you've created a love song for 12 year olds. notice that the comments have been disabled after the first poster laughed his ass off.
  9. phony's done. it's kind of a wierd progressive rock feel, but it's really light compared to most prog. its more just a complicated writing stype...i guess that's the best way to put it. just wait for more previews eventually. and ross kmet is helping out on zyp zyp.
  10. do you have any idea what module format is? because if you did, you'd realize it's not just something that you 'pull off'.
  11. most people hate pugs, especially when it comes to pvp battles. which is why i hate RA, and haven't done it enough to unlock anything special.
  12. but without factions, you can't really do anything with PvP in terms of the alliance battles and all that. which is kind of ghetto. however, nightfall makes all the campaigns infinitely easier with the addition of heroes.
  13. i desperately need to sell some staff mods - notably a +30 wrapping, two 20% enchanting wrapping, a +5 energy head, and a +29 health head. i've also got a vamp haft for axe, two 20/19 sundering for bows, and a few zealous bowstrings and axe handles. anyone interested? i've also got a +30 focus core and a billion inscriptions.
  14. yeah, i'm going to start doing the same thing. how do you get the lucky and unlucky titles? i don't remember.
  15. main theme for vocal jazz ensemble - sign me up!
  16. i'd do it for my prophecies monk. tis so hard to solo level with a monk sometimes, especially at the lower levels. but for a 70+ armor character? i don't understand that.
  17. so it totally took me two and a half days to get my paragon up to a level 20. and i have a pet crocodile named steve. i must be cool.
  18. bought nightfall yesterday. add Cu Aadar the Divine to my list of characters.
  19. right. and they have such good armor for a ranged attacker, too. with good heroes, its one of the best classes.
  20. abadoss sent me a wip update for Frozen Flame. looks like he's back on the project, since his wip is almost a completed song right now, really. he should be posting it on the forum later tonight, hopefully.
  21. if i get nightfall, i'm making a paragon. they're awesome.
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