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prophetik music

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Posts posted by prophetik music

  1. Uh................guys?




    Redirected to kyeu.com or something.

    Not good.

    Apparently the domain has expired as of Nov. 8th

    And just when this project was picking up speed again...

    it's happened before. worse comes to worse, we'll host it off of some tripod account.

    where the hell did gag go, anyways? i never see him around.

  2. Hey, I hope the RD project is going well!

    I just wanted to let you know that I think I'mma have to step down from doing the project. I was kind of skeptical about it from the first, but I now know that I really have no time anymore. So, I hope you guys find somebody to fill my spot (might I suggest CPacaud--hopefully his schedule is a bit freer than mine)!

    Anyway, good luck! If you need me for a synth/piano solo or something, I can still totally do that as it'd go pretty quickly, but I just don't have the time anymore to do much free stuff.

    Hope everything goes well!



    i just pm'd CPacaud. we'll see what he has to say.

  3. Well I do know that usually it's two beaters and one drum, but I thought generally bands who have the money for it really use 2 bass-drums, rather than one with 2 pedals, but I suppose you're right


    as you can see, you couldn't have two bass drums.

    usually, the second pedal is over by the high-hat.

    i've never seen a second bass drum that was used at all, really - i've seen one with no head being used as a rack for more toms/cymbals, but that's it.

    I was wondering if there was a formula for determining exact semi-tones using the pitch wheel. Also, what would I have to set the range to in order to have 1/3 bend be a semitone, 2/3 be a full tone, and a full bend be 1 1/2 tones above the note? It just makes shit funkier.

    yeah. use your ear. compare a note that IS a half-step higher to one that's been 'adjusted'. now, in reason, you can't change the range of the pitch wheel. FL lets you do that, but not reason.

    I've had Reason a few months but never really used it, or even got into the whole composing thing, so here I am giving it a go. I've had a flick through the patches but can't really find a nice Piano one. I want one that sounds like a Yamaha Clavinova, sustained notes, rich tone etc. Anyone specify a particular patch or tell me how to fiddle with the settings to achieve the desired effects.

    Thanks in advance,

    Fox :)

    don't sign your posts. your username/sig does that.

    there's several really good clavinova sf's out there. however, most good piano soundfonts will have that - check out the usual suspects (hammersound, etc). i find that the 'grand piano' thing in the NN-XT bank actually works pretty darn well. it's got so many samples that really allow it to be used like a real piano.

    your best bet is going to be to use the nnxt or the nn19 and find a one shot sample on the internet and do the arrangement from there.

    this is a great way to get a shitty piano sound. too many mixers do stuff like this, which is why their mixes get rejected constantly. if you're gonna take the time to make a good arrangement, don't use shitty samples.

  4. What would be the best procedure to simulate a double bass-drum, as used in metal songs?

    I'm guessing loading up 2 slightly different bass drum samples, panning them both really slightly to either side, and set the rhythm so they alternate each other, should work, but I might be wrong. Has anyone ever done something similar in reason before?

    i just play it faster. maybe you don't really know what double bass is - it's just two beaters striking the same drum. maybe make the second stroke of each two-group slightly lower in velocity, but i usually just do the rhythm and don't really change anything. you don't even need two samples. just do the right rhythm on the kickdrum sample and you'll be fine. because of the nature of a normal double-bass setup, there's no real difference in each strike at all.

  5. bump!

    well, since the 27th or 28th, i haven't seen a single update from anyone. so, here's the next wip due date.


    everyone needs an update between now and then. and sleepy emp needs a wip by then.

    this is kind of an important WIP date because i'd like to start getting finished tracks in by the time that this rolls around. GT and Kmet's submission, for example, is almost done, and i think that it could be finished by this date. ellywu2's is another that could be done.

    thanks for all your hard work!

  6. OK so apprently we're in GD now. Yays.

    I was just gonna say the prophet seems to have submitted his viridian vibe track without notice, cheeky thing. gl with judgin (like your sexy saxaphone needs lucks).

    dude, i submitted it ages ago. it's gonna sit on there, like the *project* songs that have already been accepted.

  7. Awesome, finally a revival of this awesome project.

    Firstly, I really hope Sephfire gets going with his awesome old remix since I remember it kicked some serious ass, and secondly, since you still seem to need remixes/people, and I've been damn bored lately, I'll see if I can come up with something good.

    My FL-ing has been quite dead lately tho, but hopefully it will be revived too :)

    it'd be better if you give us a sample of your work before you work hard at getting something together and we don't want it.

  8. I might be of some help. I'm currently also working on the Boss Project, but I still have some time on my hands. Don't know which tracks are left though, but if you need some help, I'm here.

    nd don't worry, I won't be as lazy as the rest :wink:. I'll PM a song of me if you're interested.

    there's an incredibly un-updated tracklist on the forums that you could check out. or, you could just pick a track and we'll tell you if its ok or not.

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