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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. booberries, do you post anywhere except to egg on projects? it's kind of annoying.
  2. again, i'll do lethal lava lands if they you find me a midi and tell me what the melody is...since i can't figure it out. also, i'm available for saxophones for anyone who needs them.
  3. alright, i'm back! and, i'm looking into buying a new computer. that said, i'd appreciate some wips soon, guys. we've had a really low point lately with music, and we need some progress from some of the songs that haven't been touched in a while. particularly, i'm referencing Facing, Portal, Days of Summer, and whatever song Abadoss is doing (plus snakebone manor, if no one's decided to take it yet). so, rk, taucer, abadoss, ktriton, dhsu, and chrono26, get working! thanks for all your hard work thusfar, everyone. EDIT: got a midi for the parts you want played as you want them?
  4. i haven't seen cerrax in months, unfortunately.
  5. sorry i haven't been around much, i'm on band tour and haven't been on a connection in several days. expect updates when i'm back.
  6. i feel blessed, djp posted twice in my thread. actually for music, i've been listening a lot to the ff12 soundtrack (and, therefore, so has she) and i've been finding a lot of good music that'd make good music for during and before the ceremony.
  7. we don't need any opinions on the mixes, we don't need any morons trying to hack their way into the system. please just stay out and we'll finish this project as soon as its finished. trust me/us, we ALL want this project to finish. we'll get it done when it's done, and if we leak songs it just winds up making it not as good as it could be.
  8. i think we all need to take a cue from chrono26 on this and start working on our older OR NEWER songs. in this mood, i will remix any song that anyone tells me to do..in g/s or r/b/y. just link me to a midi and tell me where it happens, and i'll do it happily. i just don't want to research it.
  9. CLASSIC! we'll probably post the wedding, though
  10. this is generally accepted as the best music theory teaching website on the net. i don't know how well it teaches music reading, though.
  11. they're not advanced, just the concept of them is. still, i say, you want to learn modes, you've got to listen to chant.
  12. oshit nice sig katsurugi, just for you, i'll be sure to post styles and stuff when we actually decide that. so far, all i know is that she wants a dress with no straps. SOUNDS GOOD.
  13. you're telling me. my parents told me they'd default on my loans if i didn't wait till after college to get married. so, i'm stuck till after commencement next year. she'll already be in grad school, but i'm a year younger. thanks, jose - when'd you change your sig finally?
  14. she's a music educator, too - pianist, wants to conduct vocal music in high school and college. same as me, but i like band better.
  15. i'll keep that in mind, pixie. like i said, this is summer 08 stuff that we're talking about, but i'm up by the great lakes, in buffalo ny. she's got a 1/3 carat marquise diamond ring, 14k gold. it's all i could afford, but she's so tiny (think smaller than jill) that it looks great. i told her i wanted to have ocr kids in before the wedding and hopefully at the ceremony, and she asked me if 'those types of people are who i want to be partying with in my last day as a single man'. i pointed out i don't really have any friends to hang out with anyways, and she laughed and said she wanted to meet everyone. i'm worried for her, with some of you. while bahamut's right, THIS is why you all aren't allowed to be around after the wedding thing. receptions are expensive, but i want to get some funk on with me wife. she likes DHS's Human Race mix for the first song after i carry her in over the vestibule. i love how everyone on my projects has come in and said something =) i have the best friends that i've never met. except for pixie, bahamut and gt, so far.
  16. hey i'm married now. so i'll post some pics as soon as we've got them uploaded.
  17. whoops, you're right. lowered third and seven, raised six. my bad.
  18. i was more looking for personal testimonials. but this'll do. thanks, souliarc.
  19. a good example of most modes is in church music, but a lot of world music is based on modes as well. you basically listen for the 'feel' of the piece - if it's centered in A, has a raised 3 and 6 and a lowered 7, that's A dorian. key's in G, but not the piece. like they've said, the best example is the minor keys, but there's some other good examples in indian music with mixolydian modes, and phrygian modes in arabic stuff.
  20. can you suggest any ones that are purchaseable as a software VST? which ones are really worth the money?
  21. this was what i thought it was, but i wasn't sure. is this something that a program/vst like autotune could do, or is it something else?
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